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sutadhi merodhiさん
2017/11/01 03:17
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  • You can tell she's smart.

こんにちは。 ・You can tell she's smart. 「彼女が頭が良いことは、見ただけでわかる」 上記のような言い方ができます。 You can tell は「見るだけでわかる」ようなニュアンスです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • She looks really smart!

  • You can see that she is a smart girl.

Example sentences: Just one look at her and you can see how smart she is. She looks a very intelligent girl. You just have to look at her and you know how intelligent she is. It is plain-to-see how intelligent she is. It is obvious that she's an intelligent girl.
例文 Just one look at her and you can see how smart she is. 彼女を一目見ればいかに彼女が 賢いか分かるよ。 She looks a very intelligent girl. 彼女はとても知的な女性のようだ。 You just have to look at her and you know how intelligent she is. 彼女を見ればいかに彼女の知性が 高いか分かるよ。 It is plain-to-see how intelligent she is. いかに彼女の知性が高いかは 一目瞭然だ。 It is obvious that she's an intelligent girl. 彼女が知的な女性であることは明らかだ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • You totally look smart/intelligent.

  • Your look/appearance says you are smart.

  • She appears like she is intelligent.

直訳して”Your face...”というよりも、”You look smart” と言ったほうが自然に聞こえます。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • You seem intelligent.

  • You can tell that she is smart.

*You seem intelligent. To seem like means that you appear like. For example: "You never seem to study." *You can tell that she is smart. This means that just by looking at her you can tell that she is intelligent.
*You seem intelligent. To seemは〜のように見えるということを意味します。 例: "You never seem to study." ーあなたは勉強するようには決して見えない。 *You can tell that she is smart. これは彼女の見た目だけで彼は知的だということができるということを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Just by looking at her you can tell that she is very smart.

The phrase "Just by looking at" to talk about something that you can assume or know by looking at something. I hope that this helps :)
"Just by looking at"というフレーズは、見るだけで分かることを表します。 お役に立てれば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Just by looking at her you can tell she's smart.

  • She's giving off a very smart vibe.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that a particular person looks very smart. In the second sentence you will see the term give off a certain vibe. This means to send a particular type of message about oneself, normally because of a certain look or gesture. This term is appropriate for informal settings.
上記二つの例文は、ある人について、とても賢そうに見えると表す素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には"give off a certain vibe"という表現が使われています。これは、普通見た目や身ぶりに、その人の性質がにじみ出ていることを表します。この表現はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • For some reason she just looks like a clever girl

  • Anyone can see immediately that she's brainy

  • She has the appearance of someone with a high IQ

An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. Brainy = having or showing intelligence, clever, intelligent, bright, brilliant, gifted "The professors were having a brainy discussion." For some reason = this means that you are not sure why, or cannot explain the exact reason why something happens, or you think it may happen: "I think it's going to rain for some reason."
An intelligence quotient (IQ) は、人の知性を評価するように出来ているいくつかの標準化されたテストから導かれる合計のスコアのことです。 Brainy =知性があり、知性がにじみ出ている、知的な、賢い、才能がある 例文 "The professors were having a brainy discussion." その教授は、知的な議論をしている。 For some reason =理由は分からない又はなぜそのことが起こるのかはっきりと説明できない又は起こるかもしれないと思っている。 例文 "I think it's going to rain for some reason." 何となく雨が降ると思う。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You can tell by looking at her she's smart/intelligent

  • You can just tell she's smart by looking at her

  • She looks like a very smart/intelligent girl

To say someone is 'smart' means that she is clever meaning the same as 'intelligent' if someone looks smart then you could say 'you can tell by looking at ger she's smart/intelligent/clever you could also say 'You can just tell she's smart/intelligent/clever by looking at her' A simple way of saying this is 'she looks a very smart/intelligent/clever girl'
頭が良い人の事を”Smart"と言いますが、”Clever"または”Intelligent"とも言います。観た感じが賢いと言いたい場合、”You can tell by looking at her she's smart/intelligent/clever"と表現します。 その他、”You can just tell she's smart/intelligent/clever by looking at her”(見ただけで彼女がインテリだということが分かる)と表現します。 シンプルに、”She looks like a very smart/intelligent girl"(彼女は頭が良さそうだね)と表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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