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2017/10/09 09:26
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  • Do A and B mean the same thing?

  • Do A and B have the same meaning?

  • Do those sentences mean the same thing?

You can as in a few different ways: - Do A and B mean the same thing? --Do "so-so" and "okay" mean the same thing? - Do A and B have the same meaning? --Do "home" and "house" have the same meaning? If you are asking about two sentences, you can just ask: - Do those sentences mean the same thing? You could also ask if they "share" a meaning: - Do "spicy" and "hot" share a meaning?
いくつかの言い方ができます: - Do A and B mean the same thing?(AとBは[同じ](意味ですか) --Do "so-so" and "okay" mean the same thing?("so-so" と "okay" は同じ[意味](ですか) - Do A and B have the same meaning?(AとBは同じ意味ですか) --Do "home" and "house" have the same meaning?("home" と "house" は同じ意味ですか) 二つの文について尋ねるなら、次のように聞けます。 - Do those sentences mean the same thing?(それらの文は同じ意味ですか) また、"share"(共に持つ)を使って尋ねることもできます。 - Do "spicy" and "hot" share a meaning?("spicy" と "hot" は同じ意味ですか) <ボキャブラリー> mean the same thing = 同じ意味 have the same meaning = 同じ意味を持つ
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • What's the difference between A and B?

  • Does it mean the same as A [B]?

YASUHOさんこんにちは。 上の2文を挙げさせていただきました。 ※既に多くの先生方が回答されておられますので 私からは少し違った角度で・・・ What's the difference between A and B?は 「AとBの[違いは何ですか?](」と、違いの方を 聞いてみることで、[同じ](であるかどうかを 確認できます。 また、 Does it(A)mean the same as B? の方は、同じような表現がレッスンで出てきた際、 それ(Aのこと)ってBと同じ意味ですか?という風に お使いいただければと思います。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
  • Is A the same as B?

  • Does A and B have the same meaning.?

  • Do they have the same meaning?

"Is A the same as B?" This asks if A is the same as B "Does A and B have the same meaning.?" This asks the person to tell you if A and B have the same explanation. "Do they have the same meaning?" This asks the person to explain if they have the same meaning.
"Is A the same as B?" これはAがBと同じなのか尋ねる言い方です。 "Does A and B have the same meaning.?" これはAもBも同じ意味で良いのか教えて欲しいと尋ねる文です "Do they have the same meaning?" これは相手にそれらが同じ意味を持つのか尋ねる文です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can I use A and B interchangeably?

Hiroshi Motai アハ!モーメンツ代表   「なるほど!」にこだわる ビジネス英語トレーナー
  • Do these words have the same meaning?

  • Are these two words synonyms (of one another)?

  • Can you use these two words be used interchangeably?

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably? Therefore, it is acceptable to ask any of these 3 questions: Do these words have the same meaning? Are these two words synonyms (of one another)? Can you use these two words be used interchangeably?
同じ意味を持つ言葉をsynonymsと言い、互いに置き換えが可能です。そのため、3つのうちどれを使っても大丈夫です。 Do these words have the same meaning? Are these two words synonyms (of one another)? Can you use these two words be used interchangeably?
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Does A and B have the same meaning?

  • Are A and B interchangeable?

When you want to ask if two things have the same meaning, you can ask: Does A and B have the same meaning? To have the same meaning - This means do they means the same thing. You can also ask: Are A and B interchangeable? If something is interchangeable it means they can be used in the same situation or sentence. I hope that helps!
もし、二つのものが一緒の意味なのかどうか知りたいのなら、こう尋ねることができます。 Does A and B have the same meaning? To have the same meaning - これは、一緒の意味を持つ、という意味です。 こう尋ねることもできます。 Are A and B interchangeable? interchangeableとは、類義語のように同じシチュエーションや文で、交換して使うことができるという意味です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Do these two things have the same meaning?

  • Does A and B mean the same thing?

You can ask in the following ways:- 1. Do these two things mean the same thing? Example:- Do "right" and "correct" mean the same thing? 2. Does A and B mean the same thing? Does "discount" mean the same thing as "a percentage off the price".
次のように尋ねることができます。 1. Do these two things mean the same thing?(この二つは同じ意味ですか) 例: Do "right" and "correct" mean the same thing?("right" と "correct" は同じ意味ですか) 2. Does A and B mean the same thing?(AとBは同じ意味ですか) Does "discount" mean the same thing as "a percentage off the price"("discount" は "a percentage off the price" と同じ意味ですか)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Do A and B mean the same?

  • Is there any difference between A and B?

In this case we are looking for similarities and differences between two ways of saying sometrhing. When comparing the two phrases they appear to mean the same thing and you want to have that confirned by someone else. Your query asks if the two sentences are either the same or different.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do A and B mean the same thing?

  • Is there any difference between A and B?

Your example is correct but I wrote two more options which can be used when you want to ask this question. For example - I am not sure I understand it correctly but is there any difference between A and B?
あなたの考えた例も正しいですが、別の言い方を二つご紹介しました。 例: I am not sure I understand it correctly but is there any difference between A and B?(正しく理解できたかどうか分かりません、AとBに違いはあるのですか)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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