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2017/09/07 00:16
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  • ①I kinda lost my confidence.

  • ②I lost a little confidence.

「少し自信を無くした」は、くだけた言い方で私はよく①の方を使います。 ※confidence 自信 「自分の英語の発音が原因で相手に上手く英語が伝わらなかったので少し自信を無くした。」 I couldn't make myself understood in English because of my pronounciation. So I kinda lost my confidence. で、伝わると思いますよ。
Adam and Michiko 英語講師/ESAC英語学習アドバイザー
  • I lost some confidence today.

  • Some of my confidence has been lost.

  • I lost a little confidence.

"I lost some confidence" means the person saying this sentence once had confidence but some event or action has led the same person to loose confidence at some point in time. Confidence refers to self-confidence. People can be confident in thousands of different things such as sports, music, languages, technology, school, etc. Being confident is a mindset. It is something that is in our heads. The opposite of confidence is doubt. "Although I am normally very confident in Math class, I have lost some confidence after I failed my last test." "Mary lost some confidence today after she forgot her speech at home.
"I lost some confidence"(少し自信を失いました)は、何らかの出来事や行動によって自信を失ったことを表します。 "confidence"は自信(self-confidence)のことです。人は、スポーツ・音楽・言語・技術・学校など、いろいろなことに自信を持ちます。自信は考え方です。気持ちの問題です。 "confidence"(自信)の反対は"doubt"(疑念)です。 "Although I am normally very confident in Math class, I have lost some confidence after I failed my last test." (普段は数学の授業では自信があるけど、前回のテストに落ちて少し自信を失いました) "Mary lost some confidence today after she forgot her speech at home. (メアリーは今日家でスピーチを忘れて少し自信を失いました)
Jackson D DMM英会話講師
  • I lost confidence because my English was not being understood.

  • Not being understood in English sort of made me lose confidence.

1) "I lost confidence because my English was not being understood." - This is a simple and clear way of saying what happened to you (lost confidence), while giving the reason (not being understood). 2) "Not being understood in English sort of made me lose confidence." - Here, we have a long phrase that acts as one noun = 'not being understood in English'. The verb phrase 'sort of made' is the same as 'kind of made'. Overall, this sentence states that you lost confidence because your English wasn't understood by people.
1) "I lost confidence because my English was not being understood."(英語が伝わらなかったので自信をなくしました) - この文では、起きたこと(=自信をなくす)とその理由(=伝わらない)をシンプルに分かりやすく伝えています。 2) "Not being understood in English sort of made me lose confidence."(英語が伝わらなくて少し自信を失いました) - ここでは、名詞として働く長い句が使われています='not being understood in English'(英語が伝わらない) この'sort of made'は'kind of made'と同じです。文全体では、「英語が伝わらなくて自信を失った」と伝えています。
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • I sort of lost my self-esteem.

  • I somewhat lost my confidence.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you lost some of your confidence. In the first sentence you will see the term sort of and in the second sentence you will see the word somewhat. Both of these mean slightly or to some degree.
上記二つの例文は、少し自信を失ってしまったことを伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 最初の例には'sort of'、二つ目の例には'somewhat'がそれぞれ使われています。これらはどちらも「少し、多少」という意味です。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I lost a bit of my confidence.

Native speakers will say like this: “I lost a bit of my confidence”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Why do you hesitate to speak? B: I lost a bit of my confidence since last time...
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I lost a bit of my confidence” (少し自信を失いました) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です。 A: Why do you hesitate to speak? (なぜ話すのをためらうのですか?) B: I lost a bit of my confidence since last time... (この前...で、少し自信を失いました。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I have lost confidence

  • I lack confidence

I have lost confidence. I am lacking in confidence. I lack confidence. I am low in self-confidence.
例文 I have lost confidence. (自信をなくした) I am lacking in confidence. (自信がない) I lack confidence. (自信がない) I am low in self-confidence. (自信がない)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I kind of lost my confidence

  • I lost a little confidence

  • I don't feel as confident as i did before

If you don't do something as well as you would like you are said ' to have lost your confidence' meaning that you are not so sure about what you are doing So if you are not so sure of something anymore then you could say 'i kind of lost my confidence' although you could also say 'i lost a little confidence' or ' i dont feel as confident as i did before' meaning something has happened to make you feel like this
「自信を失った」ことを”I have lost my confidence"と言います。 ”I kind of lost my confidence”(ちょっと自信を無くした)と、”Kind of"というクッション的な役割をするフレーズを使って表すことも出来ます。 何かがきっかけで自信を無くした時には、”I lost a little confidence"(ちょっと自信を無くした)、”I don't feel as confident as I did before"(前ほど自信がない)と表すことも出来ます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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