Do not touch はそのままですが、まったく問題ありません。
後の2つは off(離れて)がポイントで、2つ目の Keep your hands off をもっと短くしたのが最後の Hands off です。
It is common in workplaces to have a staff room where there is a fridge inside.
All employees may leave their food/drink there and often food/drink gets mixed up and eaten by the wrong person!
It is quite common to put a polite notice on the food/drink item to say:
'Please don't touch' This means do not touch, taste, take or bite this item!
It can also be polite to put your name on a particular item to avoid someone taking it.
I hope that helps!
Do not touch!
In the place of 'do not' you can use 'don't'.
Don't is a contraction - do and not are combined
Hands off
This is a warning.
The person may not touch the object.
'hands' - you use your hands to touch objects..
Do not touch!触らないで!
'do not' の代わりに'don't'.を使ってもいいです。
Don't iは短縮形でdo とnot がくっついています。
Hands off手を触れないで!
'hands' - 手
- This a direct way of saying someone should not touch something
B) Look with your eyes and not your hands.
- This is an indirect way of saying please only look (with your eyes) and do not touch ( with your hands )
I hope this helps :-)
- 触らないでください。
B) Look with your eyes and not your hands.
- 手じゃなくて目で見てください。とは、間接的な触らないでといういい方。
触る - to touch
〜〜ないで - dont
簡単にdont touchになります。
勝手に - as you please, whenever you want
英語だと”dont touch as you please”とか”dont touch whenever you want”はちょっと変からdont touchで大丈夫です
Hands off
Hand - て
Off - このoffは触るなの意味ですから手で触るなとか触るなになります。
Keep your hands off that
Don’t touch that
If you wish to handle this product please ask a member of staff
It depends rather what your past experience is with these products and why you are thinking about placing messages on the items. Delicate and breakable things in shops sometimes have a nearby message reading: "If you wish to handle this product please ask a member of staff." However, if this problem is persistent and customers continue to handle objects, a sterner message may be appropriate:
"Hands off!"
”If you wish to handle this product please ask a member of staff."
という表現が使えますが、もしも再三の注意に関わらず触られるようであれば "Hands Off! " や “Please don't touch!" 等の表現が使えます。どちらも「さわらないで!」と言う意味ですが、"hands off" の方が少しキツい言い方です。
All of the above can be used to let people know, that they should not put their hands on the glass or lean against it. A dirty display, is not very attractive.
Kindly refrain from handling these products. An employee will gladly answer all your questions.
Please do not handle this product - ask for assistance instead.
Kindly refrain from handling these products. An employee will answer all your questions.
This makes it very clear that you must not touch the product and to direct all your
questions at one of the staff members.
Please do not handle this product - ask for assistance instead.
This means that you must not physically examine the product but to ask /request help
from a member of staff.
Kindly refrain from handling these products. An employee will answer all your questions.
Please do not handle this product - ask for assistance instead.