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勉強とか、仕事とか、 長い間怠けていて、よし、これから頑張ろうっていう感じの決意
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2017/07/09 10:39
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  • I'll get to it.

  • I'll go all out.

I'll get to it.のget toは「~を始める」 という意味ですので、 I'll get to itで 「そろそろ始めるか」、「本気だすか」 という意味を表します。 get to workで「仕事に取り掛かる」 という意味でもよく使われます。 I'll go all out.のgo all outは 「全力を出す」、「本気を出す」 という意味です。 「これでもかというくらい全力を尽くす」、 「いつも以上に力を出す」という意味を 表す時に使われる表現です。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • I will give it my all now.

  • I will go all out.

  • I will press forward.

I will give it my all now. To 'give your all' is to give your best effort, to give the best that you can. To go 'all out' is also to give all of your energy and the best that you can. To press forward means to walk or run in the midst of difficult circumstances and to push towards a particular goal. It implies that it is not easy but that you will try despite the circumstances. You can also say: I'm determined to make a go of it. This means that you are determined to make something work. 'To make a go of something' is to use a lot of effort to succeed at something. I hope that helps!
I will give it my all now. give one's all とは、あなたの最大限の努力を使い、出来る限りのことをすることです。 go all out とは、エネルギーを全て使い、出来る限りのことをすることです。 press forward とは、難しい状況を経験しつつ、それでもゴールに向かってがんばることです。簡単ではないけれど、その状況に関わらず挑戦することを示唆します。 I'm determined to make a go of it. という言い方もあります。 これは、なんとかやりとげようと強い気持ちを持っていることを意味します。 make a go of something とは、なにかを成功させようと努力することです。 役に立てばうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I need to get serious now!

  • I need to put my shoulder to the wheel now!

  • I really need to buckle down to more important things now

Put one's shoulder to the wheel - to work vigorously, get down to work, apply oneself, set to work, fall to, buckle down, get down to business, put one's hand to the plough, roll up one's sleeves, get things moving, start the ball rolling. To buckle down - .tackle a task with determination, set to work, get down to business, roll up one's sleeves, put one's hand to the plough. "They will buckle down to negotiations over the next few months."
Put one's shoulder to the wheel は、努力する、始めるという意味です。 buckle down は、決心して始める、取り掛かり始めるという意味です。 例 "They will buckle down to negotiations over the next few months." (今後2~3か月かけて、本格的に交渉を始めます。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's the time to get psyched up.

「今が気合を入れる時だ」の意味です。 get psyched upで「気合を入れる」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです<m(__)m>
  • I need to stop putting school/work on the back burner.I don't have much time left.

  • I need to stop horsing around and get back to work/studying.

  • I need to stop procrastinating.

I need to stop putting school/work on the back burner.I don't have much time left. put on the back burner = to delay performing an activity. I need to stop horsing around and get back to work/studying. to horse around = to waste time doing other things instead of what you are supposed to be doing. I need to stop procrastinating. to procrastinate =delay or postpone action; put off doing something You could also say : I need to quit stalling and get back to work/school. This is a more casual way to express the idea
I need to stop putting school/work on the back burner.I don't have much time left. put on the back burner = to delay performing an activity. Put on the back burner=後回しにする。 「もうあまり時間がないから、勉強/仕事を後回しにするのは辞めなくては。」 I need to stop horsing around and get back to work/studying. to horse around = to waste time doing other things instead of what you are supposed to be doing. Horse around=ふざける。 「ふざけるのは(怠慢)辞めて、仕事/勉強しなくては。」 I need to stop procrastinating. to procrastinate =delay or postpone action; put off doing something Procrastinate=先送りする。 「(やるべきことを)先送りするのは辞めなくては。」 You could also say : I need to quit stalling and get back to work/school. This is a more casual way to express the idea 他にも、Stall=エンストする、行き詰まる、失速する。 例文:I need to quit stalling 「怠けるのを辞めなくてはならない。」 これは、カジュアルな表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I really need to pull up my socks now.

  • I need to start working harder from now on.

  • I need to stop procrastinating..

"Pull up my socks" Is an English expression that explains you need to work harder. "I really need to pull up my socks now." Means you need to start working harder straight away. "From now on." Explains that in the past you were not doing this but you will start now. "I need to stop procrastinating" "Pro-crast-in-nating" This word means wasting time.
"Pull up my socks"は慣用表現で本気になる、真剣になるという意味。 "I really need to pull up my socks now." 今こそ、本当に本気で頑張らなきゃな。 今すぐ本気になる必要があるということ。 "From now on." 今から 。今まではやってなかったけどこれから始めるということ。 "I need to stop procrastinating" 時間を無駄にすることをやめないと。 "Pro-crast-in-nating" 時間を無駄にする。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Put my head down and get back into it!

  • After a long break away..its time to put my head down and get back into working!

"Put my head down: meaning start to re-focus! "Get back into it...": meaning "return to" an unfinished task... Together this phrase paints a vivid picture of an industrious "mind made up!" "Its time to put my head down and get back into..." studying/work/ business.
“Put my head down" これは、再び集中し始めるという意味です。 “Get back into it.” 一緒に使うとこれはまだ終わっていない課題に戻るという意味です。 これらのフレーズは熱心な決意を鮮明に表しています。 “It’s time to put my head down and get back into studying/ work/ business.” (顔を下に向けて、勉強/仕事/ビジネスに戻る時間です。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I need to stop procrastinating.

  • Talk is cheap.

*I need to stop procrastinating. Procrastinating means to delay or postpone action. In this case it means to delay doing your work or studying. For example: "She was smart, but her constant procrastination led her to be late with almost every assignment." *Talk is cheap. This means that it is easier to say you will do something than to actually do it. It means you are always saying you will start studying but you don't end up doing it anyway.
*I need to stop procrastinating. (先延ばしにするのをやめる必要がある) Procrastinatingは、延ばす、行動を遅らせるという意味です。今回の場合、仕事や勉強を先延ばしにしているということですよね。 例文 "She was smart, but her constant procrastination led her to be late with almost every assignment." (彼女は賢かったが、常に先延ばしすることによって、ほとんどの課題が遅れてしまった) *Talk is cheap. (口で言うのは簡単だ) 実際にやるより、口で言うほうが簡単だという意味です。そのため、いつも勉強を始めると言っているけども、結局やっていないという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I need to give it my all now.

  • Time to stop slacking off and get at it.

There are many ways in which we can describe these motivational words to get us back into good working/studying habits. The idea of the verb, "to slack off," means to not be productive either a studying or working environment. "To give it my all," means that you're going to put all of your efforts into being productive in whatever context is your focus in life.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I need to stop stuffing around and get down to business!

When saying that you are "stuffing around", you are saying that you are being distracted by things that you should't be. So, for example, you are on your phone when you should be writing an essay, you can say "I should stop stuffing around on my phone and just do my essay!" "get down to business"- this is a phrase that means you are starting to do your work now. Another example of using this phrase "Let's get down to business and continue with stock -taking".
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I have been lazy for a long time, I need to start working/studying hard.

"I have been lazy for a long time" refers to the fact that you have been slacking off, not focusing much on your work or studies over a long period of time. "I need to start working/studying hard refers to the fact that you need to make a change to start doing something differently.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I really need to get serious now and buckle down.

  • I really need to get serious now.

If you want to say that you need to start working now after a preiod of slacking off, here are some examples onf how you can say this:- 1. I really need to get serious now and buckle down. Exqample:- Lisa : "Why are so dedicated to wotking so hard all of a sudden?" Sally: "I really need to get serious now and buckle down. " 2. I really need to get serious now. Luke: "We just have one week before final exams!" Alex: "I really need to get serious now." Hope this helps!
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I really need to crack on.

  • I need to start studying for real now.

I haven't done any work for so long. Yeah you should really crack on with some work. I know, I know. I need to start studying for real now. Get on with it then, stop talking to me. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I need to start working..

  • I need to get serious about work..

You can use any of the above two sentences to express that you really need to work harder and get more serious. Example; A; Hey how's work been going? B; Not so productive, I really need to get serious.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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