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子供とお風呂に入っている時に、 浴槽の中でジャンプしたり、走ろうとするので、 「○○君!滑るから(滑りやすい)から気をつけて!ちゃんとつかまって!(´ω`;)」 と言いたいです。
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2017/05/24 07:56
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  • Watch out! It's slippery!

  • Make sure you hold the handrail!

気を付けて!そこ滑るよ! ちゃんと手すりにつかまってね! slippery;スリパリー slippy;スリッピ―も滑りやすいですが、みんなスリパリ―を使います。
  • Watch out, it's slippery!

  • ○○, you'll slip and hurt yourself! Hold on tight!

  • It's slippery, so you have to be careful!

Another way to say " be careful" is "watch out." "It's slippery." = 滑りやすい Put it together and you have "Watch out, it's slippery!" If you want to be more direct, you can say: - (Name), you'll slip and hurt yourself! Hold on tight! In this case, "slip" is a verb (滑る). ちゃんとつかまって = "Hold on tight." - "It's slippery, so you have to be careful!" This is more of a command than a warning. You can also say: - Stop playing around in the bathtub. It's dangerous. - Don't play in the bathtub, it's dangerous.
「 be careful」は「watch out.」の他の言い方です。 It's slippery."" = 滑りやすい 一緒に使うと「Watch out, it's slippery!」となります。 もしより直接的に言いたいのであれば、 - (Name), you'll slip and hurt yourself! Hold on tight! ということができます。 この場合、「slip」は動詞(滑る). です。 ちゃんとつかまって = ""Hold on tight."" It's slippery, so you have to be careful! これはより命令や警告をします。 以下のように言うこともできます。 - Stop playing around in the bathtub. It's dangerous. お風呂場で遊ぶのをやめなさい。危険です。 - Don't play in the bathtub, it's dangerous. お風呂場の中で遊ぶのをやめなさい。危険です。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Be careful. It's slippery.

  • Be careful. You might slip.

こんにちは。 Be careful. It's slippery. 滑りやすいから気をつけて。 Be careful. You might slip. 滑っちゃうかもしれないから気をつけて。 上記のような言い方ができます。 slip が「滑る」、slippery が「滑りやすい」です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It is slippery. Be careful.

  • Be careful you do not slip, it is slippery/wet

" It is slippery, be careful.- warns the child that they need to watch out because it is slippery. "Be Careful you do not slip, it is slippery or wet" This firstly tells the child they must be careful not to slip and that there is a danger. " it is slippery or wet then explains to them why it is dangerous.
"It is slippery, be careful. 滑りやすいので、足元に気をつけるように子供に注意する表現です。 Be Careful you do not slip, it is slippery or wet この表現は、まず滑らないように気をつけないといけない、そして危険だということを子供に 伝えています。 it is slippery or wet 子供に、なぜ危険かということを説明しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful, you'll slip.

  • It's soapy and slippery be careful.

Both ways explain clearly in English to be careful.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Careful, you'll slip

  • Do you want to end up in hospital? Calm down!

Careful = we say this when we want to warn someone that something bad or negative - dangerous may happen. To end up "They're travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow." "Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food." Calm down! We say this when people are being too lively or boisterous.
Careful = 誰かに悪いこと、ネガティブなこと、危険なども含めて注意するときに使います。 To end up 何かに最終的になること 例 "They're travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow." 彼らはヨーロッパを電車で旅行して最後にモスクワに行き着く予定だよ。 "Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food." この肉の大部分はドッグフードになるだろう。 Calm down!これは、ちょっとはしゃぎすぎたり、乱暴になっている人に対して使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Watch out!

  • Be watchful/careful

When we care for someone, we want them to be safe, here are some words that can help with that: cautious, heedful, alert, attentive "Watch out, you can slip!" "Be watchful, it is wet there!"
誰かを気遣って安全であることを願う表現です。ここではいくつかの単語が使えます:cautious(慎重な)、heedful(用心深い)、alert(注意深い) attentive(注意した) "Watch out, you can slip!"(気を付けて、滑りますよ!) "Be watchful, it is wet there!"(気を付けて、そこは濡れています!)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful you don't slip and fall

  • Lots of people are " badly injured, when they slip and fall. during bathtime...

Its amazing how many accidents occur inthe home every year! And one of the greatest offenders is the bathroom! peole seem to feel that they are "safe as houses" when they are enjoying a nice soapy bath... But it could mean..." a nasty fal!", if we are not careful! Lots of people are " badly injured, when they slip and fall. during bathtime...
毎年家で本当に多くの事故が起こっていることは、驚くべきことです。 そして最も事故が起こっている場所の1つは浴室です。気持ちの良い泡で一杯になったお風呂に入っている時に人は家にいるから安全だと思ってしまっているようです。 でも気を付けていないと、激しく転倒してしまうことがあります。入浴中に滑って転んで、大ケガをしてしまう人はとても多いです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Please be careful around the bathtub, you could slip and hurt yourself"

  • "It's so slippery around the bathtub, be careful"

If your child runs and jumps around the bathtub when taking a bath, and you want to warn them to be careful because they could slip, you could say either of the following: "Please be careful around the bathtub, you could slip and hurt yourself" or "It's so slippery around the bathtub, be careful".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • The bathtub is very slippery, be careful, otherwise you may fall over!

Examples: The surface of the bathtub is so slippery, be cautious, I don't want you to fall over! The bath is really slippery, don't run and jump in there, because you might fall over and hurt yourself! Don't play around in the bath, it is very slippery, I wouldn't want you to get injured!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful because it is slippery.

  • Be careful not to slip

Here are two ways that we can tell our child to be careful when they are in a place that is slippery. Notice that we use the imperative with the verb, "to be," to show that you are suggesting or telling them to be careful.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Be careful because its slippery

  • It’s slippery so be careful

  • Be careful because you might slip.

滑る - slippery, to slip から - because, therefore, so 気をつけて - be careful 色んな順番があります Be careful because its slippery It’s slippery so be careful Be careful because you might slip
  • Be careful! You might slip and end up in hospital!

  • You could really hurt yourself, be careful! Its extremely slippery!

  • If you dont calm down, your going to have an accident!

Telling someone a warning to something dangerous, a common expression is 'Be Careful!' This tells someone that they need to relax and keep caution on what there doing as an accident may occur. 'Your going to end up in hospital' warns people that the accident that you are preventing from happening could be very serious as hospital is where accidents and emergencies are taken to.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
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