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2015/11/22 00:15
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  • lover's quarrel

  • lover's spat

とてもいい質問ですねー!これも、日本語のニュアンスで使う「痴話喧嘩」にとても近い表現があるんです! lover's quarrelかlover's spat. lover's という言葉自体の発音が難しいので、言いやすいのはspatの方でしょうかね! quarrelもspatも「小さな喧嘩」という意味で普通に使えますがその前にlover'sとつけることにより「痴話喧嘩」というニュアンスに変身!します♪ (例文)Oh, don't worry, it's their daily lover's quarrel, and nothing more. =心配ないよ、ただの日常的な痴話喧嘩でそれ以上のなにものでもないさ。 です♪ Enjoy!
  • a tiff

少しニュアンスは変わりますが「a tiff」という言い方もあります。「いさかい」または「ちょっとした喧嘩」の意味なので家族や友達の間にも使えます。 A: Isn't Jack coming? B: We had a tiff earlier. He might come later. A: ジャックは来ないの? B: 先いさかいをしたんだ。落ち着いたら来るかも。
  • Lover's squabble

  • Lover's tiff

They have a tiff over where to go on holiday.
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • They had a tiff.

  • They had a spat.

  • They fell out.

'Tiff' is common in the UK. 'Spat' is more a US word. 'To fall out' means to argue. 'They had a falling out'. 'They had a fall out'.
Tiffは、UKではよくあります。Spatはアメリカでよく聞く言葉です。To fall outは口論になることを表します。They had a falling outやThey had a fall outという言い方もできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A tiff.

  • We had a tiff on friday and I yelled for no good reason...I am so sorry!

A tiff is a small falling out; or fight "of no consequence" (unimportant) When we are young and in love ...we usually have the odd tiff ;-D Its nothing serious and so we should not worry too much! "We had a tiff on friday and I yelled for no good reason...I am so sorry"
"A tiff" とは結論のない小さな小競り合いのことです。若い恋人同士はランダムな喧嘩 "tiff" がよくあります。大したことはなく、あまり心配しすぎることはありません。   例文: "We had a tiff on friday and I yelled for no good reason...I am so sorry" (金曜日に痴話喧嘩をしたけれど、特に理由もなく怒鳴ってしまった。ごめんなさい)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • They were bickering

  • They had a little spat

  • They had a tiff

"They were bickering" To bicker is to argue about petty and trivial matters. eg. We spent the evening bickering instead of watching movies like we had planned. "They had a little spat" A spat is a quarrel about an unimportant matter. eg. when we had our little spats, he had only to smile to get back on the right side of me" "They had a tiff" A tiff is a petty quarrel eg Like any couple, they occasionally tiff, but it's never anything serious You could also say : - a difference of opinion -a misunderstanding -a disagreement -a squabble
"They were bickering" ①「口喧嘩していた。」 To bickerは、些細な事やつまらないことで口論することです。 例文: We spent the evening bickering instead of watching movies like we had planned. 夕方、予定通り映画を観ずに、口論して過ごした。 "They had a little spat" ②「小競り合いをした。」Spatは、些細なことでちょっとした喧嘩をすることです。 例文: when we had our little spats, he had only to smile to get back on the right side of me つまらないことでちょっとした喧嘩をしたとき、私の機嫌を取るのに、彼は笑うしかなかった。 "They had a tiff" ③「いさかいをした。」 Tiffは、恋人同士や夫婦がつまらない喧嘩をすることです。 例文: Like any couple, they occasionally tiff, but it's never anything serious どのカップルにもありがちな喧嘩は時々するけれど、大したことではない。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Lovers quarrel

  • Bickering.

  • An argument.

The most basic word we can use when two people, whether be dating or not, would be an, "argument." If they are dating we would say that it is a, "lovers quarrel." The word, "bickering," refers to a small argument that isn't very serious and is about things that people don't normally argue about.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • argument

  • lover's quarell

  • disagreement

When a fight between two lovers - a boyfriend and a girlfriend - can be called a "lover's quarrel", "argument" or a "disagreement"; especially when it is not too serious. For example: -They had a lover's quarrel but they have since made up. -My boyfriend and I had an argument but it wasn't very serious. -My girlfriend and I had a disagreement. She wanted to watch a romantic comedy and I wanted to watch an action movie.
恋人同士の (彼氏と彼女)深刻でない喧嘩のことを"lover's quarrel"(恋人の喧嘩)、"argument"(口論) または "disagreement"(不一致)と言います。 例文: -They had a lover's quarrel but they have since made up. 彼らは恋人同士で喧嘩をしたけど仲直りした。 -My boyfriend and I had an argument but it wasn't very serious. 彼氏と私は口論をしましたが深刻なものではありませんでした。 -My girlfriend and I had a disagreement. She wanted to watch a romantic comedy and I wanted to watch an action movie. 彼女と私は口論をしました。彼女はロマンチックコメディが観たかったのですが私はアクションが観たかったのです。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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