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子供との交渉です(笑) 習い事に泣かずに行けたら、ご褒美におもちゃ買ってあげる! (だからお願い、泣かないで行って) 仮定法の時制がイマイチ分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。
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2017/09/21 16:08
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  • I am going to buy you toys, unless you cry.

  • If you don’t cry, i will buy toys to you.

  • If only you don’t cry, i am willing to get you toys.

仮定法の自制について ご質問いただいているのは仮定法現在の文章ですので、 if'節の時制が単純現在形で、主節の時制は単純未来形です。 1 )I am going to buy you toys unless you cry... Points 1 unless=if not「もし〜しなければ」 Ex You will never be able to speak English, unless you study hard. 2 buy 人 物=「人に物を買ってあげる」 Ex Buy my girl friend birthday presents. 2)If you don’t cry, i will buy toys to you. Points buy 物 to 人=「人に物を買ってあげる」 Ex buy a pen to him 3 )Only if you don’t cry, i am willing to get you toys. Points 1 Only if=「〜の場合に限り」 またIf only=「〜だったら良いのだが」 Ex If only i had two sisters.「姉が二人いたらなー」 上記は現実にありえないことをいっているので自制が過去形になります。
Miran 日英バイリンガル
  • If you don't cry, I will buy you toys!

  • If you are good boy, I will buy you toys!

If you don't cry, I will buy you toys! もし泣かなかったら、おもちゃを買ってあげるよ! If you are good boy, I will buy you toys! いい子でいたら、おもちゃを買ってあげるよ! good boyは、いい子という意味です。 子供は泣かないでというと、余計泣いてしまうことがありますので、笑顔だったらというように、以下のような表現を使って、お子さんを勇気づけてみるのもいいかもしれませんね。 I don't want you to cry, because if you cry, it makes me sad, too. If you smile, I will be happy and I will buy you toys, OK? (わたしはあなたに泣いてほしくないの。だって、あなたが泣いたら、わたしも悲しくなるのよ。もしあなたが笑顔だったら、わたしは嬉しくなるし、そしたらおもちゃを買ってあげるからね。わかった?)
Ami オンライン英会話講師、翻訳家、英語習得カウンセラー
  • If you don't cry during the lesson, I will buy you a toy.

  • We can get you a toy if you don't cry today.

  • I need you to be good today so we can get you a toy.

If you don't cry during the lesson, I will buy you a toy. We can get you a toy if you don't cry today. I need you to be good today so we can get you a toy. You'll get a toy if you don't cry during the lesson. You need to be good so you can get a toy after the lesson. Please don't cry during the lesson. I will get you a toy if you don't. You can get a toy if you don't cry during the lesson.
If you don't cry during the lesson, I will buy you a toy. (レッスン中に泣かなかったら、おもちゃを買ってあげる) We can get you a toy if you don't cry today. (今日泣かなかったらおもちゃを買ってあげる) I need you to be good today so we can get you a toy. (今日良い子にしていたらおもちゃを買ってあげる) You'll get a toy if you don't cry during the lesson. (レッスン中に泣かなかったら、おもちゃを買ってあげる) You need to be good so you can get a toy after the lesson. (レッスンの後おもちゃが買えるように良い子にしてないといけないよ) Please don't cry during the lesson. I will get you a toy if you don't. (レッスン中泣かないでね。泣かなかったら、おもちゃを買ってあげる) You can get a toy if you don't cry during the lesson. (レッスン中に泣かなかったら、おもちゃを買ってあげる)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • If you don't cry, I'll buy you a toy.

泣かなかったら、おもちゃ買ってあげるよ。 の意味です。 buy 人+もの で「人にものを買ってあげる」の意味です。 buy もの+for 人というパターンに言い換えることも可能です。 例) buy a toy for you
  • Please stop crying - and I will buy you something nice!

  • Don't cry! Let's go and buy a toy.

  • Please don't cry today - and then we can buy a treat for you

To your child - you want to say that you will buy him/her a toy if he/she doesn't cry. You look at the above exampled statements and choose the one you feel is most appropriate for your scenario. This may not be an example of good parenting but should have a positive effect on the crying!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you stop crying, I will buy you a toy.

  • I will only buy you a toy you want if you stop crying

  • If you promise to stop crying, I will buy you a toy

When you want to tell your child that you will only buy them a toy if they stop crying; then you may express this in the following ways: -If you stop crying, I will buy you a toy. -I will only buy you a toy you want if you stop crying -If you promise to stop crying, I will buy you a toy
「泣くのをやめたらおもちゃを買ってあげる」と子どもに言いたいなら、これは次のように表せます。 -If you stop crying, I will buy you a toy.(泣くのをやめたら、おもちゃを買ってあげる) -I will only buy you a toy you want if you stop crying(泣くのをやめたら、おもちゃを買ってあげる) -If you promise to stop crying, I will buy you a toy(泣くのをやめると約束したら、おもちゃを買ってあげる)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I will buy you a toy if you don't cry!

If you listen to me and are well behaved, I will reward you for being good. If you do what you are supposed to do, I will get you a treat. This is a common thing that parents say to their children with the hope they will be calm. You are trying to persuade your child with the promise of a reward to do the thing you want them to do.
If you listen to me and are well behaved, I will reward you for being good.(言うことを聞いてお利口にしていたら、ご褒美をあげる) If you do what you are supposed to do, I will get you a treat.(お利口にしていたら、ご褒美をあげる) これは、子どもに静かにしてもらいたいときに親がよく言うセリフですね。「ご褒美をあげるから」と言って、子どもに言うことを聞かせようとしています。
Deb W DMM英会話講師
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