世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/19 03:45
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  • Could you correct my mistakes?

  • Could you tell me how to say it correctly?

1つ目は「間違いを正してもらえますか?」 2つ目は「正しく言う言い方を教えてもらえますか?」 の意味です。 1つ目は、自分が何か文を言った後に、間違っているかもしれないなという場合に使ってください。 2つ目は、言いたいことがほとんど文にならなかったような場合に使えばよいと思います。
  • Can you help me with my sentence structure?

Forming a sentence can be very difficult in a different language since it may not directly translate from the original language. You can ask your teacher to help with your sentence structure. They will help guide you to the correct phrasing of the sentence. For example what you should start a sentence with and where the subject of the sentence goes. If it’s a word you don’t understand ask your teacher for help finding the right vocabulary word.
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Is my statement correct?

  • Is that the correct way to say that?

  • Am I saying that right?

This is a very common problem for students. Usually, the best way to ask a question is the simplest way. I would always use "Am I saying that right?" or "Was that correct?" You can also make sure to remind your teacher that you would like to be corrected often. "Please correct my mistakes."
多くの生徒が直面する課題です。ベストな質問の仕方は、シンプルに聞くことです。私の場合は、"Am I saying that right?"(私の言い方は正しいですか?)または"Was that correct?"(合っていますか?)と質問します。 あとは、先生に、"Please correct my mistakes"(間違いを直してください)とリマインドすることをおすすめします。
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • I know I made mistakes in my sentence. Can you please fix them?

  • How would I say this sentence correctly?

  • How would you have said it?

When we are making sentences in a foreign language, they may make sense to others even though they have mistakes. We can improve our language skills by noticing how a native speaker would say the same thing.
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm struggling teacher! Could you lend me a hand?

  • I'm stuck teacher! Was that correct? What do you suggest I say now?

To lend someone a hand = to lend a hand. If you lend someone a hand, you help them. "I'd be glad to lend a hand pruning your flowers this afternoon." To be struggling = to try extremely hard to achieve something, even though it is very difficult struggle to do something "She’s struggling to bring up a family alone." To be stuck =
To lend someone a hand = 手を貸す 誰かに手を貸す場合は、その人を助けるということです。 例文 "I'd be glad to lend a hand pruning your flowers this afternoon." 今日の午後花の手入れをする時は喜んでお手伝いします。 To be struggling = 例えするのがとても難しくても、やり遂げるために一生懸命努力すること 例文 "She’s struggling to bring up a family alone." 彼女は一人で家族を養うために一生懸命頑張っている。 To be stuck =押し付ける
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher, can you please help me with my sentence structure?

  • I'm having some difficulty with my English. Can you help me?

  • How can I say this sentence in a correct way?

It is common for students to ask this of their teachers. There is no problem in asking your teacher for help with constructing a sentence as it is somewhat tricky when translating it word by word from Japanese to English. Both languages have their own grammatical rules. My advice is to learn English as if you don't know any language. It will be difficult as first but then you'll get used to it and you won't rely on the Japanese translations when you see the difference between both languages. Good luck! Stay positive!
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • Was that correct?

  • Can you please correct my mistakes?

1. If you're still unsure of your sentence after you've said it, a great way to ask for feedback from your teacher is to ask "was that correct?" After that, they will help you to correct any mistakes in your sentence. 2. You could also ask specifically "can you please correct my mistakes?" This is also a good way to receive feedback, but also to get the correct way of saying the sentence as well.
1. 言った後に、その文が不確かなら、先生からフィードバックをもらういい方法は  "was that correct?" (あっていましたか?)と聞くことです。その後、先生はあなたの言った文の間違いを直してくれることでしょう。 2.  "can you please correct my mistakes?"   間違いを直してもらえますか? これもフィードバックをもらうだけでなく、文を直してもらえるいい方法です。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • Could you tell me what I can say correctly?

  • If it were you, what would you say?

"Could you tell me ~?" は「~を教えて頂けますか?」という表現です。 人に丁寧にお願いする時に使われます。 "what ~" は「~する(ところの)もの/こと」を表し、 "what I can say" で「私が言える(ところの)こと」→「私がどのように言うことができるのか」となります。 "correctly" は「正しく、正確に」という表現です。 他に "rightly" を使っても良いでしょう。 "if it were 人" は「もし(人)なら」という決まった言い方です。 be動詞が過去形である点に注意しましょう。 "would ~" は、ここでは「~だろう、~するつもりだ」という意味になります。
  • Can you please help me correct my sentences if I make a mistake?

  • If I make a mistake in my sentence, can you please help me correct it?

If you are taking English lessons and would like to tell the English teacher to help correct your sentences, you can say something like "Can you please help me correct my sentences if I make a mistake?". Asking someone to help "correct" something means to ask them to help you fix something that maybe you unsure of.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • How would I say this correctly?

  • How do I say this correctly?

  • What is the correct way to say this?

All three of these questions can be used interchangeably to ask a teacher for help on how to say a question. Notice in the first two examples that we can either use the conditional, "would," or the auxiliary, "do."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Could you correct my sentence, please?

  • Please could you correct my sentence?

  • I am having trouble writing this sentence, please could you correct it for me.

Could you correct my sentence, please? Please could you correct my sentence? I am having trouble writing this sentence, please could you correct it for me. When you are struggling to write a sentence correctly and you want your tutor to help you out, you can ask or say one of these three questions/ sentences. You can see that they are more or less the same and will be understood the same way. I hope that helps. Have a good day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I think my grammar is incorrect, could you correct me please?

  • Could you help me to explain this correctly?

When someone has incorrect grammar they are using certain words in the wrong order, using the wrong tense or using the wrong words for that situation, etc. When learning a new language it can be very difficult to have correct grammar because in different languages the grammar rules can be very different.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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