世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




 トイレに入って、トイレットペーパーが無い事に気がついた時、瞬間的に発する「紙が無い!」。シンプルな表現なので、派生の表現も豊富だと思います。「ティッシュが無い!」 料理or食事中に「塩が無い!」「醤油が無い!」 冷凍庫を開けたら「アイスが無い! 誰?食べたの・・・」etc
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2017/06/10 12:13
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  • There is no toilet paper!

  • The toilet paper has run out.

  • The toilet paper has finished.

In order to say there is no toilet paper (or tissue paper) in the restroom, you can say: There is no toilet paper! That means there is no toilet paper left. The toilet paper has run out. 'Run out' is a phrasal verb which means that it has been used up, it has all been used. The toilet paper has finished. To finish also means to be used up. I hope that helps!
トイレでトイレットペーパー(toilet paper または tissue paper)がないことを言うには、こんな表現があります。 There is no toilet paper! これでトイレの紙がもうなくなっている、という意味です。 The toilet paper has run out. run out は群動詞で、全て使われてしまった、なくなってしまった、という意味です。 The toilet paper has finished. finish もまた be used up と同じ意味で、なくなった、という意味です。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • There is no paper.

  • Out of paper.

一般的な表現として以下の表現が使えます。 There is no paper. 紙がない。 There is no tissue in the toilet. トイレにティッシュが無い。 There is no ice in the fridge/refrigerator. 冷蔵庫にアイスがない。 プリンタの用紙がなくなっている。 The printer is out of paper. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • There's no toilet paper!

  • I need toilet paper

  • We're running out of toilet paper.

トイレットペーパー: 例文: There's no toilet paper! トイレットペーパーが無い *独り言のように言う場合、There is~よりThere'sの方がナチュラルです。 I need toilet paper トイレットペーパーが必要! 食べ物: There's no salt 塩がない Where's the soy sauce? 醤油はどこ? ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • there is no toilet paper

  • it is all out of paper

  • there is no paper in the toilet

example "Can you get me some more toilet roll for the restroom?" or "There is no paper in the toilet" or "There is no paper in the bathroom"
"Can you get me some more toilet roll for the restroom?"  トイレにもっとトイレットペーパーをもらえますか? "There is no paper in the toilet"  トイレにトイレットペーパーがありません。 "There is no paper in the bathroom" トイレにトイレットペーパーがありません。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • We're out of toilet paper!

  • Can someone please pass me a wet wipe?

A wet wipe or baby wipe is a moisturised and disposable cloth used for removing makeup or cleaning one's hands in different situations. To be out of something - if you are out of something, you no longer have any of it I can't find the sugar – and we're out of milk. She was completely out of sugar. I'm fresh out of good ideas, I'm afraid.
"wet wipe"や "baby wipe"とはウエットティッシュのようなもので使い捨てのメイク落としや色々な状況でちょっとした汚れをふき取って使い捨て出来るものの事です。 "To be out of something"(~がない、~をきらしている) -"out of something"という事は何かを使い切ってしまった、なくなってしまったという様な意味になります。 【例】 "I can't find the sugar – and we're out of milk." (砂糖が見当たらない-牛乳を切らしている) "She was completely out of sugar." (彼女は完全に砂糖を切らしている) " I'm fresh out of good ideas, I'm afraid." (残念ながらいいアイディアがありません)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The restroom is out of toilet paper.

  • The bathroom ran out of toilet paper.

These two sentences help express clearly that there is no toilet paper in the restroom. In the second sentence you will see the expression run out. When we run out of something it means that we completely used something and there is nothing left. This expression is common in our everyday conversation and would be an excellent addition to your vocabulary.
どちらの文でも、トイレットペーパーがないことをはっきり伝えられます。 2つ目の文にある「run out of ~」は「~を使い果たして全く残っていない」という意味です。日常会話でよく使われるので、是非覚えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • There's no paper!

  • Where's the paper?

There's no paper. は単純に「紙がない!」と言う意味です。 Where's the paper? は「紙はどこ?」と言う意味で、あるはずのものがない、というニュアンスが含まれます。 例文 Where's my ice cream? Who ate it? 私のアイスクリームがない!誰が食べたの?
  • The restroom is out of toilet paper.

  • The toilet paper in the restroom needs to be replenished.

1. The restroom is out of toilet paper. This statement means that the toilet paper in the restroom has finished. 2. The toilet paper in the restroom needs to be replenished. The word "replenished" means to re-stock or refill something that has run out.
1. The restroom is out of toilet paper. この表現は、トイレのトイレットペーパーが切れたことを意味します。 2. The toilet paper in the restroom needs to be replenished. 「replenished」という言葉は、在庫がきれたものを再入荷、追加するということを意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • There is no bog roll!

  • There is no loo roll in the lavatory.

"Bog" is an informal term for toilet & "roll" is the toilet paper as it is generally on a roll. Quite a funny expression & shows a person's dismay. You could even shout it, "There is no bog roll! Can you pass me some, please?" "Loo" is another word for a toilet & "lavatory" is a very old word for toilet. Loo + roll = loo roll. ;) "There is no loo roll in the lavatory, could you please replenish?." sounds very formal & old fashioned. "Just a second, I need to pop to the loo."
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • There is no toilet paper in the restroom.

  • The toilet paper has run out in the bathroom.

If you would like to explain to someone that the toilet paper has run out in the bathroom, you can say something like "There is no more toilet paper in the restroom." or "The toilet paper has run out in the bathroom.". These are some easy ways to express this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, there is no toilet paper in the rest room.

Examples: The toilet paper has ran out in the rest room. There is no more toilet paper left in the rest room. All of the toilet paper has been used up in the rest room. All of the toilet paper is finished in the rest room.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • there's no paper

  • no paper

ご質問ありがとうございます。 紙がない は英語で theres no paper と訳出します。 紙はペーパーってことです。 paper は色々な物に着けているから、物によります。 紙でできているものは、言葉の前に着けます。 paper box paper bag などなど
  • We are out of toilet paper!

  • I need some toilet paper, please?

  • Please hand me some toilet paper?

If you want to express that there is no toilet paper, use the sentences above. Toilet paper is used in a rest room. It is an inconvinience when it runs out, especially when you are busy on the toilet. You can use the expressions here to alert that there is no tissue paper and to ask for some. "There's no tissue paper, can you please get me some?" "The toilet paper just ran out, please give me a roll?"
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • There is no toilet paper left in the bathroom

Sometimes, it can be a disastrous situation if we are in the bathroom and we run out of toilet paper. Normally, in public bathrooms, they have cleaners who work all the time and make sure the toilets are clean and full of toilet paper. If we meet are lucky and a cleaner is in the toilet at the time we realise that we need more toilet paper, we can tell them and they will gladly give you some.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • There is no toilet roll in the toilet.

  • We have run out of toilet roll.

  • There is no toilet roll in the bathroom.

There is no toilet roll in the toilet. We have run out of toilet roll. There is no toilet roll in the bathroom. When you want to say that the toilet roll has run out and there isn't any in the bathroom, you can use one of these three sentences. Bathroom and toilet, are perhaps more British English, whereas American, would be restroom. You choose which you prefer. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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