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レストランでレセプションの人と話をしていたら 後ろに他のお客さんがいて、 順番を抜かしてしまったかもしれない?! 先に並んでいましたか?と聞きたいときにどのような表現を使えばいいでしょうか?
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2017/07/07 02:41
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  • Sorry, were you waiting to speak to someone?

  • Sorry, did I push in front of you?

  • Sorry, did I barge in?

To barge in = barge in, to intrude, especially rudely: "I hated to barge in without an invitation." To push in front of someone = go in front of people who are already queuing. "They scowled at him because they thought he was trying to push in at the head of the queue."
To barge in = 無礼に入り込む "I hated to barge in without an invitation." (呼ばれてもいないのに入り込むのは好きではありませんでした) To push in front of someone =列に割り込むこと "They scowled at him because they thought he was trying to push in at the head of the queue" (彼が順番を無視して列に割り込んだと思い、彼らは彼を叱りました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Were you waiting in line before me?

  • Were you lining up ahead of me?

"wait in line" は「列に並んで待つ」という表現になります。他に "line up" "stand in line" "get in a line" などのように言うこともできます。 "before 〜" は「〜の前に、〜に先立って」ということを表します。"ahead of 〜"((空間的に)〜の前に) を使っても良いでしょう。
  • Excuse me, were you here before me?

  • Excuse me, did I cut in front of you?

The two questions you see provided above are great ways to ask someone if you cut in front of them. You will notice that each sentence starts with the term excuse me. In English we use this term to get a person's attention. This is a term that we use a lot in both formal and informal settings. It would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
どちらも、自分が割り込んでしまったかどうか確認する言い方です。 どちらの文も、"excuse me"で始まっています。英語では、このフレーズは相手の注意をひきたいときに使われます。この表現はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことが出来ます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Are you in front of me in the line/queue?

  • Were you waiting in line before me?

Most people usually get offended if someone cuts the line. Therefore it is important that you are polite and sincere when you ask. *Are you in front of me in the line/queue? Another word for line is queue. This means that you would like to know whether they are in front or behind you in the line. *Were you waiting in line before me? This means you would like to know whether they were waiting already in before you arrived.
誰かが列に割り込んだら、多くの人は気を悪くします。 ですので、あなたが尋ねる時は丁寧な表現を使う事は大事です。 *Are you in front of me in the line/queue? (私の前に並んでましたか?) "line"のもう一つの言い方は"queue"(列)です。 その人があなたの列の前に並んでいたのか、後なのか知りたいという意味です。 *Were you waiting in line before me? (私の先に並んでましたか?) その人があなたの先にすでに並んでいたのか知りたいという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Were you in front of me in the queue?

  • Sorry, did I push in front of you?

  • Sorry, did I barge in?

To use the term 'barge in' means that you went in front of someone else who was already wating you could also say , sorry, did i push in front of you?' by adding sorry it means that you didn't do it on purpose and didn't realise. You could also ask the person 'Were you in front of me in the queue?' meaning the line you are waiting in
barge in'は「割り込む」という意味です。 ほかに、'Sorry, did I push in front of you?'(すみません。私、割り込みましたか?)と言うこともできます。'sorry'を使うと、故意ではなく気づかなかった、と伝えられます。 また、'Were you in front of me in the queue?'(列で私の前にいましたか?)と尋ねてもいいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, did I jump the queue?

  • Excuse me, were you standing in the queue before me or after me?

  • Excuse me, were you in front of me or behind me?

Some people do purposely jump the queue with a view to getting served earlier. In this case, the queue jumper, if there is any, could not have been the person behind you, but, it could have been you because you were standing in front of him. However, you could not have been a queue jumper because you only saw him behind you and did not see him/her in front of you when you were talking to the restaurant staff. He was never in front of you. In this case, just to make sure, you may ask as follows: Excuse me, did I jump the queue? or Excuse me, were you standing in the queue before me or after me? or Excuse me, were you in front of me or behind me?
先にサービスを受けようとわざと順番を抜かす人もいます。 でもこの場合、順番を抜かしたのはあなたの後ろの人ではなく、その人の前にいたあなたがqueue jumper(順番を抜かした人)かもしれません。 しかし、その人があなたの前にいたかどうかわからないので、順番を抜かしたかどうかもわかりません。 そんな場合、以下のように尋ねることができます。 Excuse me, did I jump the queue? (すみません、私、順番を抜かしましたでしょうか?) Excuse me, were you standing in the queue before me or after me? (すみません、私の前に並んでましたか?それとも後ろに並んでいましたか?) Excuse me, were you in front of me or behind me? (すみません、私の前にいましたか?それとも後ろでしたか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Sorry were you next?

  • Have I just pushed in?

To push in means you have entered a queue ahead of those who arrived before you. If it was a genuine mistake it is not a situation to be largely apologetic, most people would acknowledge your apology and move on.
"To push in"は、列に割り込むという意味です。 単純な勘違いだったのなら、ものすごく謝る必要はありません。ほとんどの人は謝罪を受け入れて先に進むでしょう。
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
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