世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/16 18:52
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  • There were hardly any accommodations left.

  • There was hardly anywhere left to stay.

  • Most of the hotels had no vacancies.

「残っていた」は「left」と言います。「左」と違って、「leave」の過去形が形容詞がなっている単語です。 昔からモーテル(「motor hotel」;幹線道路の近くのホテルという意味)がいっぱいなったら「NO VACANCY」という標識を出します。その場合では数えられない名詞で「vacancy」が使われていますが、上記の3番目みたいに数えられる名詞でも使われています。数えられる名詞として使ったら、「1 vacancy = 空いている部屋の1つ」という意味です。
Tim Young 主催
  • There were no hotels with reasonably priced rooms left.

  • All the hotels with cheap rooms were fully booked.

  • Only expensive hotels remained since all the cheap ones were fully booked.

If a hotel has 'reasonably priced' rooms, it means that it's rooms are not expensive, they are affordable. If throom are cheap, it means that they are inexpensive in relation to similar rooms at other hotels. Such rooms can be attractive to customers due to their affordability. Hotels with such rooms may be fully booked very quickly. So, you may say: There were no hotels with reasonably priced rooms left. or All the hotels with cheap rooms were fully booked. or Only expensive hotels remained since all the cheap ones were fully booked.
reasonably priced rooms' は「手頃な値段の部屋」という意味です。 'cheap rooms' は「(他のホテルの類似の部屋と比べて)値段の安い部屋」という意味です。 このような部屋は客にとっては魅力的です。このような部屋のあるホテルはすぐに予約が埋まってしまうかもしれません。 次のように言えます。 There were no hotels with reasonably priced rooms left.(手頃な値段のホテルは残っていませんでした) All the hotels with cheap rooms were fully booked.(値段の安いホテルは全て予約が埋まっていました) Only expensive hotels remained since all the cheap ones were fully booked.(値段の安いホテルは全て予約が埋まっていたので、高いホテルしか残っていませんでした)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • There were no rooms left.

"There were no rooms left." This phrase suggests that there are no rooms left. The word "left" does not mean the direction, however it means that there is no more options to chose from in your price range. You can also say "There are no rooms remaining."
"There were no rooms left."(部屋がもう残っていませんでした) このフレーズは「部屋が一つも残っていなかった」という意味です。 "left" はここでは「左」という意味ではなく、自分の予算内に収まる部屋が残っていなかったことを表します。 また、"There are no rooms remaining"(部屋がもう残っていません)と言うこともできます。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • All the hotels were full.

  • None of the hotels had any rooms left.

All the hotels were full. - this explains that there are no openings at the hotels. None of the hotels had any rooms left. - this shows that all the hotels didn't have any rooms, or opening available.
All the hotels were full.(どこのホテルも予約でいっぱいだった) - ホテルに空室がなかったことを伝えています。 None of the hotels had any rooms left.(空室のあるホテルがなかった) - これは、空室のあるホテルがなかったことを表します。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Only the pricey hotels are left.

  • I left it too long, and now there are barely any hotels left.

  • There aren't many hotels left to choose from.

"Pricey" is a common term for any item that costs a lot of money or is more money than you might be willing to pay. For example, "I really want those shoes, but they are a bit too pricey for me right now." "To leave something too long" is an appropriate way to explain that you waited to book/do/see something and now it is not possible or almost not possible. Also, "barely any" has the same meaning as "almost none".
"pricey" は、物の値段が高いことを表す一般的な言葉です。 例えば: "I really want those shoes, but they are a bit too pricey for me right now."(その靴はすごく欲しいけど、今の私には少し高すぎる) 何かをする/予約する/見るのが遅すぎて、それが(ほぼ)不可能になってしまったことは、"to leave something too long" で表せます。 また、"barely any" は "almost none"(ほとんどない)と同じ意味です。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • All the cheap hotels are sold out because I waited too long.

  • I waited too long and only expensive hotels are available now.

  • I procrastinated too long and not all the inexpensive hotels are sold out.

To procrastinate is to put something off to a later time. If you procrastinated to long, it is the same as waiting to long. However, procrastination has a negative overtone to it.
"procrastinate" は「先延ばしにする」という意味です。 "procrastinated too long"(先延ばしにし過ぎた)と "waited too long" は同じ意味ですが、"procrastinate" にはネガティブなニュアンスがあります。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • There weren't any affordable hotel available because i looked for one last minute.

  • All the affordable hotels were fully booked by the time i searched for one.

If you are trying to tell someone that you took too long to look for a hotel and now they are all fully booked except the expensive ones, you can say something like "There weren't any affordable hotel available because i looked for one last minute." or "All the affordable hotels were fully booked by the time i searched for one.".
「ホテルを探すのが遅すぎて、高いホテル以外みんな予約で埋まっていた」、これは次のように言えます。 "There weren't any affordable hotel available because I looked for one last minute." (探すのが遅かったから、手頃なホテルはもうどこも残っていなかった) "All the affordable hotels were fully booked by the time I searched for one." (探し出したときにはもう手頃なホテルはどこも予約で埋まっていた)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • All cheap/cheaper rooms are already booked. (Only pricy ones are available.)

  • All rooms are fully booked (but the expensive ones).

"Reasonable price" と言いたくなりますが、「妥当な値段」という意味になります。「安い」と言いたい時は、"Cheap"を使いましょう。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • There weren't any hotels left.

To explain that there weren't any hotels left, you simply can say "There weren't any hotels left."
「ホテルが残っていなかった」はシンプルに、"There weren't any hotels left." と言えます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I think I left it too late - there's very little available

  • There are hardly any vacancies left!

You started searching for accommodation at the last minute, and there were almost no hotels left (only expensive ones left). You would like to know how to explain this. Any of the above example sentences would be adequuate for situation like this. By the way, 'accommodation' is always singular!
宿泊施設を探すのが遅すぎて、ほとんどホテルが残っていない(値段の高い所しか残っていない)。この状況について説明したいということですね。上に例をお示ししました。 ところで、'accommodation' は複数形になることはありません!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This means that you don't have enough to buy things that you need. You might ask a family member or friend if you can borrow some money from them.

  • A lot of people get paid at the end of the month and then spend all their money in the first two weeks of the month. So they might be outof money in the middle of the month or towards the end of the month.

This means that you don't have enough to buy things that you need. You might ask a family member or friend if you can borrow some money from them. A lot of people get paid at the end of the month and then spend all their money in the first two weeks of the month. So they might be out of money in the middle of the month or towards the end of the month. This usually happens to people that do not stick to their monthly budget, and sometimes spend money on things they do not really need.
これはつまり「お金が足りない」ということですね。家族や友達に「お金を貸してほしい」とお願いできます。 月末に給料をもらっても2週目くらいにはもう使い切ってしまうという人が結構います。そうすると月の真ん中や終わり頃にはお金がなくなってしまいます。 これは、月々の予算を守れず、無駄遣いをしてしまう人によく起こります。
Ziegler DMM英会話講師
  • There weren't any cheap hotels left to book.

  • There are not any cheap hotels left, only the expensive ones still available.

When you are searching for a hotel to book but are unable to find a hotel that is cheap or in your price range,you can say "There weren't any cheap hotels left to book."
「ホテルを探したが、安いところ[手頃な値段のところ]が見つからなかった」というときは、 "There weren't any cheap hotels left to book."(安いホテルはもう残ってなかった) と言えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • There were only expensive hotel rooms left.

  • By the time I started looking for hotel accommodation, there were only expensive hotels left.

When you want to explain that you started quite late in looking for hotel accommodation and only expensive ones left; then you may explain this in the following ways: -There were only expensive hotel rooms left. -By the time I started looking for hotel accommodation, there were only expensive hotels left.
ホテルを探し始めるのが遅くて、高い宿しか残っていなかったことを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -There were only expensive hotel rooms left. (高いホテルの部屋しか残っていなかった。) -By the time I started looking for hotel accommodation, there were only expensive hotels left. (ホテルを探し始めたときには、もう高いホテルしか残っていなかった。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • All the afforidable hotels are already booked up, only the expensive ones are left.

  • I couldn't find any hotels with available accommodation.

If you want to express that you have been searching for hotels but only the expensive ones are left, you cna express this in the following ways:- 1. All the affordable hotels are already booked up, only the expensive ones are left. Example:- John, have you booked the hotel for our vacation in Paris? No Wendy, all the affordable hotels are already booked up, only the experience ones are left. 2. I could'nt find any hotels with available accomodation. Example:- Patty what hotels are we staying in next week? I couldn't find any hotels with available accomodation.
「ホテルを探したけどもう値段の高いところしか残っていない」は、次のように言えます。 1. All the affordable hotels are already booked up, only the expensive ones are left.(手頃な値段のホテルはもう予約でいっぱいで、もう高いところしか残っていない) 例: John, have you booked the hotel for our vacation in Paris?(ジョン、パリ旅行で泊まるホテルはもう予約した?) No Wendy, all the affordable hotels are already booked up, only the experience ones are left.(いや、まだだよ、ウェンディ。手頃な値段のホテルはもう予約でいっぱいで、高いところしか残っていない) 2. I could'nt find any hotels with available accomodation.(空きのあるホテルが見つからなかった) 例: Patty what hotels are we staying in next week?(パティ、来週はどこのホテルに泊まるの?) I couldn't find any hotels with available accomodation.(空きのあるホテルが見つからなかった)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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