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2016/01/18 11:46
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  • I couldn't get out of bed. It was too cold...

「寒すぎてベッドからでれない」というのは、 1つの文で2つのことを言っています。 そうすると、英語にするハードルが上がってしまいますので 2つに分けることをおススメします。 I couldn't get out of bed. ベッドから出れませんでした。 It was too cold... 寒すぎ… ほら、簡単ですよね。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • It was so cold that I couldn't get out of bed this morning.

so ~ that ... (非常に~なので...)という構文、日本人なら誰でも学校で習ったことがあるのではないでしょうか? それを使えます。 It was so cold that I couldn't get out of bed this morning. 今朝、とても寒かったのでベッドから出ることができませんでした。
  • It was too cold to get out of bed today.

  • I really had a hard time getting out of bed today. It was too cold.

It was too cold to get out of bed today. こういうときこそ、**するには~過ぎるのtoo~to**を使いましょう。 I really had a hard time(大変だった) getting out of bed (ベッドから出るのが)today. It was too cold.(寒すぎました) 一気に言わなくても良いので、自分はどうだったを伝えるといいですね。理由は後から補足で良いのです。
  • It's too cold to get out of bed

  • My bed is too comfortable to get up

It's too cold to get out of bed =寒すぎてベッドから出れなあ My bed is too comfortable to get up =ベッドが気持ちよすぎて起きれない これは寒いだけに関わらず使えるフレーズなので是非覚えておきましょう。
  • I could not get out of bed this morning due to the cold

  • It was so warm under the duvet and so chilly outside!

  • I left it to the last minute before venturing out from under the duvet!

"it's a bit chilly today!" "Yes, tell me about it! I'm freezing!" "I have a lot of trouble getting up in the morning. How about you?" "Yes, these days for sure! because of the cold, I left it to the last minute before venturing out from under the duvet!" Tell me about it =used as an ironic acknowledgement of one's familiarity with an unpleasant situation or experience described by someone else.
今日はちょっと寒いね。 ああ、そうなんだよ、凍えそうだ 朝起きるのがつらかったよ。君は? ああ、最近ほんとそうだね。寒くてぎりぎりまで布団からでないんだ Tell me about it =良いことではない事柄について同意を表す言い方。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I could hardly force myself out of bed!

  • It was freezing this morning... I could hardly force myself to get up.

There are all kinds of useful phrases to describe a complete picture ... "Forcing myself" to get up...conjures all kinds of images,;-) Exaggeration is often well used..."Forcing myself" "I could hardly bear to get up out of bed..."
全体像を描写するのに役に立つたくさんの種類のフレーズがあります。 “forcing myself”(自分を強制的に〜させる) to get up 様々なイメージを想像させます。 大げさな表現もよく使われます。 “I could hardly bear to get up out of bed.” (ベットから全く起き上がれませんでした!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • In the morning it was very cold, didn't think I would get out of bed.

  • It was freezing cold in the morning, I had a hard time getting out of bed.

*In the morning it was very cold, didn't think I would get out of bed/It was freezing cold in the morning, I had a hard time getting out of bed.-Freezing cold expresses the degree of the coldness. Example Sentences: Imagine getting out of bed on a cold day. It was so cold in the morning even my kids couldn't even get out of bed to have breakfast.
*In the morning it was very cold, didn't think I would get out of bed (今朝はとても寒かったのでベットから出られないかと思いました) It was freezing cold in the morning, I had a hard time getting out of bed. (今朝は凍える様に寒かったです。ベットから出るのが本当に大変でした) -"Freezing cold"とは凍える様に寒いという表現になります。 【例文】 Imagine getting out of bed on a cold day. (寒い日に布団から出ることを想像してみてください) It was so cold in the morning even my kids couldn't even get out of bed to have breakfast. (今朝はとても寒かったので、私の子供たちでさえ布団から出て朝ごはん食べに来ませんでした)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It was so cold this morning, it was hard to get out of bed.

  • It was hard to get out of bed because it was so cold.

It was really cold this morning and I had a hard time getting out of bed, you can use one of these phrases or sentences to help you out. For example. How are you this morning? Tired. Yeah? It was hard to get out of bed because it was so cold. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will 今朝は本当に寒かったので、ベッドから出るのに苦労しました。これらのフレーズや文章のいずれかを使って助けてください。 例えば。 今朝はどうですか? 疲れた。 うん? とても寒かったので、ベッドから出るのは大変でした。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を。 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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