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空港にて 本屋じゃなくても結構 何かしら本 雑誌を買いたい
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2017/05/18 14:11
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  • Is there any shop that deals with books or magazines, and also has a smoking area down this way?

"Is there 〜?" は「〜はありますか?」と人に尋ねる時に使われる表現です。 "deal with 〜" は「(人・商店などが)〜を扱う、〜を商う」ということを表します。 "also 〜" は「〜もまた」という意味です。 「喫煙所」は "smoking area" となります。 "down this way" は「この(通路の)先に」ということを表します。
  • Is there a shop that sells books or magazines beyond this point? And is there a smoking area too?

It is important that you specify where exactly you mean when you say "beyond this point."
"beyond this point" がどこを指すのかを明確に伝えることが大切です。
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a shop near by?

  • Is there somewhere I can buy something to read?

"Is there a shop near by? " asks for a location of a shop. "Is there somewhere I can buy something to read?" asks for a location of a shop that sells reading material.
「Is there a shop near by?」はお店は近くにあるか尋ねることです。 「Is there somewhere I can buy something to read?」は本を売っている店の場所を尋ねることです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, is there a book stall located here? Oh, and where can I smoke?

  • Hi, do you know if there's a magazine store here?

  • Is there anywhere I can buy some reading material here?

A stall = a small shop A store = a shop Reading material = books, magazines, newspapers You could also ask: "Where is the smoking area, please?"
A stall = 小さな店 A store = 店 Reading material = 読み物、本、雑誌、新聞 "Where is the smoking area, please?"このようにも尋ねることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any bookstores or kiosks and a smoking area beyond this point?

Are there any bookstores or kiosks and a smoking area beyond this point? =この先に本屋又は売店と喫煙所はありますか? kiosk =売店 beyond this point =この先 一気に聞くと何だかごちゃついているので Is there either a bookstore or kiosk where I can buy books or magazines beyond this point? I'm also looking for a smoking area. と分けて言うのもいいかもしれません。
  • Is there a book store beyond this point also is there a designated smoking area?

"Is there a bookstore beyond this point also is there a designated smoking area?" A bookstore is a store that sells books, magazines etc. A designated smoking area is an area that is a place where smokers are permitted to smoke.
"Is there a bookstore beyond this point also is there a designated smoking area?" (この先本屋と喫煙所はありますか) "bookstore"は「(本・雑誌を売る)本屋」のことです。 "designated smoking area"は、喫煙が許された場所のことです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a shop that sells books/magazines beyond here? also is there a smoking area?

  • Is there somewhere I can buy books/magazines beyond this point? also is there a smoking area?

  • Is there a book shop and smoking area near here?

When asking if there is a shop past a certain area you can say 'beyond this point' or 'beyond here' you could also use 'near here' meaning not far away form where you are A book shop is where you can buy books and magazines so you could use this to explain what you mean
ある場所の先にお店があるかどうかを確認するなら、'beyond this point'(この先に)または 'beyond here'(同)と言えます。 他に、'near here'(ここから近い所に)も使うことができます。 'book shop' は本や雑誌を売る店です。なので、これであなたの気持ちを表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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