世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/17 00:37
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  • Please hold on to the handrail for safety

  • Please watch your step and hold on to the handrail

As my previous fellow Anchor mentioned, you can add the word "firm" or "firmly" to explain that you need to hold on hard (with strength) so that you don't fall off. "Please hold on to the handrail for safety" is a very basic phrase for this. "safety" means 安全。 So maybe in Japanese this is something like 「安全につかまってください」 "Please watch your step and hold on to the handrail " is also very useful. "Watch your step" is commonly used when walking on an escalator or a moving walkway.
私の前の友達のアンカーが述べているけど、 firmやfirmlyを足して、しっかりと、という意味を足すことができるよ。 "Please hold on to the handrail for safety " これが基本的に使われるフレーズですね。 Safetyは「安全」という意味です。 日本語だと「安全につかまってください」になるのかな (安全のため、捕まってください)。 "Please watch your step and hold on to the handrail" これも使い勝手のいい言葉ですね。 Watch your stepはエスカレータを歩いたり、動く歩道を歩く際によく使われます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • When using the escalator, please hold the handrail and stand firm.

普段、駅などでは英語のアナウンサで ”When using the escalator, please hold the handrail and stand firm”. を使います。 while using the escalator - エスカレーターを使う時 handrail ‐手すり firm ‐しっかり ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Please hold the handrail.

  • If you don't hold the handrail, you could get injured.

  • For your own safety please hold on to the hand rail.

The first expression is a simple quick expression to get people to hold the rail. The second expression lets people know that they are in danger of hurting themselves. The last expression is best in my opinion because it uses 'safety', a positive word rather than 'injured', a negative word.
最初の表現は、手すりにつかまることを意味するシンプルな表現です。 2つ目の表現は、危険で怪我をするかもしれないということを伝える表現です。 最後の表現は、個人的に一番良いと思います。 「injured」という否定的言葉ではなく、「safety」と肯定的言葉を使っているからです。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Please hold the handrail for your own safety.

Clear and precise way to instruct people in English.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Please keep hold of the handrail for your own safety.

  • 2. Hold on tight, it's quite dangerous!

  • 3. The safety record of these escalators is terrible. If you want to live, don't let go of the handrail!

1. This is good advice with a quick explanation. 2. 'Hold on tight!' means catch hold of something (the handrail) firmly. 3. This is a longer explanation where you shock the listener with grim statistics and explain their life may be in danger if they do not keep hold of the handrail!
1のフレーズは、素早く簡潔に伝えることができる。 2のフレーズは、"Hold on tight"しっかりつかまってということです。 3のフレーズは、長いですが、危険だということを強く伝えることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • To avoid falling, please hold the handrail.

  • Please keep the handrail, you might slip and fall.

  • The handrail is a safety feature, please make use of it.

>To avoid falling, please hold the handrail. *avoid=keep clear of ........................... >Please keep the handrail, you might slip and fall. *might= expressing theoretical possibility: he might well come. In this sense might looks to the future and functions as a weak form of may ........................... >The handrail is a safety feature, please make use of it. *This sentence is a little bit sarcastic and also indirectly saying that the handrail is there for a reason and it must be used for your own safety. ...................***................
To avoid falling, please hold the handrail. *avoid=避けるとという意味の表現です。 Please keep the handrail, you might slip and fall. *might=論理的な可能性を表現するときの言い方です。 「he might well come」というと将来くるかもしれないという弱い言い方です。 The handrail is a safety feature, please make use of it. 皮肉的な言い方になります。 手すりは安全性の理由からそこにあるということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • When using the escalator please hold the handrail for safety

  • For your safety please hold on the handrail on the esacalator

  • The escalator can be dangerous so for your safety please hold the handrail

If you want to tell soemone that they should do something to save them getting hurt them you use the term ' For your safety' or 'for safety reasons' If something is dangerous is means you can get hurt/injured when using it.
事故に遭わないために気を付けるよう注意するときは、”For your safety"(安全のために)または、”For safety reasons"(安全上)というフレーズを使います。 ”Dangerous"は、ケガしてしまう可能性があるから「危ない」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please hold on to the handrail because if you slip and fall you will get severely injured.

  • You could get hurt if you fall on the escalators. It's advisable that you hold on to the handrail

When you want to warn someone of the danger of not holding on to the handrail of the escalators, then you may express this in the following ways: -Please hold on to the handrail because if you slip and fall you will get severely injured. -You could get hurt if you fall on the escalators. It's advisable that you hold on to the handrail
エスカレーターでは手すりにつかまっていないと危険だと警告したいなら、以下のように表せます: 例文 -Please hold on to the handrail because if you slip and fall you will get severely injured. (もし足を滑らせて転ぶと、大怪我をするので、手すりにつかまって下さい) -You could get hurt if you fall on the escalators. It's advisable that you hold on to the handrail (エスカレーターで転ぶと怪我をします。手すりにつかまるようにして下さい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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