世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/10/13 08:47
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  • Teacher, the screen freezes every few seconds.

  • Teacher, sometimes the screen freezes.

▪Teacher, the screen freezes every few seconds. This means that the screen freeze from time to time. ▪Teacher, sometimes the screen freezes. This is saying that the screen freezes every now and again. ●
▪Teacher, the screen freezes every few seconds. これは画面が時々フリーズすることを意味します。 ▪Teacher, sometimes the screen freezes. これも画面がちょくちょくフリーズすることを意味します。 ●
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My screen is freezing sometimes

  • Your image is freezing at times

The sound quality is great but the image quality and continuity seems to be slightly imperfect. Suddenly the screen freezes totally, although the chat box and the audio continuie to function. You tell your teacher: "My screen is freezing sometimes." The teacher then asks if the audio is OK and you say that it's fine. The teacher then says: "Even though my image may be freezing on your screen at times, let's continue the lesson with just the audio as that, at least, is very clear.
音質が素晴らしくても画質とシステムの持続性が少し不完全のようです。 チャットボックスは使え、音声は聞こえても突然画面が完全にフリーズします。先生にこう言います。 例文 "My screen is freezing sometimes." 画面が時々フリーズします。 そうすると先生が音声は大丈夫か尋ね、あなたは大丈夫だと答えいます。すると先生はこう言います。 例文 "Even though my image may be freezing on your screen at times, let's continue the lesson with just the audio as that, at least, is very clear. 私の画像はあなたの画面でフリーズしても、少なくとも音声はとてもはっきり聞こえるので、音声だけでレッスンを続けましょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher, Im sorry but your connection keeps freezing

It is ok to get the teachers attention and repeat this phrase. The term "freezing" in this situation means that the video has become still or stuck in time. The term "connection" refers to the internet connection and or the call connection between you and your teacher. The teacher will understand that the connection may have cut off or failed.
先生の注意を引き、このフレーズを繰り返し使って大丈夫です。 この状況における"freezing"は、依然としてビデオが動かない状態を意味します。 "connection"はあなたと先生の間のインターネットもしくは通話の接続に言及しています。 先生は接続が切れてしまっているかもしれないと理解してくれるでしょう。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Your screen freezes from time to time.

  • Your computer seems to have deadlocked?

  • It looks like your computer has stopped responding.

Also, your computer is hanging.(hang means freeze. In this case a computer program or system has stopped responding to input) Explanation: If your computer freezes it has stopped temporarily. The word 'freeze' can be used in different contexts...For example, electronic devices can freeze, the gear system on bike can freeze, a company can freeze salaries, a lock can freeze and it may need oiling, etc. A 'deadlock' (computer terminology) is a situation wherein two computer programs sharing the same device are in opposition with each other thus resulting in both programs ceasing to function. Respond = to react, or to reply
又は 例文 A your computer is hanging. あなたのコンピューターはハングしています。 (hangはfreezeと同じ意味です。この場合コンピューターのプログラムは入力しても反応しなくなっています) 説明 コンピューターがfreezeすると、一時的に動かなくなります。 'freeze' という語は別の意味でも使うことが出来ます。 例えば 例文 electronic devices can freeze, 電子機器は動かなくなることもある。 the gear system on bike can freeze, 自転車のギアの動きが悪くなる。 a company can freeze salaries, 企業は賃金の支払いを凍結することがある。 a lock can freeze and it may need oiling, カギは凍結することがあり、油をさす必要がある。 A 'deadlock' (コンピューターの専門用語) は、同じ機器を使っている2つのコンピューターが相互に干渉して、その結果両方のプログラムが動かなくなることです。 Respond = 反応、応答すること
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • It seems like the screen sometimes freezes, so I can't always see your face.

  • The screen keeps freezing.

When you want to explain to your teacher that the screen freezes and that you can't always see their face; you may express this in the following ways: -It seems like the screen sometimes freezes, so I can't always see your face. -The screen keeps freezing.
画面が時々フリーズして、相手の顔が止まることがあるなら、これは次のように説明できます。 -It seems like the screen sometimes freezes, so I can't always see your face.(画面が時々フリーズして、あなたの顔が止まります) -The screen keeps freezing.(画面がしょっちゅう止まります)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I couldn't see what you did. You froze on screen.

  • I didn't quite catch that. Your screen froze.

  • There must be a problem with the internet connection. You keep freezing up.

Although freezing usually means that something becomes solid and cold, this same idea can be applied to people, things and situations. It is frequently used when discussing movement and video. freezing up - has the same meaning as 'to freeze'
to freeze' は液体が低温のために固体の状態になることをいいますが、これは人・物・状況にも応用されます。動きや動画について使われることが多いです。 'to freeze up' は 'to freeze' と同じ意味です。
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
  • Your video is frozen.

  • You are no longer moving, your video is frozen.

You are on a video call or in a video lesson with someone and their video feed suddenly freezes. It is more proper to say your "video" is frozen rather than the teacher himself is frozen. The phrase "Your video is frozen" concisely and accurately conveys the message that there is likely a connection issue and possibly a camera issue. Ideally, you communicate this in fewer words because if the internet connection is failing, you may lose the ability to contact each other in all forms.
ビデオ通話あるいはビデオレッスンを受けているときに、相手の画像が突然静止するということですね。 この場合「先生」ではなく「ビデオ」が静止すると言うのがより適切です。"Your video is frozen" は、接続あるいはカメラに問題があることを簡潔そして正確に伝えます。 インターネットの接続が悪いときは、形にかかわらず相手と全くやりとりができなくなることがありますから、これはできるだけ短い言葉で伝えた方がいいです。
Deb W DMM英会話講師
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