世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/01 22:17
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  • 〜 happens to look like someone else

  • 〜 bears a chance resemblance to 〜

調べてみると「空似」の英訳は「chance resemblance」「accidental resemblance」と書いてありますが、あまり会話で使われていないと思います。「A happens to look like B」「A looks just like B」の方が会話的な英語です。
Tim Young 主催
  • They resemble each other

  • They take after each other

  • They look alike.

When two people are not related but look very similar you can say: 'They resemble each other' To resemble means to look similar or to have similar facial features of body type. They take after each other. To take after also means to look similar or look like someone. They look alike. To look alike means to look similar to each other. I hope that helps!
もし2人の他人がとてもよく似ていたら They resemble each other. ということができます。 resembleは、似ていること、顔や体の特徴が似ていることを意味します。 They take after each other. take after も同じように見えることや、だれかと見た目が似ていることを意味します。 They look alike. look alike も似ていることを意味します。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • to have a striking resemblance to someone else

  • to look very similar to someone else

  • to look identical to someone else

to have a striking resemblance to someone else eg.You have a striking resemblance to George Clooney,are you sure you're not related? to look very similar to someone else eg.Your face looks very similar to hers.Its hard to believe that you are not related. to look identical to someone else You look identical.I suppose that's what happens when you hang out with someone for a long time. Another casual expression to use when people look similar to each other is : " You are photocopies of each other,it's amazing!"
to have a striking resemblance to someone else eg.You have a striking resemblance to George Clooney,are you sure you're not related? Striking resemblance=酷似している。 ≪例文≫ジョージ・クルーニーに非常によく似ているね。本当に血縁関係ないの? to look very similar to someone else eg.Your face looks very similar to hers.Its hard to believe that you are not related. Look very similar to someone else=誰かにとても良く似ていること。 ≪例文≫あなたの顔は彼女の顔によく似ている。血縁関係がないなんて信じられない。 to look identical to someone else You look identical.I suppose that's what happens when you hang out with someone for a long time. Look identical to someone else=誰かにそっくり。 ≪例文≫そっくりだね。長い間一緒にいると似て来るんだね。 Another casual expression to use when people look similar to each other is : " You are photocopies of each other,it's amazing!" 他のカジュアルな言い回し:Photocopies of each other=瓜二つ。 ≪例文≫あなた達は瓜二つね。すごい!
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • They are two of a kind.

  • They are like twins.

  • They are a spitting image of each other.

You could also say, "They are like two peas in a pod." 1. People or things of the same type or that are similar in character. 2. Saying that they look the same as do two genetically identical twins. 3. Spitting image is the usual modern form of the idiom meaning exact likeness, duplicate, or counterpart. A "Are Mike and Geoff twins?" B "No." A "Well they are the spitting image of one another.
"They are like two peas in a pod."こういうようにも言えます。 1.人やものが 同じタイプか、もしくは似ているときに使います。 2. 双子のように似ていることを言います。 3. Spitting image は最近よく使われる、非常によく似ている、生き写しのような、という意味のイディオムです。 A "Are Mike and Geoff twins?" マイクとジョフは双子? B "No." いや A "Well they are the spitting image of one another.彼ら生き写しみたいに似てるな。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • They have similar features.

  • They are the mirror image of each other.

They have similar features. – MEANING – their body parts/features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) look the same/or are similar. They have the same face. They must be related – must be – surely – related, they look alike. They are the mirror image of each other – MEANING – mirror image, reflection, they look the same as each other or almost identical to each other. Doppelgangers – is the word used for the people who look alike but are not related. She is her doppelganger.
They have similar features. – 意味 – それらの身体部分/目、鼻、口などの特徴は同じに見える/または似ている。 彼ら顔が似ている。 They must be related – must be(確かに) – related, 彼らはとても似ています。 They are the mirror image of each other – 意味 –鏡に映し出された様にお互いに似ている、またはほとんど同じである。 Doppelgangers –知の繋がりの無い赤の他人が似ている事に使用される言葉です。 彼女達はdoppelganger(ドッペルゲンガー)です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • They resemble each other

  • They look a lot alike

  • They are not related but they look a lot alike

When you want to express that two people are not related but look alike; then you may explain it in the following ways: -They resemble each other -They look a lot alike -They are not related but they look a lot alike
二人の人が「血のつながりはないけどそっくり」なら、それは次のように説明できます。 -They resemble each other(彼らはよく似ています) -They look a lot alike(彼らはそっくりです) -They are not related but they look a lot alike(彼らは血のつながりはありませんが、そっくりです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • They look very similar.

  • They resemble each other.

  • They are spitting images of each other.

Spitting image - to look exactly the same If you want to express that two people look very similar, even though they aren't related, you can say: "They look very similar." "They resemble each other." "They are spitting images of each other."
Spitting image - うり二つ 血のつながりのない赤の他人同士がよく似ているときは、次のように言えます。 "They look very similar."(彼らはそっくりだ) "They resemble each other."(彼らはよく似ている) "They are spitting images of each other."(彼らはうり二つだ)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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