世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/12 08:27
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  • Is it almost my turn?

私の番は、my turnと言うことができます。 また、あとどれくらいかを聞きたい場合は、How far is my turn?と言えます。直訳すると、「僕の番までどれくらい遠いですか?」になりますが、これで「僕の順番までどれくらい?」と言えます。 これは、妊婦さんに、「妊娠何週目?」と聞きたい時に、How far are you?と言うことができる表現でもあります。
Ryoma 翻訳家、ツアーコーディネーター、ブロガー
  • What is the waiting time/period for my table?

When waiting for a table at a restaurant, we can use the following: "What is the waiting time/period for my table?" Open ended question We are asking specifically, how long we still have to wait for our table. If we ask "Is it my turn yet? the answer can be "No, not yet" which means, you then have to ask another question, to find out how long you still have to wait.
レストランで席を待っている時、以下の文を使うことができます。 What is the waiting time/period for my table? 自由回答方式の質問です。 特に、どれくらい席につくまで待たなければならないかと尋ねます。 「 "Is it my turn yet? 」と尋ねた場合、「No, not yet」と答えられるでしょう。 これは、どれくらい待たなければいけないかを知るための他の質問をしなければならないということを意味します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • When is it my turn?

  • Is it almost my turn?

You can ask : When is it my turn? Is it almost my turn? How long do I have to wait?
以下のように質問できます。 When is it my turn? いつ私の番ですか? Is it almost my turn? そろそろ私の番ですか? How long do I have to wait? どれくらい待てばいいですか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It'll be my turn soon, won't it?

  • There's only one person in front of me, isn't there?

Well, it depends where you are in the world. There are countries where many residents don't have any respect whatsoever for queues or fellow humans waiting for something! They will push in front of you as if you don't exist! In the UK this is seen as disrespectful and loutish behaviour and people will either feel angry about it - or feel extremely sorry for these people so lacking in elegance, that have such bad upbringing and education! In the UK, it will be quite clear where you are in the queue, so either of the above phrases will not be necessary!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How long do I still have to wait?

  • Am I closer to being helped?

>How long do I still have to wait? *This is asking directly how long you must still wait to get a table and get served. ################# >Am I closer to being helped? *This is indirectly asking if the line is actually moving and if you are any closer than what you were before. ################## Other sentences a. Am I next to be seated? b. Why the long wait? c. When is it my turn? ...................***................
How long do I still have to wait? 席に通されて、注文できるまでにどれくらい待てば良いか直接尋ねる時の表現です。 Am I closer to being helped? 列は進んでいるのか、(先頭に)近づいているかどうか尋ねる時の表現です。 他にも以下のように表現することもできます。 a. Am I next to be seated? b. Why the long wait? c. When is it my turn?
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I guess its almost my turn now, isn't it?

  • How long do I still have to wait for my turn?

The verb to 'guess' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'to think, believe, or suppose'. When you make a positive statement but would like to confirm it with a question, the question is in the negative such as 'isn't it?'. So, you may ask: I guess its almost my turn now, isn't it? The adverb 'how' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'to what extent, degree, etc.?'. The adjective 'long' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'having considerable duration in time'. So, you may ask: How long do I still have to wait for my turn?
"guess"という動詞は意味がいくつかありますが、 この文章では、”思う、信じる”という意味です。 肯定的な発言をしているが、疑問文で確認したい時は 質問は、”isn't it”のような否定文になります。 ですからこう尋ねることができます。 例文 I guess its almost my turn now, isn't it? 私の順番ではないかと思いますが・・・ "aguess"という副詞はに意味がいくつかありますが、 この文章では、”どれくらい”という意味です。 "long"という形容詞はに意味がいくつかありますが、 この文章では、”かなり長い期間”という意味です。 ですからこう尋ねることができます。 例文 How long do I still have to wait for my turn? 私の順番までどれくらい待たないといけませんか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Will we be seated soon?

  • How much longer before we are seated?

Will we be seated soon? - In this way you are asking if there will be a table ready for you soon. How much longer before we are seated? - this means that you want to know the length of time that you still need to wait before you are shown to a table.
例文 Will we be seated soon? すぐに席につけますか? このようにして席がすぐに 空くかどうかを尋ねます。 How much longer before we are seated? 席につくまでに後どれくらい かかりますか? この文は、席に案内されるまでに これから待たないといけない 時間の長さを知りたいということです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • It must be my turn next I guess.

  • Am I next in line? It's been a long wait!

  • I've been standing in life for ages....

Can you tell me if I'm next in line? I've been waiting in queue for ages now! I hope I don't have to wait in line much longer. I'm famished! (famished = extremely hungry) I've been standing in line for a while now. It must be my turn next? I am heading the line now. It must be my turn next!
例文 Can you tell me if I'm next in line? I've been waiting in queue for ages now! 列での順番が次かどうかを教えて頂けますか? 今まで列でずっと待っています。 I hope I don't have to wait in line much longer. I'm famished! (famished = extremely hungry) 列でこれ以上長く待い必要がないと良いんだけど。 私はお腹がペコペコ。 (famished = とてもお腹が空いている) I've been standing in line for a while now. It must be my turn next? 今までずいぶん長い間列に並んでいます。 次が私の順番ではないですか? I am heading the line now. It must be my turn next! 今列に並んでいます。 次が私の順番に違いない。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • "Is it almost my turn?"

  • "How long will it be before I gain a table?"

  • "Will it be my turn soon?"

If you have been waiting in line for a restaurant and you would like to know if it is almost your turn, you could ask any of the following: "Is it almost my turn?", "How long will it be before I gain a table?" or "Will it be my turn soon?".
レストランでしばらく順番待ちをしているときですね。そこで、もうそろそろ自分の番になるか確認したいと。これは次のように言えます。 "Is it almost my turn?"(もうそろそろ自分の番ですか) "How long will it be before I gain a table?"(あとどのくらいで席に座れますか) "Will it be my turn soon?"(もうそろそろ自分の番ですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Is it my turn yet?

  • Is it almost my turn?

  • When is my turn?

All three of these example sentences have basically the same meaning when asking if you are allowed to do something, like order at a restaurant. Please notice that the main grammatical point is the noun, "turn," when refers to your place in a line or a queue.
これらの文は基本的に同じ意味です。レストランの注文などについて、もうそろそろ自分の番が来るかを尋ねます。 ここで、ポイントになるのは名詞の "turn" です。これは列の「順番」を指します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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