世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 05:06
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  • It's not that I don't like it, I just don't feel like eating now.

  • It's not that I dislike the food, I'm just not hungry right now.

英語では「今は食べたくないけど嫌いなわけではない」は 「It's not that I don't like it, I just don't feel like eating now.」 「It's not that I dislike the food, I'm just not hungry right now.」 に相当します。 嫌いな訳ではない it's not that I don't like it it's not that I dislike it it's not that I don't like _______ (下線部は食物の名前) 今は食べたくない I don't feel like eating now I'm just not hungry now (食欲がない場合) Good luck!
  • I like it, but I'm not hungry.

I like it, but I'm not hungry. 「好きだけどお腹空いてないんだ。」 そのまま英語にすると "I don't hate it " ですが、少し不自然なので、 笑顔で "I like it, but I'm not hungry." と言った方が感じが良いでしょう。 もしくは、 "Thank you but I'm not hungry. " だけでも 相手には「お腹が空いてないだけなんだな」と言うことが伝わるでしょう。
  • I'm not really feeling for that at the moment.

  • I'm not in the mood for that right now.

1. I'm not really feeling for that at the moment. 私は現時点ではそれほど感情的ではありません。 2. I'm not in the mood for that right now. 私は今、その気分ではない。
1. I'm not really feeling for that at the moment. 私は現時点ではそれほど感情的ではありません。 2. I'm not in the mood for that right now. 私は今、その気分ではない。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks but I'm not hungry right now

  • Looks yummy but I'll pass

If you don't want to offend the person offering you just make sure to compliment the food like : "That looks delicious/yummy! but I'm not hungry right now, thank you anyways!" If you're not too concerned with hurting the person's feelings then go ahead and say something like : "It's ok, I'll pass" or "no thanks, I'm not very hungry right now" or use an excuse like : "Thanks a lot, but I just ate" - Even if you didn't eat, this will save you from eating something that looks aweful :)
あなたが提供してきた人を怒らせたくない場合は、"That looks delicious/yummy! but I'm not hungry right now, thank you anyways!" ということができます。 人の気持ちを傷つけることにあまり気にしていない場合、「それは大丈夫、私は合格する」または"It's ok, I'll pass" 、 "no thanks, I'm not very hungry right now" と言ったり、言い訳を使いましょう。 Thanks a lot, but I just ate" - あなたが食べていない場合でも、これは畏敬の念を表するもので、食べることから回避することができます。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I've just eaten but I do love that dish!

  • I'd love to but I'm stuffed! (Informal)

  • Not right now thanks. I love that dish but at the moment I'm not hungry.

Stuffed = really full up
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Looks very delicious but I am not hungry at the moment.

  • It looks very yummy but I just had lunch before I came over.

>Looks very delicious but I am not hungry at the moment. By saying "Looks very delicious" means that you do like it... >It looks very yummy but I just had lunch before I came over. This sentence explains that you like the food but you just ate before you went to their place.
Looks very delicious but I am not hungry at the moment. Looks very deliciousということは、それが好きだということを意味します。 Looks very yummy but I just had lunch before I came over. その食べ物が好きだが、来る前に食事してしまったということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm feeling a bit stuffed right now, maybe later, thank you for offering.

We use the word 'stuffed' to express when we are not feeling hungry. In this sentence, you would state that you are not hungry, but there may be the chance that you may want to eat it later on in the day. You have also politely thanked the person for offering you the meal.
あまりお腹を好いていない時にstuffedを使います。この文の場合、今はお腹が空いていないけど、その日のうちにまたお腹が減って食べるかもしれないな、という状態することを表現できます。また、最後にthank you for offeringとつけ、尋ねてくれた相手に丁寧に感謝する言葉も添えています。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • It's not that I don't like it, I am not hungry now.

You can say : It's not that I don't like it, I am not hungry now. I am not hungry at this moment. I will have it later.
このように言うことができます。 It's not that I don't like it, I am not hungry now. (それが好きじゃないというわけではないよ、ただ今はおなかがすいていないんだ。) I am not hungry at the moment. (今は私はおなかがすいていません。) I will have it later. (あとで食べるよ。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It's not that I don't like it, I'm just not hungry.

  • I'll eat it later, I'm not hungry right now.

  • I love *** but I've just eaten.

I do love ***, but I had a large lunch. Thank you but I've just eaten. Thank you but I had a huge breakfast. All of these are okay. If you say you are not hungry it is not implied that you don't like the food. However if you want to be sure that the person does not think this then say "I love *** but I've just eaten.'' Example: Q: Would you like some ramen? A: I love ramen, but I've just eaten.
I do love ***, but I had a large lunch. (***すごく好きなんですけど、昼ご飯たくさん食べてしまったので) Thank you but I've just eaten. (ありがとうございます。でも食べたばかりなので) Thank you but I had a huge breakfast. (ありがとうございます。でも朝ご飯たくさん食べてしまったので) これらすべて、使えます。「I'm not hungry」には、その食べ物が好きではないというニュアンスはありませんが、もっとはっきり伝えるなら: ''I love *** but I've just eaten.'' (***はすごく好きですけど、食べたばかりなので) 例: Q: Would you like some ramen?(ラーメン食べますか) A: I love ramen, but I've just eaten.(ラーメン大好きなんですけど、食べたばっかりなので)
Niabh DMM英語講師
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