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2017/10/09 07:07
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  • No bag, please.

  • I don't need a bag.

  • Just like that is fine.

The first two are probably the best, but the third one is also natural.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • No, thanks.

  • I'm fine, thanks.

If you want to refuse an offer, you can simply say "No thanks", "No that's okay." or "I'm fine thanks."
申し出を断りたいとき、単に「No thanks」「No that's okay.」または「I'm fine thanks.」と言うことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I don't need a bag, thank you.

  • I'm good, thank you.

  • I'm fine without a bag, thank you.

The three sentences you see above are terrific ways to express to a cashier that you do not need a bag once you check out. The second sentence(I'm good, thank you) is a sentence we use a lot in English if we are rejecting something, like a service or an item. For example, if you are carrying a lot of bags and someone offers to help, but you do not want their help you can say "I'm good, thank you".
上記3つの例文は、支払いを済ませた後、袋が要らないことを会計係に伝える素晴らしい表現です。 2番目の例文は、サービスや商品などを断るときによく使われます。 例えば、袋をたくさん持っているとき。誰かに手を貸すと言われたけど、手助けがいらないなら、I'm good, thank youと言うことができます。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • No thanks.

  • No.

Depending on your mood, you may choose to be polite by adding 'thank you' or not, as in the second example response. Body language is always important. If you say 'No,' but smile, it is not rude. Smiling has many functions in the UK, especially when it comes to being polite. A smile softens the hardest words. Also remember, 'No' is connected with 'thank you,' and 'Yes' is connected with 'please.' 'No thank you' and 'Yes please.'
あなたの気分によって「thank you」と加えるか、二例文目のように加えないかで、礼儀正しくするかどうかを選択できます。 ボディラングエージはいつも重要です。もし、Noと言っても笑っていれば、不作法ではありません。 英国では、特に礼儀に関していえば、笑顔は英国では多くの機能を持ちます。 笑顔は固い言葉を緩めます。「No」は「thank you」、「Yes」は「please」とつながりますよね。 No thank you. Yes please.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • No thank you, I do not need a bag.

  • No bag, thanks.

-No thank you, I do not need a bag. This is a polite way of saying that you not taking a bag. -No bag, thanks. This is a short in formal way of saying that you do not need a bag. Example 1 Cashier: Do you want a bag? You: No thank you, I do not need a bag. Example 2 Cashier: Are you taking a bag? You: No bag, thanks.
No thank you, I do not need a bag. これは、あなたがバックがいらないという礼儀正しい言い方です。 -No bag, thanks. これは、あなたがバックがいらないという礼儀正しい言い方の短縮形です。 例1 Cashier: Do you want a bag? (袋はいりますか?) You: No thank you, I do not need a bag. (いいえ、そのままでいいです。) 例2 Cashier: Are you taking a bag? (袋はいりますか?) You: No bag, thanks. (いいえ、そのままでいいです。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • No bag, thanks

  • No thank you. I don't need a bag

When you're trying to reject an offer for a shopping bag, then you can say: -No bag, thanks. -No thank you. -No thank you, I don't need a bag. I have my own bag.
買い物袋が欲しいか聞かれて要らないと答える場合、以下のように言えるでしょう: No bag, thanks. (袋は結構です。) No thank you. (結構です。) No thank you, I don't need a bag. I have my own bag. (結構です。袋は要りません。自分のを持っています。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want a bag.

  • No thanks

  • Thanks, but no bag for me.

The first answer is a bold explanation that you don't want the bag, the second one, you don't need to refer to the bag because you're already being asked about a bag, so saying "no thanks" signifies to them that you don't want a bag. The third answer is being polite and appreciative for their offer along with saying you don't want a bag
一文目では、袋はいらないとはっきり伝えています。 二文目について。袋について尋ねられたので、袋(bag)と言わず、ただ「no thanks」と言えば、袋が要らないと伝わります。 三文目は、申し出に対しては礼儀正しく感謝を述べた上で、袋はいらないと伝えています。
Katrina W DMM英会話講師
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