世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/19 22:42
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  • Take only what you can eat, do not waste the food.

  • Don't take more than you know you can eat.

1. Take only what you can eat, do not waste the food. あなたが食べるものだけをとり、食べ物を浪費しないでください。 This sentence means that you should take no more than your appetite will allow you to eat. "Do not waste" means do not squander. 2. Don't take more than you know you can eat. あなたが食べることができることを知っている以上に服用しないでください。 This is a simple statement that means take only what you can eat.
1. Take only what you can eat, do not waste the food. (食べる分だけとりなさい、食べ物を無駄にしてはいけません) この表現は食べられないほどは食べ物を取るべきではない、という意味です。 "Do not waste"とは無駄にしてはいけない、と言う意味になります。 2. Don't take more than you know you can eat. (食べられるとわかっている以上の量は取らないでください) これは率直にあなたが食べられる分だけ取ってください、と言う意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Your eyes were bigger than your stomach.

  • 2. There are people starving in the world.

  • 3. Do you know the meaning of the word, 'greedy'?

1. This is a criticism - but it is also slightly humorous so is quite a soft criticism. It depends on your facial expression and body language. 2. This is a stronger criticism, appealing to a person's morality. 3. This is an overtly strong criticism indirectly accusing this person of being 'greedy'.
1.これは批判的ですが、ユーモラスなので非常にソフトにとれる言い方です。あなたの表情やボディラングエッジでニュアンスが伝わり方が異なってきます。 2これは人の道徳に訴える強い批判です。 3.これは間接的に、この人を「'greedy'.貪欲」と非難している強い批判ですね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Take only a portion that you will eat.

  • Take only a portion that you need for yourself.

「よそう」→この場合では、「To take」と表現します。 「だけ」→「Only」 「分」→「Portion」
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • Make sure to only take what you can eat.

  • Make sure your eyes aren't bigger than your stomach!

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to someone to only take what they are going to eat when at a buffet. In the second sentence you will notice the idiom one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach. We use this idiom to refer to someone who thinks they are very hungry but afterwards notice that they have too much food.
上記2例文は、バイキングなどで自分が食べられる分だけよそうよう言いたい時に使えます。 二番目の例文では"one's eyes are bigger than one's stomach"というイディオムに気が付いたと思います。このイディオムは、『バイキングで欲張って食べきれないほどの量を取ってきてしまう人』などに対して使います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Do not take to much food at a time. Only take small portions. You can always go back for more if you are still hungry.

Do not take to much food at a time. Only take small portions. You can always go back for more if you are still hungry. - Taking small portions means to only take a little bit of food to avoid wasting the food. It is a buffet so you can always go back for more if you can still eat more.
Do not take to much food at a time. Only take small portions. You can always go back for more if you are still hungry. - Taking small portionsは、食べ物を無駄にしないように少しだけ取ることを意味します。 ビュッフェなので、もっと食べられるのなら、いつでもとって戻ってくることができますからね。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Don't take too much food at once. You can always go back after if you want more.

  • Take smaller portions. It will help with digestion.

Let the person know that there is no rush, and that they can always go back for more. Also taking smaller portions is actually better when it comes to the body digesting the food.
「時間はたっぷりある、食べ終わったらまた取りに行けばいい」と伝えてあげてください。 また、少な目に取った方が消化にもいいです。
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Are you really going to finish all of that?

  • That's a lot of food in one sitting!

Are you really going to finish all of that? This is a sarcastic way of letting the person know that they are being greedy and that it is not necessary to dish up so much food. That's a lot of food in one sitting! In one sitting means for a short period. You are informing the person that they need not have dished up so much and if they were still hungry, they could always go back for more!
Are you really going to finish all of that? ーあなたは本当にすべてを食べきれますか? これは、相手にずいぶん貪欲だなと伝える皮肉な方法で、大皿に盛る必要はありません。 That's a lot of food in one sitting! 一気に取りすぎだということ。 彼らがそんなにたくさん盛る必要がないことを伝えます。 まだ空腹なのであれば、食べ物をよそい戻ってこれますからね。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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