I am aware this might look like an impossible task, but I’d still like you to give it a try.
I am aware this might appear to be an impossible task, but I’d still like you to give it a try.
I’m sorry for asking of you this seemingly impossible task, but I’d appreciate it if you could at least give it a try.
1.I am aware this might look like an impossible task, but I’d still like you to give it a try.
2. I am aware this might appear to be an impossible task, but I’d still like you to give it a try.
3. I’m sorry for asking of you this seemingly impossible task, but I’d appreciate it if you could at least give it a try.
You may think it’s (almost) impossible, but can you at least give it a try?
I fully understand that I’m asking you to do too much, but please do let me ask you this.
回答文2に関して、“give ~ a try”は、英語圏の人が好んで使う表現の一つです。「~を試してみる、[挑戦](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/40519/)してみる」などと訳します。文法的には、第4文型(SVOO)となっています。命令形ですので、主語(S)は省かれています。最初の目的語(O)は、試す対象になっているもので、文脈的に明らかなので、“it”にしています。2番目の目的語(O)が、“a try”ですが、“try”が可算名詞の「試み」ということなので、不定冠詞がついています。
If you agree with what I'm saying, then why not give it a try? (もし私が言ったことに[同感](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/29772/)なら、試してみたらどうですか。)