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車内にアイスボックスを忘れてしまった。 それ以来よく確認するようになった。
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2017/07/22 15:12
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  • I was in a hurry when I got off the train and left my icebox behind.

  • I rushed off a train and forgot to take the icebox with me.

「急いで電車を降りたので車内にアイスボックスを忘れた」は 例文1 I was in a hurry (私は急いでいた be in a hurry 急いで) when I got off the train (その電車を降りた時。get off~ ~を降りる) and left my icebox behind. (それで、自分のアイスボックスを置き忘れてきた leave~ behind 置き忘れる) ☆ なお、この後半は、and の次に I が省略されています。(前半の主語と同じ場合は、省略可能) 例文2 I rushed off a train  (急いで電車を出た・・・rush off~ ~から急いで出る) and forgot to take the icebox with me. (そして、そのアイスボックスを持ってくるのを忘れた forget to take ~with ... ~を持ってくるのを忘れる) ☆ この後半も、やはりand の次の、I が省略されています。 このように、「置き忘れる」は、leave~behind (後ろに置いたままにするというのが直訳) あるいは forget to take ~ with...(自分と一緒に~を持ってくるのを忘れる が直訳)を使います. ☆なお、train には、いつも使っている特定の電車 でしたら「the」、そうではなかったら(不特定の)a を使います。 ☆また、my icebox, the icebox など、one's, と the は、どちらも同じように使える(入れ替え可能)のことが多いです。 参考になりましたら、幸いです。
  • I left something on the train as I was in a hurry

  • I was in a hurry getting off the train and forgot something

By saying you have left something behind (on the train) you could say 'left something' or 'forgot something' 'in a hurry' means you were rushing and doing something quickly
何かを電車に置き忘れたことは、'left something'(~を置いてきた)または 'forgot something'(~を忘れた)で表せます。 'in a hurry'(急いで)は、急いでいたことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot my lunchbox (icebox) on the train

  • I was in a hurry and left my lunchbox on the train.

  • Oh no! I left my lunchbox on the train because I was in such a hurry to get off.

I think I forgot my lunchbox on the train. I was in a hurry and left my lunchbox on the train. Oh no! I left my lunchbox on the train because I was in such a hurry to get off. I was running late and was in such a hurry that I left my lunchbox on the train.
I think I forgot my lunchbox on the train. (たぶん電車にお弁当を忘れました) I was in a hurry and left my lunchbox on the train. (急いでいて、電車にお弁当を忘れました) Oh no! I left my lunchbox on the train because I was in such a hurry to get off. (しまった!急いで降りたので、電車の中にお弁当を忘れました) I was running late and was in such a hurry that I left my lunchbox on the train.(遅刻しそうで急いでいたので、電車にお弁当を忘れました)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I was in such a hurry I left something on the train

  • I was in a rush and forgot to pick up all my belongings on the train

If you forgot something on the train because you were in a hurry when you got off, you can explain this by using one of the above example statements. To be in a rush/hurry = to have to do something quickly with little time in which to do it.
電車を降りるときに急いでいて何かを忘れてきてしまったのなら、上記の例文の一つを使ってそれについて説明できます。 To be in a rush/hurry = ほとんど時間がない中で何かをしなければならない
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was in a rush when I got off the train and I left something.

  • Because I was in a hurry when I got off the train I forgot something.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you were in a hurry when you got off the train and forgot something. In the first sentence you will see the term in a rush. This means to be in a hurry. This is a term that is commonly used in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、急いで電車を降りたので忘れ物をしたと伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には "in a rush" という表現が使われています。これは「急いで」「慌てて」という意味です。この表現は日常会話でよく使われます、ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I was in such a hurry that I left my (item) on the train.

  • Because I was in a hurry to get off the train, I accidentally left (item) in the seat.

such a hurry' is an exaggerated way to simply state that you were rushing to do something as fast as you could. In this case, you were rushing to get off the train as quickly as you could, so you accidentally 'left' an item in your seat. 'left' is the past tense of 'leave', so make sure to use this word when you talk about a past story. This kind of incident is considered an accident, so you can state that you 'accidentally left' the item on the train or in your seat.
such a hurry' は、急いでいたことを誇張する言い方です。この場合、電車を降りようと急いでいて、電車の席に何かを忘れてきたわけです。 'left' は 'leave' の過去形です。ですから、これは過去のことについて話すときに使います。こうした出来事は 'accident'(事故)と考えられます、ですから 'accidentally left'(置いてきてしまった)と言うことができます。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • Oh no!I was in such a hurry that I forgot my phone on the seat in the train.

  • I forgot my phone on the train because I was in a rush.

"Oh no!I was in such a hurry that I forgot my phone on the seat in the train." and "I forgot my phone on the train because I was in a rush."are good ways to explain that you forgot something (phone) on the train because you were in a rush to get off and didn't realise you were forgetting something.We say : -I left in a huff and left something on the train -I was rushing to get off ... -I was in hurry... These are phrases that help us explain that we needed to perform and action quickly.
"Oh no! I was in such a hurry that I forgot my phone on the seat in the train." (大変!急いでいて電車の座席に携帯を忘れてきてしまいました) "I forgot my phone on the train because I was in a rush." (急いでいたので電車に携帯を忘れてきてしまいました) これらは、急いでいて電車に忘れ物(携帯)をしてきたことを伝えるすごく良い言い方です。 -I left in a hurry and left something on the train(慌てて降りて電車に忘れ物をしました) -I was rushing to get off ...(降りないとと急いでいて) -I was in hurry...(急いでいて) これらは、何かを急いでしたことを伝える言い方です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot something on the train because I was in a hurry.

  • I left something on the train because I was in a hurry to get off.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I forgot something on the train because I was in a hurry. 急いでいたので電車に忘れ物をしてしまいました。 ・I left something on the train because I was in a hurry to get off. 急いで降りたので電車に物を置いてきてしまいました。 get off で「降りる」となります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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