世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 06:09
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  • How may I help you?

  • How can I help you?

How may I help you? How can I help you? どのようなご用件でしょうか。 「How can I help you」はとてもよく使われる表現です。「may」の方が丁寧な印象になります。 電話だけでなく、レストランやショップでも[「いらっしゃいませ」](のようなニュアンスで使われます。 例: 雑貨屋さんにて Good evening! How can I help you? こんばんは![何かお探しでしょうか?]( レストランにて Hi, how can I help you? こんにちは。ご注文お決まりですか?
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • What can I help you with?

  • What can I do for you today?

  • How may I help you?

なにかサービスを[提供する](際には"help"という単語をよく使いますので、 What can I help you with? How may I help you? 電話口などで相手の要件が全くわからず問いただす時は、 What can I do for you today? [本日は](どのような要件でしょうか? も使えます。
  • 1. Good morning, how may I help you?

  • 2. Good afternoon, could you please state the purpose of your call?

  • 3. Good day, my name's Susan. How may I assist you today?

Many companies organise a specific format for answering incoming calls. A typical format would be: GREETING/INTRODUCTION/OFFER OF ASSISTANCE as in example 3.
会社の多くは電話対応のフォーマットがあり、すごく一般的なフォーマットは3つ目の例文に示されている通り、挨拶/自己紹介/用件を尋ねる です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I ask the nature of this call?

  • What can I do for you?

  • What can I help you with today?

*Can I ask the nature of this call?* MEANING=a polite way of saying, why are you calling? *What can I do for you?* MEANING= another way of saying why are you calling, how can I help you etc. This will put the caller at ease. *What can I help you with today?* MEANING= this is a great way to start the phone call, its direct and asks them straight away why they are calling. Its super polite and also positive so a great option! YOU CAN ALSO SAY.... *How may I help you? *What can I do for you today? *Hello and welcome to (company's name), how can I assist you today? *Hello this is Beki speaking from (company's name) how may I help you? Hope this helps! ^^
*Can I ask the nature of this call?* 意味=何故電話をかけているのか丁寧に尋ねる表現。 *What can I do for you?* 意味= これも相手に何故電話をかけているのか尋ねる表現です。 How can I help youでもよいでしょう。これは電話相手を安心させるでしょうね。. *What can I help you with today?* 意味= これは通話を開始する際に一番良い言い方でしょう。 ストレートで何故電話をかけてきたのか尋ねる言い方です。 これは非常に丁寧で、かつポジティブなのでこれは良い言い方だと思います。 その他の表現。 *How may I help you? 本日はどうされましたか? *What can I do for you today? どうお手伝いしましょうか? *Hello and welcome to (company's name), how can I assist you today? こんにちは・・・へようこそ。本日は如何されましたか? *Hello this is Beki speaking from (company's name) how may I help you? こんにちは、私は・・・のBekiです。ご用件をどうぞ。 お役に立てれば幸いです^^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • How may I help you?

  • How may I assist you?

  • May I ask what you are calling in reference to?

If you answer the phone at work, you can say, "Hello, This is ... How may I help you?" If your phone conversation has already begun, you can say, "Okay. And how can I be of assistance to you?" If a person calls your office asking to speak to someone, you can say, "Okay. May I ask what you are calling in reference to?
状況によってフレーズが異なります。 If you answer the phone at work, you can say, "Hello, This is ... How may I help you?"仕事で電話に答える場合、 "Hello, This is ... How may I help you?"と言います。 会話中なら、 "Okay. And how can I be of assistance to you?"ということができます。 ある人がオフィスに訪ねてきたな場合、"Okay. May I ask what you are calling in reference to?ということができます。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • What is the nature of your enquiry?

  • Before I can assist, I need to ask....What is the nature of your enquiry?

What is the nature of your enquiry? is a Formal way to ask... "what is this call regarding? / what is it about? "Tell me more about why you are calling?:-D "Before I can assist, I need to ask....What is the nature of your enquiry?"
What is the nature of your enquiry? (お問い合わせの要件は何でしょうか?)はフォーマルな尋ね方です。 例文 "what is this call regarding? / what is it about? お電話は何についてでしょうか? "Tell me more about why you are calling?: 電話されている理由をもっとお話し下さい "Before I can assist, I need to ask....What is the nature of your enquiry?" お手伝いする前に、お聞きしたいことがあります。お問い合わせの要件は何でしょうか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • How may I help you?

恐らく一番使われている電話対応ワードのひとつです。 直訳すると どのようにあなたのことをお助けできるでしょうか? →どのようなご用件でしょうか?
  • How can I help you?

  • How may I assist you?

You can use any of those, to ask what the person needs.
"How can I help you? How may I assist you? 何が必要か、どんな用件かを尋ねる際に上記のフレーズを使用してみてくださいね。 You can use any of those, to ask what the person need"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) Hello, how can i help you?

  • B) Hello this is Ilke how can i be of your assistance today?

A) Hello, how can i help you? *Hello-used as a greeting or to begin a telephone conversation. Example-"hello there, Katie!" *How-in what way or manner; by what means. Example-"how does it work?" *Can i-be able to. Example-"they can run fast" * Help-make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering them one's services or resources. Example-"they helped her with domestic chores" B) Hello this is Ilke how can i be of your assistance today? *how can i be of your assistance today? -Someone or something that is of assistance to you is helpful or useful to you. I hope this helps :-)
A) Hello, how can i help you? *Hello-挨拶や電話で会話を始めるときに使われます。. 例-"hello there, Katie!" こんにちはケイティ―! *How-どのように、どのような方法で. 例-"how does it work?" どのように機能するの? *Can i-することができるか 例-"they can run fast" 彼らはすごく早く走れる。 * Help-誰かにとって何かをすることを簡単にさせる、可能にさせる。 例-"they helped her with domestic chores" 彼らは彼女の火事を手伝った。 B) Hello this is Iike how can i be of your assistance today? 本日はどのようなご用件でしょうか? *how can i be of your assistance today? -どのようにお助けしましょうか? お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • How can I help you?

  • How can I be of assistance?

You can use the following sentences to ask: 1.How can I help you? 2.How can I be of assistance?
これらの文を尋ねるときに使えるでしょう。 1.How can I help you? 2.How can I be of assistance?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How may I help you?

  • How can I help you?

  • What can I do for you today?

These three expressions can all be used interchangeably to first greet someone over the phone and we are still unsure of what exactly they need from us or from the company.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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