1. Shouting insults at each other:-
If two people are in an argument, they may be shouting insults at each other.
The meaning of the word "insult" is a disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or act.
2. Cursing:-
Two people may be cursing each other during an argument.
This is when they are using very bad or foul language against each other.
Shouting insults at each other.
insult の意味は、相手に対しての無礼で軽蔑的な暴言や行動のことです。
2. Cursing
Two guys from different races were insulting each other.
A few people from different races were so disrespectful towards each other.
>Two guys from different races were insulting each other.
*insulting=disrespectful or scornfully abusive.
>A few people from different races were so disrespectful towards each other.
*disrespectful= showing a lack of respect or courtesy; impolite.
Two guys from different races were insulting each other.
A few people from different races were so disrespectful towards each other.
*disrespectful= 敬意や礼儀にかけることを意味します。
They were calling each other every insult under the sun.
I could hear people swearing at each other – swearing is word for strong insults, only what adults may say. When people swear while arguing, it can be really offensive and the argument is usually very heated.
They were calling each other every insult under the sun. – Idiom – every insult under the sun means many words, all you can think of. It emphasises how badly they were shouting at each other using swear words.
"I could hear people swearing at each other – Swearing は、罵るという意味合いで、大人の間で使われる非常に侮辱的な言い方です。
They were calling each other every insult under the sun. – イディオム―every insult under the sunは、思いつくありとあらゆる言葉の意味です。
これによってどれだけ強くお互いを罵倒しているか強調しています。 "
A) I heard people arguing.
*Heard-perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something).
Example-"behind her she could hear men's voices"
*People-human beings in general or considered collectively.
Example-"the earthquake killed 30,000 people"
*Arguing -exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way.
Example-"the two men started arguing in a local pub"
B) They were cursing each other out.
*They-used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
Example-"the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted"
*Were-second person singular past, plural past, and past subjunctive of be.
*Cursing-an offensive word or phrase used to express anger or annoyance.
Example-"at every blow there was a curse"
*Each other-used to refer to each member of a group when each does something to or for other members.
Example-"they communicate with each other in French"
I hope this helps! :-)
A) I heard people arguing.
"behind her she could hear men's voices"
"the earthquake killed 30,000 people"
*Arguing -相反する価値観や見識を相手と交換し合うこと、特に白熱する議論などをいう。
"the two men started arguing in a local pub"
B) They were cursing each other out.
"the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted"
"at every blow there was a curse"
*Each otherそれぞれ
"they communicate with each other in French"
I overheard people from different races swear at each other.
You cannot say "throw discriminatory words" instead you should say "use discriminatory words at each other". To swear mean use offensive language, especially as an expression of anger.
For example: "Peter swore under his breath."
"throw discriminatory words"とは言わず代わりに"use discriminatory words at each other"と言いましょう。 "swear"とは、ののしるというような意味で、特に怒りを表します。
例: "Peter swore under his breath."
To trade insults = trade insults/blows etc
"To insult or hit each other during an argument or fight."
A shouting match = a loud quarrel.
"He had to be pulled away from the stands after getting into a shouting match with a fan."
If two people are having an 'interracial shouting match' you may imagine that some of the phrases are discriminatory although this is not actually stated.
To trade insults = 互いを侮辱し合ったり、殴り合う事
例:"To insult or hit each other during an argument or fight."
A shouting match =激しい言い争い
例:"He had to be pulled away from the stands after getting into a shouting match with a fan."
もし、ある二人の人が'interracial shouting match'(異人種間での言い争い)をしていると聞くと、
Profane words are words that are rude and disrespectful. These words are meant to harm the receiver or to mock them in some way. Profane words can also be used to describe how someone feels or to express a certain emotion.
"I overheard two people throwing profane words at each other like it was nothing!"
"I don't enjoy hearing profane words, that's why I was upset when I heard two people swearing at one another."
Explicitly: clearly and in detail, no mistake
"Profane words" は「無礼で品のない言葉」をいいます。人を傷つける言葉やばかにする言葉です。
"Profane words" は自分の感情を表すときに使われることもあります。
"I overheard two people throwing profane words at each other like it was nothing!"(二人の人が平然と互いに罵声を浴びせていた)
"I don't enjoy hearing profane words, that's why I was upset when I heard two people swearing at one another."(人がののしり合うのを聞いて動揺してしまった)
Explicitly: 明確に、はっきりと
If someone insults you, they say or do something that is rude or offensive.
Discrimination is the practice of treating one person or group of people less fairly or less well than other people or groups.
I did not mean to insult you.
I would be a bit insulted if he said anything like that.
Discrimination とは、個人かグループを不公平に扱うことです。差別すること
I did not mean to insult you.
I would be a bit insulted if he said anything like that.
If you want to be precise, you should say "Throwing discriminatory words at each other" but given examples are OK to be used too. For example - I really don't appreciate people cursing in public places.
明確に伝えるなら、"Throwing discriminatory words at each other" がいいと思います。ただ、上にお示しした例も使うことができます。
I really don't appreciate people cursing in public places.(人前でののしり合う人たちは本当に嫌だ)