世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/27 18:07
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  • I am so full even the most delicious food looks unappetizing.

  • I am really stuffed my stomach doesn't have any space for more food.

*I am so full even the most delicious food looks unappetizing.- This means that you are really full and you don't feel like eating anything. *I am really stuffed my stomach doesn't have any space for more food. If you are stuffed it means you have eaten enough or too much. Therefore it means that you unable to eat anything more. For example:"No more for me thanks - I'm stuffed."
*I am so full even the most delicious food looks unappetizing. (お腹が一杯だから、すごく美味しそうな食べ物でさえまずそうに見える) これは、あなたが今は本当にお腹が一杯なので何も食べたくない、と言う意味です。 *I am really stuffed my stomach doesn't have any space for more food. (おなかが本当に一杯なので、もう何も食べられません) "stuffed"とは食べ過ぎたやもう十分食べたという意味になり、ここでは、もうこれ以上食べることが出来ません、と言う意味になります。 例 "No more for me thanks - I'm stuffed." (もう結構です、お腹いっぱいです)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm full, so even any delicious-looking food looks not that good right now.

  • I'm full, so even any mouth-watering food looks unappetizing now.

"be full" は「お腹が一杯である、満腹である」という状態を表します。 "so" は「だから、なので、よって」という意味です。 "even 〜" は「〜でさえ、(たとえ)〜でも」という表現になります。 「美味しそうな」は "delicious-looking" "mouth-watering" "yummy-looking" などのように表すことができます。 「まずそうな」は "unappetizing" と言うことができます。 "look good" は、ここでは「美味しそうである」ということを表します。"that" は「それほど」という意味で、"look not that good" で「それほど美味しそうではない」となります。 "right now" は「今は、現時点では」という表現です。
  • Im stuffed, I cant eat anymore.

This is a very simple and polite way of telling someone that you cannot eat any more. The term “Stuffed” in this case means that your stomach is filled to the top, almost over flowing. You are implying that you can not eat anymore even if the meal was delicious.
これはあなたがもう食べられないことを誰かに伝えるとてもシンプルで丁寧な表現です。 この場合の“Stuffed”という用語は、お腹がいっぱいで溢れそうなことを意味しています。食事が美味しそうに見えても、もう食べられないことを説明しています。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I could eat a horse! Any horse!

  • Right now, I'd eat anything!

I could eat a horse. When people say 'I could eat a horse,' they mean that they are extremely hungry. " Is lunch ready yet? I could eat a horse." A phrase used when one is very hungry. Often used in the expression "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," When will dinner be ready? I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Or you may just say exactly what you think and state that you would eat anything! Hyperbolic speech of this type is common in the UK.
例文 I could eat a horse. 腹ペコだよ。 'I could eat a horse'という時は本当にお腹が減っている時です。 例文 " Is lunch ready yet? I could eat a horse." お昼ごはんの準備はまだ?本当に腹ペコだよ。 お腹が空いている時によく使われるフレーズです。以下のような表現で使われます。 例文 "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," お腹が空きすぎて、馬一頭食べられるよ。 例文 When will dinner be ready? I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" 晩御飯はいつ準備ができる? お腹が空きすぎて、馬一頭食べられるよ。 又は考えていることや食べたいものを何でも言うことはできます。この手の誇張表現は、イギリスではよく使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm really full now!

  • I'm stuffed!

  • I've eaten far too much

Example sentences: I'm really full now and nothing seems appetizing any more. I'm stuffed and nothing seems tasty to me anymore. I've eaten far too much that nothing on the table is inviting any longer. I've eaten like a glutton and nothing seems scrummy anymore. (scrummy = delicious or scrumptious) Truly nothing seems delicious anymore as I have eaten like a pig! (eat like a pig = eating greedily, eating with mouth open and making a loud noise while eating)
例文 I'm really full now and nothing seems appetizing any more. 今は本当にお腹が一杯で、これ以上何も欲しくない。 I'm stuffed and nothing seems tasty to me anymore. 今は満腹で、何も美味しそうには思えない。 I've eaten far too much that nothing on the table is inviting any longer. 食べすぎたので、テーブルにあるものはこれ以上何も欲しくない。 I've eaten like a glutton and nothing seems scrummy anymore. (scrummy = 美味しい) 食べすぎたので、これ以上何も欲しくない。 Truly nothing seems delicious anymore as I have eaten like a pig! ガツガツ食べたので、本当にこれ以上何も欲しくない。 (eat like a pig = ガツガツ食べる、食べる時に口を空けて、大きな音をさせながら食べる)
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I'm so stuffed, I don't feel like eating anything right now.

If you want to explain that you are so full, that even the most delicious food seems unappetizing, you can say: "I'm so stuffed, I don't feel like eating anything right now."
「あまりにお腹がいっぱいで、今はどんなにおいしそうなものもまずく見える」は次のように言えます。 "I'm so stuffed, I don't feel like eating anything right now."(お腹いっぱい、今は何も食べたくない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • When I am full nothing looks delicious anymore.

  • I'm so full, nothing looks appetizing at this point.

  • Nothing looks appealing when I am this full.

When you are full, you are satisfied and your brain no longer needs to signal at every good looking meal. Even the sight of delicious cooked meals will no longer be appetizing. Use the sentences above to describe this. "I am so full I can't even look at those meals." "That looked really delicious before I was full." "That looked really delicious until I was full." (until: till the moment I became full)
お腹がいっぱいになると、心が満たされて、脳みそがおいしそうなものを見ても反応しなくなります。 いつもなら食べたくなるようなものを見ても食欲が湧いてこなくなります。 これについて表すなら、上記の文が使えます。 "I am so full I can't even look at those meals."(お腹いっぱいで、その料理を見ることもできない) "That looked really delicious before I was full."(お腹がいっぱいになる前はすごくおいしそうだったよ) "That looked really delicious until I was full."(お腹がいっぱいになるまではすごくおいしそうだったよ) ※ until =(お腹がいっぱいになる)までは
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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