世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/19 13:27
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  • I admire him/her.

  • He/she is my role model.

  • I have a crush on him/her.

admire は「尊敬する、賞賛する、崇拝する」などの意味があり、role model には「お手本、尊敬している人、見習っている人」などの意味があります。 また、憧れが恋愛感情なのであれば3つ目の”have a crush on (人)”(=「(人)に惚れている・恋をしている」)も使えます。crush は名詞で「好きな人」の意味でも使うことができます。 「憧れの先生に回答して頂いて嬉しい」という場合は、”So I'm glad he/she answered my question.”などと続けるといいでしょう(^^)
  • I really respect my teacher

  • I really fancy my teacher!

  • My teacher is really talented!

There is more than one way to interpret the word 'admire.' You may be talking about this person's ability and effectiveness as a teacher - or you may be saying that you find this person romantically or physically attractive. If it is the teaching abilities, then you may say: "I really respect my teacher," or "My teacher is really talented!" If you like the physical aspects or personality aspects of your teacher, you could say: "I really fancy my teacher."
'admire.という言葉を解釈する方法は複数あります。あなたはこの人の能力と教師としての適性について話しているかもしれません - あるいは、あなたはこの人がロマンチックまたは肉体的に魅力的であると感じているかもしれません。それがレッスン能力であれば、「私は本当に私の先生を尊敬しています」、または「私の先生は本当に才能があります!とえいますし、あなたが教師のルックスやパーソナリティが好きなら、 "I really fancy my teacher."と言うことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher I look up to

  • Teacher I admire

  • Teacher I respect

憧れの先生に回答して頂いて嬉しい: ★I am glad I received a response from the teacher I look up to. ★I am glad I received a response from the teacher I admire. 「look up to」と「admire」はどちらも「憧れ」という要素が含まれていますが、「admire」の方が強いですし、若干フォーマルです。「look up to」はもう少しフレンドリーに、親近感のある相手に使う場合が多いです(I look up to my older brother)。 ★I am glad I received a response from the teacher I respect. 「respect」にも「憧れ」という要素は含まれていますが「尊敬」という要素の方が若干強いです。
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • She/He is my role model.

  • I admire her/him.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself 1)She/He is my role model. 2)I admire her/him. If someone is a role model it is a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.
このような言い方ができます。 1)She/He is my role model. 彼女/彼が私の憧れなんだ。 2)I admire her/him. 私は彼女/彼に憧れている。 role modelとは、自分の模範とする人のことを表します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Role model

  • Mentor

  • Good example

A role model is a person that others look up to and admire. This is because they behave in a very good way and their actions are respectful, so others would like to be like them and act like them too. A mentor, is a person that is trusted and gives good advice. It is often used in the context of education, or for a person that educates others. A good example is exactly that! A person that sets a good example through their actions and words. They have a good reputation and other people would like to emulate them.
"role model"(模範になる人)とは他の人が尊敬したり敬ったりする人の事です。 これは彼らの行動は尊敬に値するので、誰もが彼らの様になりたいと思うからです。 "mentor"(よき助言者)とは信頼できるいいアドバイスをくれる人の事です。 教育などの状況でよく使われます。 または、他の人を教育する人などに使われます。 "good example"(良い手本)とはまさにその通り! 良い行動や言動をするとてもいいお手本となる人の事です。 彼らは評判が良くてみんなが彼らを見習いたいと思人のことです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher I admire

  • Teacher I long for

The literal translation is 'teacher I long for" or "teacher I admire." You are trying to say that you are happy to get a message from this teacher and you want to reply to them. To put this in a sentence, you could say: I got a message from a former teacher I admire, and I want to send a reply.
文字通りの翻訳ですと 'teacher I long for" や "teacher I admire"となります。 この先生からメッセージを受け取り嬉しくて、返事を書きたいことを言おうとしています。これを文章に含めると、次のように言えます。 "I got a message from a former teacher I admire, and I want to send a reply." (尊敬する先生からメッセージを受け取りましたので、返事を書きたいです。)
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • My all time favourite teacher.

  • My most admired teacher.

  • The teacher I appreciate the most.

“My all time favourite teacher” this means there is nobody better than your teacher. Even though you are no longer a student, this teacher still holds a special place in your heart and your memory . “My most admired teacher“ admired is an adjective = to like someone or something very much. This adjective describes how you view your teacher. The word “most” Shows that this teacher had a more of an impact on you than the other teachers.
“My all time favourite teacher” (人生で私が一番好きな先生) これはあなたの先生よりよい先生がいないことを意味します。 あなたがもはや生徒ではないとしても、あなたの心の中と思い出の中で、この先生が特別な地位にいます。 “My most admired teacher“ (私のもっとも慕う先生) "admired"は形容詞で、だれかあるいは何かがとても好きなことを意味します。 この形容詞はあなたがどのように先生をみているかを表しています。 “most”という言葉はこの先生が他の先生よりあなたにとって影響を与えたことを示します。
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • I admire that teacher.

  • I have a lot respect for that teacher.

  • I look up to that teacher.

When you admire someone, you appreciate and have respect for that person. "I admire that teacher." "I admire my grandfather, he taught me many things." When you have respect for someone, you admire their qualities and achievements. "I have a lot respect for that teacher." "I have respect for my doctor." When you look up to someone, you want to be like that person (role model). "I look up to that teacher." "I look up to my mom."
だれかを称賛する時、あなたはその人に感謝し、尊敬を示します。 "I admire that teacher." (私はあの先生を称賛します。) "I admire my grandfather, he taught me many things." (私は祖父を慕います、彼は私にたくさんのことを教えてくれました。) 誰かを尊敬する時、その人の性格や達成したことを称賛します。 "I have a lot respect for that teacher." (私はあの先生をとても尊敬します。) "I have respect for my doctor." (私はわたしの医者を尊敬します。) あなたが誰かを尊敬する時、その人のようになりたいと思います。 "I look up to that teacher." (私はあの先生を尊敬します。) "I look up to my mom." (私はわたしの母を尊敬します。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I respect my teacher.

  • She thinks the world of her teacher, she really idolizes him!

  • I would like to commend my teacher for her hard work.

If you look at the above sentences, you can see that there are various ways in which one can express admiration and also state in what sense you admire them. In the first sentence, I used the word "respect". This word shows that you admire the teacher's capabilities in the classroom. In the second sentence I made use of the phrase "thinks the world". This is an idiomatic phrase that shows that you admire the person and you really care for them. This phrase has more of a personal usage and can be used not only teacher- student situation, but in all walks of life and relationships. I also added the word "idolize" in the mix. This word just further encapsulates the meaning of "thinks the world". The third and final sentence is more respectful and formal. The word "commend" is a formal choice of word and it is what you would use when you state that you admire your boss/superior/coworkers etc.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I admire him/ her.

  • I really respect my teacher.

  • I look up to my teacher.

How are your English lessons going? They are going great. How is your teacher. She is brilliant, I really respect and admire her. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • A teacher that I admire.

  • A teacher that I look up to.

  • A teacher that I have a crush on.

Here are two different ways we can talk about a teacher that we, "admire," or, "look up to," as both of these mean that you really like because of their teaching styles, their friendliness, etc. "To look up to," more refers to the idea that it is someone who is a role model for you. Lastly, "to have a crush on," means that you have more romantic emotional feelings about your teacher. The idea of, "admire," can also have the same meaning but within a particular context.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I really like that teacher.

  • That teacher is someone I look up to a lot.

There can be many reasons why you like a teacher. If that teacher is a really good teacher or is really helpful, kind, caring, etc, they will be someone who you are fond of, respect and look up to a lot. Example: I am really fond of Mr Jones, he works very hard, to help all of us learn English really well.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • My favorite teacher.

  • A teacher that I admire.

  • I teacher that I want to emulate.

If you want to explain " a teacher that you admire", you can express that in the following ways. 1. My favorite teacher. 2. A teacher that I admire. 3.I teacher that I want to emulate. Here are some example sentences:- 1. My favorite teacher "Mr. Stevens is my favorite teacher becasue he is so kind and helpful." 2. A teacher that I admire. "Who is the teacher that you admire the most? "Definitely Ms. Brown becasue she always gives me an A+ on my Math paper!" 3. A teacher that I want to emulate. "My Science teacher is a teahcer that I want to emulate. "
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • a teacher I admire

「憧れる」は非常に翻訳の難しい単語ですが、 「人に憧れる」は、よくadmireを使って表します(*^_^*) なので、「憧れの先生」は、関係代名詞を使って、 a teacher (who) I admire 「私が憧れている先生」 となります。 whoは省略可なので、省略しています。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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