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市役所に提出する書類に手こずっていた外国の友達に言う一言です。 「それ」ではなく、 「こういう類いの書類って」や「フォーマルな書類って」といった具体的な言葉を入れたいです。
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2017/07/20 15:37
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  • Even though I am Japanese, this type of document is hard to understand.

  • Even Japanese people would have hard time understanding this type of document.

this type of document という事で、こんなタイプの書類という意味になりますよ。 Even though( 〜であるのに) や Even (〜ですら、〜でさえも)などの意味を文につけてあげる事で、日本人の僕でさえも、日本人でさえもという意味になります。 ご参考までに♬ Live with passion♬情熱と生きよう♬
Miyako あなたの最高な自分を引き出す Life English coach 世界冒険家
  • These types of documents are difficult to understand, even for Japanese people.

  • Whether you are a Japanese person or a foreigner, these types of documents are hard to understand.

So, you have a group of documents that need to be read and understood. However, they are written in such a way that they are difficult to understand whether you are a Japanese person or a foreigner (a visitor to Japan). Be that as it may, the documents need to be read and understood. So, you may say: These types of documents are difficult to understand, even for Japanese people. or Whether you are a Japanese person or a foreigner, these types of documents are hard to understand.
読まないといけない書類がたくさんあるのですね。しかし、日本人であっても理解するのが難しいような言葉で書かれていると。とはいえ、その書類を読んで理解しないといけない。 以下のように言えます。 These types of documents are difficult to understand, even for Japanese people. このタイプの書類は、日本人でさえも理解するのが難しい。 Whether you are a Japanese person or a foreigner, these types of documents are hard to understand. 日本人であろうと、外国人であろうと、このタイプの書類は理解するのが難しい。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • We can't understand them completely either

  • It's even difficult for us Japanese to understand

  • These documents are even hard for Japanese people to understand

It is very common in most languages that the written language is a bit different from the spoken language, especially with official documents. Many documents and paperwork from the city hall or any bureaucratic office are written very officially and therefore not in a common language. Unless you work as a government official, the documents may be difficult to completely understand even for a person on native tongue.
ほとんどの言語では、書き言葉(特にオフィシャルな文書に使われるもの)と話し言葉は少し違います。 役所の書類や文書は日常的な言葉で書かれないことが多いです。役人でもない限り、こうした文書を完璧に理解するのは、たとえネイティブでも難しいかもしれません。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • These documents are difficult to comprehend, even for us.

  • These documents are hard to grasp, even for a Japanese person.

  • Even if Japanese is your native tongue these documents are difficult to understand.

The three sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that the documents they have are are difficult for a Japanese person to understand. In the first sentence you will notice the verb comprehend and in the second sentence you will notice the verb grasp. Both of these words mean to understand. These two words can be used in both formal and informal settings. They would make great additions to your vocabulary!
3例とも、書類について、日本人が理解するのも難しいと伝える場合に使えます。 最初の例文には"comprehend"、二番目の例文には"grasp"が使われています。どちらも「理解する」という意味の動詞です。 この二つの単語は、フォーマルな場でもインフォーマルな場でも使うことが出来ます。ぜひ語彙に加えてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • A) Even though Japanese is my mother tongue i find these kind of documents difficult to understand

  • B)These documents are even difficult for Japanese speaking people to understand.

  • C) These documents are difficult even for us to understand.

A) Even though Japanese is my mother tongue i find these kind of documents difficult to understand. *Mother tongue -the language which a person has grown up speaking from early childhood. eg. English is her mother tongue . B)These documents are even difficult for Japanese speaking people to understand. >You are stating that even though you are Japanese you still find it difficult to understand. The documents are difficult to understand in general. C) These documents are difficult even for us to understand. > You are stating that it is not only difficult for foreign speakers to understand the documents but also for you that is Japanese speaking . I hope this helps !
A) Even though Japanese is my mother tongue i find these kind of documents difficult to understand.  (日本語が母語でも、こういう書類は理解するのが難しいです。) Mother tongue -人が子ども時代から話して育った言語。 B)These documents are even difficult for Japanese speaking people to understand. (日本語話者でも、こういう書類は理解するのが難しいです。) >日本人でも、理解するのが難しいと言っています。一般的にその書類は理解するのが難しい。 C) These documents are difficult even for us to understand. (私たちでさえ、こういう書類は理解するのが難しいです。) >外国人だけでなく自分たち日本語話者でもその書類を理解するのは難しいと言っています。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • These documents are hard to understand even for us

  • Even though i am Japanese these documents are hard to understand

  • Even Japanese people find those documents hard to understand

To be 'hard' means not easy/difficult To 'understand' means you get the meaning of what you have to do So you could say 'Even Japanese people find those/these documents hard to undersatand'
「hard」は「簡単でない」「難しい」という意味です。 「understand」は「理解する」という意味です。 ですから、以下のように言えます: 'Even Japanese people find those/these documents hard to undersatand.' 〔訳〕そういう(こういう)書類は日本人でもなかなか理解できない。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • These types of documents are a challenge for Japanese people too!

  • Although I'm Japanese, I would also struggle to comprehend these documents

When speaking about a particular or general issue, you may use a singular example, yourself, or a group example. 1. 'A lion is an agressive creature and you should never approach one in the wild.' 2. "I would never approach a lion in the wild as they are generally aggressive creatures.' 3. 'Lions are aggressive creatures and should not be approached (by people).'
何か特定な話題、或いは一般的な課題について話すときは、単数形の名詞または複数形の名詞を使います。 1. "A lion is an aggressive creature and you should never approach one in the wild."(ライオンは攻撃的な生き物である。野生のライオンには絶対に近寄らないのが賢明である。) 2. "I would never approach a lion in the wild as they are generally aggressive creatures."(野生のライオンは大抵攻撃的な動物だから、私は絶対に近付かない。) 3. "Lions are aggressive creatures and should not be approached (by people)."(ライオンは攻撃的な生き物で、(人々は)近寄らない方が良い。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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