レンズに傷がつくから、 レンズを下にして置いちゃだめだよ と言いました。
・Make sure you don't put the glasses facing down because it could create scratches
on the lens and make the glasses harder to see.
超実践英語道場 Spark Dojo
前置詞”On”には何かを支えるイメージがあります。この場合は、レンズ側が机などと接してメガネの重さを支えているイメージです。同じ用例で、警官が容疑者を確保する際に”Get on your knees!” と言うことがありますが、この場合も両膝が地面に接して体重を支えるイメージから”On"が使われます。
Brighture English Academy
Don't put the glasses down on the lenses because they will get scratched up.
Set your glasses down on the frames so the lenses don't get scratched up.
Please set your glasses on the frames, not the lenses.
Make sure you set your glasses on the frames instead of the lenses.
Please don't put your glasses down on the lenses. Set them on the frames instead.
That's not good to set your glasses on the lenses. They will get scratches on them. Set them down on their frames.
You might want to set your glasses on their frames instead of the lenses so they don't get scratched up.
Let's put your glasses on their frames instead of the lenses so they stay nice.
Don't put the glasses down on the lenses because they will get scratched up.
Set your glasses down on the frames so the lenses don't get scratched up.
Please set your glasses on the frames, not the lenses.
Make sure you set your glasses on the frames instead of the lenses.
Please don't put your glasses down on the lenses. Set them on the frames instead.
That's not good to set your glasses on the lenses. They will get scratches on them. Set them down on their frames.
You might want to set your glasses on their frames instead of the lenses so they don't get scratched up.
Let's put your glasses on their frames instead of the lenses so they stay nice.
The glass bit in the glasses is called the 'lens' or 'lenses' as there is two in a pair
If glass gets rubbed it 'scratches' and then it is not as clear as it was if something 'faces down' it is against or facing downwards
眼鏡のレンズは 'lens'(単数形)あるいは 'lenses'(複数形)といいます。一つの眼鏡にレンズは二つありますね、両方を指す場合には複数形になります。
何かが下向きであることは 'face down' で表せます。
To your child. He/she put his/her glasses on the table with the lenses facing down. You want to tell him/her not to put his/her glasses with the lenses facing down, because they might get scratches.
The first example is a simple explanation. The second example is a harsh rebuke.
Children always have to be told to do the right things because that's how they learn. They learn through making mistakes. So, normally, a child won't know beforehand that putting his/her glasses down on a particular surface, like on top of a table, with the lenses facing down will damage his/her glasses by getting the lenses scratched. So, you as a parent has to educate him/her to be doing the right thing at all times, that is to put his/her glasses on a particular surface using the frame and not the lenses.
So, you may say to him/her:
If you put your glasses on the table with the lenses facing down, they will get scratched and you won't be able to see through them.
Don't put your glasses on the table with the lenses facing down because they will get scratched and you won't be able to use them.
Always put your glasses on the table or any other surface using the frame, the same way as you wear them on your face.
If you put your glasses on the table with the lenses facing down, they will get scratched and you won't be able to see through them.
Don't put your glasses on the table with the lenses facing down because they will get scratched and you won't be able to use them.
Always put your glasses on the table or any other surface using the frame, the same way as you wear them on your face.
DMM英会話講師 Teddy Zee(テディ・ジー)
"Don't lay your glasses on the table lens down" and "Don't put your glasses on the table face down"
These expressions state that you should not put/lay your glasses onto a surface facing down/lens down.
face up or face down are used to describe a part of something, often the face up is the more important piece of the equipment, in this case the glasses, the face is the lens which is the glass itself.
"Don't lay your glasses on the table lens down"(レンズを下にして眼鏡を置いては駄目)
"Don't put your glasses on the table face down"(眼鏡は下向きにして置いては駄目)
'face up' または 'face down' は物の部分を表します。'face up' はその装置においてより重要な部分であることが多いです。