世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/08 14:47
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  • Have you recharged your batteries?

  • Did you get a good rest?

  • Are you well rested?

Have you recharged your batteries? – Idiom – recharge batteries means when you have rested for a while so you feel fresh and ‘recharged’, ready for work again. You would use this phrase when the person has been working really hard and needed a day off or a good night sleep. Did you get a good rest? – This is asking if the person had time to relax and rest. ‘Good rest’ is asking if the rest was sufficient. Similar to this question is – “Are you well rested?” – did the person have a long enough rest to feel well again.
"Have you recharged your batteries? – イディオム - recharge batteries とは、しばらくの間[休憩した](ことでリフレッシュでき、元気が戻り再び仕事ができる状態を意味します。 このフレーズは、人が本当に大変な仕事をしていて、休みや睡眠が必要なときに使用します。 recharge = [充電](する batteries = バッテリー、電池 Did you get a good rest? – これは、人がリラックスして休息する時間があるかどうかを尋ねています。 ‘Good rest’は、十分休息できたかどうか聞くときに使います。 この質問と同様に、 get a good rest = ゆっくり休む – “Are you well rested?” –十分に休息して元気を取り戻しました?という文もあります。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get good enough rest last night?

  • I hope you're feeling more relaxed today

  • Have you managed to de-stress a little?

  • Are you refreshed after your night's sleep?

To de-stress = to release bodily or mental tension :unwind. Refreshed = to restore strength and animation to :revive Your wife travelled home by train and arrived late at night. She seemed so tired! She went straight to bed and slept until 10 am. You hope she is feeling better now: "Are you refreshed after your night's sleep?" If your partner appeared stressed, you could also say: "I hope you're feeling more relaxed today."
To de-stress = 体や心の緊張をとく:くつろぐ Refreshed =体力が回復する。元気になる:復活する あなたの奥さんが電車で夜遅くに帰宅しました。彼女はとても疲れているようです! 真っすぐ寝室に行き次の日の朝10時まで眠りました。 あなたは奥さんの疲れが取れていれば良いと思っての一言: "Are you refreshed after your night's sleep?" (良く寝て疲れは取れた?) もし、まだストレスが残っているように見えたらこんな風に言えるでしょう: "I hope you're feeling more relaxed today." (今日はもっとリラックスできると良いね)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • are you feeling rested

  • do you feel more rested today

  • are you still tired from yesterday

example "Are you feeling any more rested since yesterday?" or "Do you feel less shattered?" Shattered is an informal way of expressing tiredness. or "Are you still feeling tired from your exhausting day yesterday?"
"Are you feeling any more rested since yesterday?" 昨日から結構休めましたか?   "Do you feel less shattered?" 少しはくたくたではなくなりましたか? Shatteredは、くたくたに疲れるという意味です。 "Are you still feeling tired from your exhausting day yesterday?" 昨日の疲労から、まだ疲れた感じがしますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Are your energy levels good for the new day?

  • Hope you had a good nights rest and very energized again.

>Are your energy levels good for the new day? *energy=the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. *levels=The quantity. >Hope you had a good nights rest and very energized again. This sentence is saying that you wondering if he had enough rest and that he is not tired anymore. *energized=give vitality and enthusiasm to
Are your energy levels good for the new day? *energy=持続的な心身の活動に必要な活力を意味します。 *levels=数量を意味します。 Hope you had a good nights rest and very energized again. 相手に十分に休んで疲れってほしいことを伝える表現です。 *energized=活力と熱意を与えることです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you still feel tired?

  • Are you well rested?

1)Do you still feel tired?- This is a direct way to ask how they feeling now. If they are not tired or not. 2)Are you well rested?- This is a way to ask if they got enough sleep an they energized for the day.
1)Do you still feel tired? これは、率直な聞き方で相手が付かれているかそうじゃないか、尋ねる言い方です。 2)Are you well rested? これは、相手が十分に睡眠をとって休養しましたか、と言う意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you feel well rested today, my love?

  • Do you feel well rested today, my dear?

  • Do you feel well rested today, my sweet?

To ask if someone is feeling 'well rested' is to ask if they feel relaxed, happy and do not have any tiredness or pain from any exertion they may have previously undertaken. You could add 'my love', 'my sweet' or 'my dear' on the end, as these are kind terms of endearment that show love to those that are close to you. You could also say any other nickname or caring word that you use with your loved ones.
誰かに'well rested'と聞くということは、リラックスているか、前に労力を使ったことなどから疲れや痛みなどがないか尋ねるということです。  'my love', 'my sweet' または 'my dear'などを最後に付けることもできます。これは、自分に近い愛する人に対する愛情表現の言葉です。また、その愛する人に使うニックネームや 気遣いの言葉を付け加えるのもいいでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Did you get a good rest?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 Did you get a good rest? のように英語で表現することができます。 Did you get a good rest? は「ゆっくり休めましたか?」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 例: You looked tired yesterday. Did you get a good rest? 昨日、とても疲れているように見えました。よく眠れましたか? お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
  • Did you get a good rest?

  • Were you able to rest well?

次のように英語で表現することができます: Did you get a good rest? Were you able to rest well? どちらも「ゆっくり休めましたか」のニュアンスになります。 get a good rest = 良い休みをとる rest well = よく休む ぜひ参考にしてください。 また何かありましたらいつでも質問してください。
  • Did you rest well honey?

  • Do you feel well rested today?

If you would like to ask your significant other if they are still tired, or if they have rested well, you can say something like "Did you rest well honey?" or "How are you feeling today? Any better?". These are some very loving and nice ways to ask someone this.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Are you well-rested after yesterday's hard work?

  • You worked so hard yesterday, did you have a good rest?

  • Were you able to de-stress?

Both of these are said in a kind voice. The phrase "well-rested" means to sleep well and that you are feeling refreshed after your hard work. Saying "good rest" means the exact same as well-rested. We sometimes day "de-stress" when we were stressed and we want to relax. "De" means to undo. So you are thus undoing the stress!
Janke DMM英会話講師
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