世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/16 12:31
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  • You always have such fulfilling days!

  • Every day in your life seems to be eventful!

  • Each day is a new adventure for you!

When you want to tell your friend that each day in their life seems so eventful or fulfilling, you can say: You always have such fulfilling days! 'Always' - All the time Fulfilling - satisfying. This means that each day in their life seems to be satisfying and full of happiness. Every day in your life seems to be eventful! 'Seems to be' This means appears to be Eventful - Full of events, lively, exciting You can also say: Each day is a new adventure for you! A new adventure implies that something different happens every day. I hope that helps!
友人の日常がイベントが多く[充実している](ようだと伝えたかったら You always have such fulfilling days! と言うことができます。 always - [いつも]( fulfilling - [満足](させるような これは彼らが満足のできる幸せな毎日を送っていることを意味します。 Every day in your life seems to be eventful! seems to be - 〜のようだ eventful - イベントが多い、元気いっぱい、わくわくする このように言うこともできます。 Each day is a new adventure for you! a new adventure と言うと、いろんなことが毎日起こっていることが想像できます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • You get a lot of things done in a day!

  • You always seem to be so busy.

  • You must feel so fulfilled after working hard all day.

*You get a lot of things done in a day! * MEANING= you accomplish a lot of tasks in one day- meaning you are busy and you must feel great when you get those tasks completed. *You always seem to be so busy.* MEANING= you always seem to be so busy doing tasks or events or social events. Similar to the meaning of the first phrase. *You must feel so fulfilled after working hard all day.* MEANING= you must feel so great after working hard and getting those jobs done. I wasn’t too sure of what exactly you wanted to find out, but I hope these phrases help you
*You get a lot of things done in a day! * 意味:[するべき](ことがたくさんあると言う意味ですね。 これは[忙しい](と言う意味ですが、そんな1日の終わりは最高の気分でしょうね。。 *You always seem to be so busy.* 意味= 業務やイベントなどに参加してすごく忙しいだね。最初の文と似ています。 *You must feel so fulfilled after working hard all day.* 意味= たくさん働いて、それを終わらせた後の[気分](は最高でしょうね。 これが求めていた答えなのかはわかりませんが、こう言ったフレーズが役に立つことを祈ってます。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • My days are always so full and busy.

  • I rarely have time during the day because my schedule is always full.

  • My days are jam packed.

Some times, you can go the simplistic route. You can say that you do not have time because your days are always busy. Also, you can use slang to communicate how busy your days are. You can say that your days are "jam packed"; which means you have no free time in your schedule.
簡単にいうこともできます。always busy(いつも忙しい)ということができます。他にはスラングを使うことも可能です。"jam packed"と言えます。これはスケジュールに自由時間がないということです。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • You seem to be busy the whole day.

  • Your days seem to be eventful everyday.

1)You seem to be busy the whole day.- This means that you seem to have a lot of things to do everyday. 2)Your days seem to be eventful everyday.- If your day is eventful,it means the day is marked by interesting or exciting events.
1)You seem to be busy the whole day. これは、 毎日やることがいっぱいあるみたいですね、と言う意味です。 2)Your days seem to be eventful everyday. もしあなたの日が"eventful"だとすると、楽しくてワクワクするようなことがたくさんある日と言う事になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • You seem to be living a fulfilling life!

  • You seem quite fulfilled by what you do!

  • You seem to have a very gratifying life!

Gratifying =give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction, please, gladden, give pleasure to, make happy, make content, delight, make someone feel good, satisfy. "She was gratified to see the shock in Jim's eyes." To be fulfilled = ​feeling happy because you are getting everything that you want from life: "For the first time in my life, I feel really fulfilled."
Gratifying =誰かを喜ばす、または満足させる。喜ぶ、幸せにする、嬉しく思う、誰かを気分良くさせる。 例:"She was gratified to see the shock in Jim's eyes." (ジムの目の中に衝撃をみて彼女は満足した) To be fulfilled =人生で欲しいものを全て手に入れ幸せに思うこと。 例:"For the first time in my life, I feel really fulfilled." (人生で初めて、とても充実した気分です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You always have interesting days

  • It sounds like you have fulfilling days

When you're trying to say that your friend is always doing something interesting/fulfilling days, then you can say: -You always have interesting days. -It sounds like you have fulfilling days.
友達がいつも面白いこと、充実したことをしていると言いたいときの表現です。  -You always have interesting days. いつも楽しんでいるね。 -It sounds like you have fulfilling days. 充実した日々を過ごしているみたいだね。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Your achieve a lot daily.

  • You accomplish a lot everyday.

>Your achieve a lot daily. *achieve=successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, or courage. .................................. >You accomplish a lot everyday. *accomplish=achieve or complete successfully. ................................... Other sentences a. Everyday sound like a great accomplishment. b.You implement a lot everyday which leads to great fulfillment ........................****..................***...........
Your achieve a lot daily. *achieve=(希望の目的や結果)を努力や努力で成功すること。 You accomplish a lot everyday. *accomplish=達成または完璧に成功すること。 その他の例文でいうと以下の通りです。 a. Everyday sound like a great accomplishment. b.You implement a lot everyday which leads to great fulfillment
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You are living a fulfilling life everyday.

  • You are satisfied with everything you do daily

If someone lives a fulfilling life everyday, that person achieves or realizes every goal he/she has set for himself/herself on a daily basis. It is quite possible to be satisfied with everything one does on a daily basis provided the tasks he/she has set for himself/herself are not overly difficult. So, you may say to your friend: You are living a fulfilling life everyday. or You are satisfied with everything you do daily.
毎日自分のたてた目標を達成するなど、充実した生活をしている人がいます。毎日小さなことでも、やろうと思ったことをして、満足できるというのは可能なことです。 例:  You are living a fulfilling life everyday. 毎日、充実した生活をしているね。   You are satisfied with everything you do daily. 毎日することに満足しているね。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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