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2016/01/18 21:03
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  • affair

「不倫」は英語では「affair」に相当します。 「have an affair」というと「不倫する」となります。 「having an affair」で「不倫している」です。 例文: Saya: Did you hear the recent office gossip? Apparently Mr. Tanaka is having an affair! さやさん:最近社内の噂聞いた?田中さん不倫しているらしいよ! Mary: Hey...I think our neighbor is having an affair with a younger woman! メアリーさん:あのね、隣人が若い女性と不倫していると思いますよ。 Sonia: If your husband was having an affair, do you think you would get a divorce? ソニアさん:もしかしたら、あなたの夫が不倫したら、離婚すると思いますか? Mr. Ishikawa: I would never have an affair! I love my wife! 石川さん:僕は絶対不倫しないよ!僕の妻はとても愛しています。 英語頑張って下さい!:)
  • committing adultery

  • cheating on your partner

  • having an affair

「commit adultery」とはもっとフォーマルな表現です。「cheating」や「have an affair」はもっと会話的です。
Tim Young 主催
  • to have an affair

  • to see another man/woman

「affair:不倫」です。 もうすこし婉曲的な表現でしたら "to see another man/woman"別の人と会ってる→つまり不倫(浮気)してる 結婚していない人たちの間柄での浮気にも使える表現です。 例) I know that her husband is having an affair! I know that her husband is seeing another woman! 私、彼女の旦那さんが不倫してるの知ってるのよね...
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • cheating

  • affair

  • two timing

My husband was cheating on me with another woman. My husband was having an affair with another woman. My husband was two-timing me with another woman You can also use lots of other words including; My husband was having a relationship with another woman. My husband had a fling with another woman. My husband was carrying on with another woman (phrasal verb) My husband was playing around with other women (phrasal verb) - means more than one affair. Hope this helps Jane :)
My husband was cheating on me with another woman. My husband was having an affair with another woman. My husband was two-timing me with another woman 夫が不倫をしています。 以下の含めたくさんの表現をすることができます。 You can also use lots of other words including; My husband was having a relationship with another woman. My husband had a fling with another woman. My husband was carrying on with another woman (phrasal verb) My husband was playing around with other women (phrasal verb) - means more than one affair. 複数の不倫を意味します。 お役に立てれば幸いです。頑張ってください。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • A cuckold

  • Extra-marital relations

  • Being unfaithful to a spouse

The traditional word for a man whose wife has a relationship with another man is 'cuckold.' You see this a lot in older style literature. However, the word has further sexual meanings these days and has developed into a branch of masochism when the man watches his wife having sex with another man. Extra marital relations just means the husband or wife (or both!) are having sexual relations with another person. Being unfaithful is an older style way of saying the same thing." "After being unfaithful to his wife for over a year, Richard finally decided to get divorced."
妻に浮気された男のことをcuckoldと古くから言います。昔の文学ではよくこの言葉がでてきたもんだ。けど、この言葉はもっと性的な意味が最近ではでてきて、いわゆるマゾの部類なんだけど、寝取られ属性を表したりするんだ。 Extra marital relations とは、両方かどちらかが、違う異性と不倫していることを指します。 Being unfaithfulは、ちょっと古いけど、同じこと表します。 "After being unfaithful to his wife for over a year, Richard finally decided to get divorced." リチャードは何年もの間浮気した末に、離婚を決めた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Infidelity

  • Unfaithfulness

  • Having an affair

Infidelity This is the action of being unfaithful to a spouse Unfaithfulness Lack of faithfulness and loyalty to one's wife or husband An affair A love affair Examples The infidelity continued after the marriage. The unfaithfulness weighed heavy on his mind. The director and the lead actress were having an affair.
Infidelity これは配偶者に不誠実な行為です。 Unfaithfulness 妻や夫に対する誠実さや忠誠心の欠如 An affair 浮気、情事 例 The infidelity continued after the marriage.(浮気は結婚後も続いた) The unfaithfulness weighed heavy on his mind.(不誠実さは彼の心に重く重かった) The director and the lead actress were having an affair.(監督と主演女優は不倫をしていた)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • infidelity

  • Adultery

Infidelity occurs when a person who is married or in a steady relationship is with another person. Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband. -------------------------------------------- Example : I divorced him for infidelity. He was committing adultery with a much older lady.
Infidelity/Adultery(浮気、不倫)は、既婚者または交際相手がいる人が他の人と関係を持つことです。 既婚者が結婚相手以外の人と肉体関係を持つこと。 例文: I divorced him for infidelity. He was committing adultery with a much older lady. ①彼の浮気が原因で離婚した。 ②彼は、かなり年上の女性と不倫関係にあった。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • an affair

  • cheating

  • open relationship

Oh my god I can't believe she is cheating on her husband with the handy man. My wife's been having an affair with another man. Sometimes people have an open relationship which means they have agreed to have other partners while married.
Oh my god I can't believe she is cheating on her husband with the handy man. (そんな馬鹿な、彼女が夫を裏切り便利屋の男性なんかと浮気しているなんて 信じられません。) My wife's been having an affair with another man. (私の妻は別の男性と不倫をしています。) 時々人々はopen relationship(オープンな関係)にあることがあります。 結婚していても他にパートナーを持つことに同意していることを意味します。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • Affair

  • Cheating

The term that is used when someone who is married has a relationship with another person, is known as: "Affair" "Cheating"
既婚者が配偶者以外の人と関係を持つことは、"Affair" や "Cheating" と呼ばれます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • affair

  • cheating

  • adultery

「不倫」という言葉を英語で伝えると、「affair」も「cheating」も「adultery」という言葉も使っても良いと考えました。この三つの言葉は名詞です。例えば、「The couple got a divorce because the husband had an affair and the wife was very upset.」という文章を使っても良いと考えました。「Husband」は「旦那」という意味があって、「wife」は「奥さん」という意味があります。「Couple」は「夫婦」で、「divorce」は「離婚」です。
  • affair

結婚した男女が別の異性と関係を持つこと又は「不倫」のことは英語で「affair」といいます。 動詞の「不倫する」は英語で「have an affair」で表現します。 例文: 「Everyone knew about her affair」 →「彼女の不倫のことはみんなに知られた」 「His girlfriend found out that he was having an affair」 →「彼は不倫していることが彼女にばれた」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • have an affair

「不倫する」はhave an affairと言いますm(__)m 例) The actor had an affair. 「その俳優は不倫した」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • To cheat on husband/wife.

  • To have an affair with someone.

We can either say, "to cheat on," followed by the person whom we are with current, for example our husband or wife, or we can say, "to have an affair with," which the object noun of the sentence is the person who is not the person we are married to.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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