世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




仲の良い同僚を別の友人に紹介する時にこのフレーズを言いたいです。 ただもちろん、英語の先生といってもお金を払ってレッスンをしてもらっているわけではなく、一緒にカフェに行ったり食事をしたりする時に軽く教えてもらっているといった感じです。
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2017/05/10 12:36
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  • He is my co-worker/colleague, and my friend, and also my English teacher.

  • He is my co-worker/colleague, and also my friend, and my English teacher as well.

「彼は私の[同僚](です。そして私の[友達](です。また私の英語の先生です。」と直訳すればこうなりますが、十分これで伝わります。 co-worker / colleague(発音:コーリーg)の違いですが、前者は一緒に働いている(共同経営者)または、ただ単に同じ会社で働いている人。 後者は同じ部署で働いている、または小さな会社だと地位が余り変わらない日本でいう「同僚」です。 カフェで軽く英語を教えてもらっていても、教えてもらっているので my English teacher になりますね。 2番目は少し表現を変えて、「同僚で、友達でもあり、英語の先生でもある」というニュアンスです。 also を2回使うより、文章の最後に as well と表現すると同じ意味合いになります。 <ボキャブラリー> co-worker = 同僚 colleague = 同僚 friend = 友達 English teacher = 英語の先生 お役に立てば幸いです☆
  • My friend, colleague and English tutor, Mike!

  • Here's my friend Mike

Well, when introducing someone for the first time, it is not normal to relate all the details of your friendship and relationship to anyone within listening distance. This is considered to be, generally, 'unnecessary information,' and may indicate a lack of style, depending on the venue. "Here's my friend Mike," is quite adequate for almost any situation. If any of those present wish to ask for more details, then no doubt they would do so privately a little later.
初めて誰かを[紹介する](ときに、あなたの[友人](と関係のあらゆる詳細を話すのは普通ではありません。これは一般に「不要な情報」だとみなされ、場所によっては上品さに欠けることになるかもしれません。"Here's my friend Mike,"(こちらは友人のマイクです)は、ほとんどの状況でかなり適切でしょう。その場にいる人が詳細について聞きたいと思った場合は、後から間違いなく個人的に聞くでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is my colleague, good friend and free English teacher.

  • This is my friend, we work together and he helps me with my English.

This is my colleague, good friend and free English teacher. *Colleague, friend and tutor*= These are three distinct titles and cannot be easily combined into one title. Therefore it is important to mention each title individually so that your audience can understand exactly what role this person plays in your life. Colleague: This is someone whom you work with at work. Friend: Someone whom you have a friendly relationship with and is more than an acquaintance. Free English tutor: This is a an English teacher who does not charge for their teaching services. This is my friend, we work together and he helps me with my English. This is my friend = This is a polite title to begin your sentence with. We work together= This gives explains that you are more than friends and are colleagues too. He "helps" me with English: The word help reveals that this is not a service that you pay for but rather is a service that your friend has voluntarily offered.
"This is my colleague, good friend and free English teacher.(彼は同僚でもあり友人でもあり英語の先生でもあります。) *Colleague, friend and tutor*= これらは3つ別々の肩書きなので容易に1つの肩書きにまとめることができません。ですから、それぞれの肩書きについて言及することは重要です。そのことによって、聞き手はこの人があなたの生活においてどんな役割を果たしているかきちんと理解できます。 Colleague: あなたと同じ職場で一緒に働く人です。 Friend: あなたと友好な関係のある人で知り合いより親しい人です。 Free English tutor: 教えることにお金を請求しない英語の先生です。 This is my friend, we work together and he helps me with my English.(私の友人で、一緒に働いていて、英語を教えてくれます。) This is my friend = 文章を始める丁寧な言い方です。 We work together= 友人だけではなく、同僚でもあると言う説明しています。 He ""helps"" me with English: helpという単語がお金を払っているサービスではなくて、むしろ、友人がボランティアでやってくれていることを示唆します。
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • This is "Yuri" we work together and he is my friend. He also teach me English from time to time.

  • Yuri is my friend, a colleague and my part time English teacher.

>▪This is "Yuri" we work together and he is my friend. He also teach me English from time to time This is indicating that your friend is also your colleague and helps you with your English lessons now and then Time to time= Once in a while >▪Yuri is my friend, a colleague and my part time English teacher Part time = in free time ● Example Friend: Who is your friend that is with you? You:This is "Yuri" we work together and he is my friend. He also teach me English from time to time
▪This is "Yuri" we work together and he is my friend. He also teach me English from time to time. あなたの友達が同僚でもあり、時々英語のレッスンをしてくれるという意味です。 Time to time= 時々 ▪Yuri is my friend, a colleague and my part time English teacher Part time = 空いた時間に 【例文】 友人: Who is your friend that is with you?(あなたと一緒にいるのは誰?) あなた:This is "Yuri" we work together and he is my friend. He also teach me English from time to time(一緒に働いているYuriで、私の友達です。彼はたまに私に英語を教えてくれます)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He is my friend ,coworker and my English teacher.

  • He is not just my friend but I also work with him and he teaches me English sometimes.

He is my friend ,coworker and my English teacher.- This is a direct and simple way of stating who he is to you. He is not just my friend but I also work with him and he teaches me English sometimes.- This is a more detailed way of introducing him. It shows that you are really close to this person.
【例文】 ・He is my friend ,coworker and my English teacher. あなたにとって彼がどんな人であるかを説明する直接的かつシンプルな表現です。 【例文】 ・He is not just my friend but I also work with him and he teaches me English sometimes. 彼をより詳しく紹介する表現です。この人をあなたがよく知っていることを表現しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • He is my coworker and friend whom I also consider as my mentor in English.

  • He is my colleague but he also likes to teach me English in our spare time as friends.

  • He is my friend and coworker who is skilled in English and teaches me from time to time.

When you introduce someone who has multiple roles in your life it is best to simply state it. This person is someone who you work with so you can refer to him as your co-worker or colleague. You both are also friends and when you both have the time he teaches you English.
人生において様々な役割をしている人を紹介する時は、ただその旨を言うのが一番良いです。一緒に働いている人であれば、co-worker 又はcolleague.(同僚)と言うことが出来ます。又同時に友達でもあり、時間がある時は英語を教えてくれますと言います。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • He's my friend, co-worker, and English teacher

  • He is my friend, colleague, and English tutor

The literal translation is, "He is my friend, colleague, and English teacher" but there are a couple of different ways you can phrase it, and it would still be the same. If you want to say that he teaches English, and you don't have to pay, you could say something like, "He teaches me English for free." So, in all, you could say something like, "This is my friend and Co-worker, Mike, and he teaches me English for free."
次のように直訳できます。 "He is my friend, colleague, and English teacher" (彼は同僚でもあり友人でもあり英語の先生でもある。) いくつか違うフレーズで表現できますが、意味は同じです。 もし彼は英語を教えてくれるけど、お金を払っている訳ではないことに言及したい場合、次のように表現できます。 "He teaches me English for free."(彼は無料で私に英語を教えてくれています。) 全て含めると、次のような表現になります。 "This is my friend and Co-worker, Mike, and he teaches me English for free."(彼は私の友達であり、同僚のMikeです。彼は無料で私に英語を教えてくれています。)
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • This is my co-worker, friend and English teacher.

  • He/she is my friend who also happens to be my co-worker and English teacher.

You can use these example sentences to introduce someone who you know in many dimensions. Here are some examples:- 1. This is my co-worker, friend and English teacher. Paul " I'd like to introduce you to my friend William, I've known him for four years and he is my friend, co-worker and English teacher" Wendy " It's my pleasure to meet you Paul." 2. He/she is my friend who also happens to be my co-worker and English teacher. Paul "This is my friend Lisa, she is my friend, co-worker and English teacher. She wears many hats!" Marsha "Oh this is a great person to meet!"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • this is my friend who i work with, he also helps me with my English

  • this is my friend who helps me with my English, we also work together

saying "this is my friend who i work with, he also helps me with my English" or "this is my friend who helps me with my English, we also work together" are both formal ways to explain this to somebody. calling somebody a "friend that you work with" is more polite than just calling somebody a colleague because it means that you enjoy their company. rather than just being forced to see them because of work obligations.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • He is my coworker, friend and also English teacher

  • Not only is he my friend but also my English teacher and colleague

These sentences explain that there is someone who is your friend, coworker / colleague (someone that you work with) and also their English teacher. colleague is another term used for coworker. when using "not only" this usually implies there is more than one subject within the sentence.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • He/she is my colleague and friend that also helps me practice my English

When you want to explain to someone that the person you are introducing is a coworker, friend as well as someone that teaches you to speak English; then you may do so in the following ways: -He/she is my colleague and friend that also helps me practice my English -This is my friend Sam. We are colleagues and she also helps me with my English.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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