世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/09 06:16
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  • A place I long to visit. / A place I've (always) longed to visit.

  • A place I've always wanted to go to.

  • A place on my bucket list.

A "bucket list" is a list of things you want to do before you die.
bucket listは、死ぬ前に[したいことのリスト](のことです。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I've always dreamed of going there!

  • I've always longed to visit that place!

  • Since early childhood, that has always been my dream destination!

To long for something = long, yearn, hanker, pine, hunger, thirst mean to have a strong desire for something. long implies a wishing with one's whole heart and often a striving to attain. "John just longed for some rest after his day's work." To dream of/about something = wish to, fantasize about "She dreamed of going to work overseas."
To long for something=熱望、[憧れ](、幸運、思い焦がれる、切望、渇望。 longとは、心から何かを強く望み、その達成の為、[努力する](こと。 例:"John just longed for some rest after his day's work." (ジョンは一日の仕事を終え、ただ休息したかった。)   To dream of/about something = 何かについて[夢見る](、想像する。 例:"She dreamed of going to work overseas."  (彼女は海外で働くことを夢見ていた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I’ve dreamed about visiting this place since I was a child

  • I’ve been dreaming of this place for a long time.

  • I’ve been dying to visit this place.

I’ve dreamed about visiting this place since I was a child – This is a simple sentence to explain how much you desired to go to this place. By stating ‘since I was a child’ means a really long time and you are incredibly happy to finally go! I’ve been dreaming of this place for a long time. – This is similar to above, except you use, ‘a long time’. You don’t have to give a time frame. I’ve been dying to visit this place. – dying in this context means desperate/desire. When you really want to go somewhere or do something, you use dying to emphasise the want is great.
"I’ve dreamed about visiting this place since I was a child – どれだけ、その場所に行きたかったかをシンプルに表現した文です。‘since I was a child’で、 子供のころからずっと行きたかった場所にやっと行けた喜びを表しています。 I’ve been dreaming of this place for a long time. – 上の文に似ていますが、ここではあえていつからという期間を述べていません。 I’ve been dying to visit this place. – この文でのdyingは死ぬほど行きたかったという気持ちを 強調する意味合いがあります。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Dream place

  • childhood dream

If you have always wished to be somewhere you can say my dream place. It can also be used to refer to a job you have always wanted (dream job). You can also say " Going to France has always been my childhood dream".
もしずっと求めていた、憧れていた場所という意味であれば、my dream placeということができます。 これはまたずっとなりたかった職業にも使うことができます(dream job)。 例 " Going to France has always been my childhood dream". フランスに行くことが子供のことからの夢なんだ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Since a child I have always dreamed of visiting that place.

  • That place has been on m y to do list since I was a child.

>Since a child I have always dreamed of visiting that place. *This sentence indicates that you have always wanted to go to that place since a young age. ...................... >That place has been on my to do list since I was a child. *To do list is a bucket list. A list of a few things you still want to do. This sentence clearly indicates that it has been on your list since you were a child. ...........***....................
Since a child I have always dreamed of visiting that place. 子供のころからずっと行きたかったということを意味する表現です。 That place has been on my to do list since I was a child. 「a bucket list」はやることを書いたリストを示します。 そのリストには、やりたいことが書かれています。 子供の頃からリストに書いてあった(やりたかったこと)だという意味の表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • That has been my dream place since I was a child.

  • I have always dreamed of going to that place since I was a child.

If you have always dreamed of going to a certain place since you were a child, that place can be called your dream place. This happens to a lot of people when they are children. You might have seen a certain place in a magazine or on TV or you might have heard a lot of good stories about the place. What this then did to you as a child was to create a sense of longing to personally visit and explore the place. So, you may say: That has been my dream place since I was a child. or I have always dreamed of going to that place since I was a child.
子供のころから、ある場所にずっと行きたかったというような場所を、dream placeと言います。子供のころに誰でもあることでしょう。そのような場所を、雑誌やテレビで見たり、人から聞いたりすると思います。このように、その場所へ行ってみたいとずっと子供のころ思っていた人も少なくないでしょう。 That has been my dream place since I was a child. そこは、子供のころから私の夢の場所だった。   I have always dreamed of going to that place since I was a child. 子供のころから、その場所へ行くのをずっと夢見ていた。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I have always dreamed of going to (New York)

  • I have always wanted to go to (New York) since I was a child.

  • It's always been a dream of mine to visit (New York)

If you want to talk about a place that you have always dreamed of going/visiting, then you can express this in the following ways: -I have always dreamed of going to (New York) -I have always wanted to go to (New York) since I was a child. -It's always been a dream of mine to visit (New York)
憧れの場所、夢に見ていた場所のことを話すときのフレーズです。 -I have always dreamed of going to (New York) ニューヨークにいくことを夢みていた。 -I have always wanted to go to (New York) since I was a child. 子供のころからニューヨークにずっと行きたかった。 -It's always been a dream of mine to visit (New York) ニューヨークに行くことがずっと私の夢だった。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • a place I've always wanted to visit.

  • a place I've always dreamed of visiting.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) 「憧れの場所」というのは、そのまま翻訳するのが難しいため、 以下のように言い換えるのが良いと思います♪ a place I've always wanted to visit. 「私が常に行きたいと思っていた場所」 a place I've always dreamed of visiting. 「私が常に行くことを夢見ていた場所」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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