世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/06 12:51
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  • How can I become a princess?

  • What do I have to do to become a princess?

  • What can I do to become a princess?

Tim Young 主催
  • I want to be a princess too. How do I become one?

  • How can I become a princess?

  • Can I be a princess?

I want to be a princess too. How do I become one? How can I become a princess? Can I be a princess? What do I have to do to become a princess? I want to be a princess. What do I have to do? Can you tell me how to become a princess? Can you help me be a princess? Can you teach me how to act like a princess? Can you teach me how to be a princess?
I want to be a princess too. How do I become one? (私もお姫様になりたいです。どうしたらなれますか) How can I become a princess? (どうしたらお姫様になれますか) Can I be a princess? (私はお姫様になれますか) What do I have to do to become a princess? (お姫様になるにはどうしたらいいですか) I want to be a princess. What do I have to do? (お姫様になりたいです。どうしたらいいですか) Can you tell me how to become a princess? (どうしたらお姫様になれるか教えてください) Can you help me be a princess? (お姫様になるのを手伝ってもらえますか) Can you teach me how to act like a princess? (どうしたらお姫様のように振る舞えるか教えてください) Can you teach me how to be a princess? (どうしたらお姫様になれるか教えてください)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • How can I act like a princess?

  • Where can I buy a princess dress?

"How can I act like a princess?"is an expression you could use when asking how to become a princess as princesses often have to act a certain way. eg: Daughter: "How can I act like a princess?" Disney princess: "You have to be kind and ladylike." "Where can I buy a pincess dress?"Is a good question to ask because in order to be a princess, you have to look like one!
"How can I act like a princess?"(どうしたらお姫様のように振る舞えますか) - どうしたらお姫様になれるか尋ねる時に使える質問です。たいていお姫様には一定の振る舞い方がありますからね。 Daughter: "How can I act like a princess?" Disney princess: "You have to be kind and ladylike." ↓ 娘:どうしたらお姫様のように振る舞えますか。 ディズニーランドのお姫様:優しくて上品でないといけません。 "Where can I buy a pincess dress?"(お姫様のドレスはどこで買えますか) - お姫様になるにはお姫様に見えないといけません、ですからこれは良い質問です!
Toria DMM英会話講師
  • Can I be a princess too?

  • What do I have to do to become a princess?

"Can I be a princess too?" This is just a short way of asking if you can be a princess. It leaves it open for the disney character to explain if they can be a princess, and what she needs to do to become one. "What do I have to do to become a princess?" This is a more direct way in asking what you need to do (the steps) in order to become a princess.
"Can I be a princess too?"(私もお姫様になれますか) - これは簡潔な言い方です。お姫様になれるのかどうか、また何をしたらなれるのか相手のお姫様に尋ねます。 "What do I have to do to become a princess?"(お姫様になるにはどうしたらいいですか) - これは単刀直入な質問です。お姫様になるには何をすればいいのか尋ねています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • How can I become a princess?

  • How did you become a princess?

  • What do I need to do to become a princess?

Can anybody become a princess? What should I do to become a princess? How do I become a princess? How did you become a princess?
Can anybody become a princess?(誰でもお姫様になれるの?) What should I do to become a princess?(お姫様になるにはどうしたらいいですか?) How do I become a princess?(お姫様になるにはどうしたらいいですか?) How did you become a princess?(どうやってお姫様になりましたか?)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How can I become a princess?

  • What do I have to do to become a princess?

If you want to know how you can get to do something then you can ask 'how can I become?' or 'what do I have to do to become'
物事について、どうしたらそれができるか知りたいなら、次のように聞けます。 'how can I become?'(どうしたら~になれますか) 'what do I have to do to become'(~になるにはどうしたらいいですか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How can I become a princess like you?

  • What should I do to become a princess?

  • Can I become a princess too?

1. "How can I become a princess like you? This question shows that your daughter wants to know how she can become a princess like the princess she meets in Disneyland. 2. "What should I do to become a princess?" This sentence means exactly the same thing as the first sentence. By asking 'what should I do" your daughter is showing the princess that she wants to know what steps to take in order to become like her idol. 3. "Can I become a princess too?" This question doesn't ask what steps are needed in order to become a princess. Instead, if your daughter uses this sentence, she would only be asking if she could become a princess. Unlike the first two example sentences, she would not be asking for advice on how to become one.
1. "How can I become a princess like you?(どうしたらあなたみたいなお姫様になれますか) この質問は、ディズニーランドのお姫様のようなお姫様になるにはどうしたらいいのか知りたいと娘さん(話し手)が思っていることを表します。 2. "What should I do to become a princess?" これは一つ目の例と全く同じ意味です。'what should I do' と言って、お姫様になるには「どうしたらいいのか」を尋ねています。 3. "Can I become a princess too?"(私もお姫様になれますか) この質問はお姫様になる方法は尋ねていません。お姫様になることができるかどうかを尋ねています。上の二つとは異なり、「どうしたらお姫様になれるか」は問うていません。
Liam F DMM英会話講師
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