世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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  • I haven't even started it yet

  • I haven't even looked at it yet

  • It's on my 'to do' list

The easiest way to express that you ahven't started a task is to say something like: "I haven't even started it yet," or, "I haven't even looked at it yet" Alternatively, you could refer to your 'to do' list which is a list of things to be done either immediately or in the future, that some people like to make. If you say: It's on my 'to do' list it is really a euphemism for stating that you haven't done anything about it as yet."
仕事に手を付けていないことを 言う一番簡単な方法は、 以下の通りです。 例文 "I haven't even started it yet," それをまだ始めてもいません。 又は "I haven't even looked at it yet" まだそれを見ていません。 又はto do listで表現することも できます。 to do listは、すぐに又は 今後やるべきことを リスト化したもので、 作るのが好きな人も います。 もし 例文 It's on my 'to do' list それは私のto do listに 載っている と言うのであれば、 それについてまだ 何も始めていないという ことを婉曲的に言っています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have not touched my homework yet!

  • I haven't started any work yet

  • My homework for next weeks remains untouched

I have not touched my homework yet! I haven't started any work yet- This could refer to a range of different things. For example, I haven't touched my dinner! I am just not hungry" Another word that is sometimes used when you are purposely avoiding something is procrastinate. This means to put something off or avoid doing something. It is often used when someone should be working or doing homework but instead procrastinate by watching the TV instead !
I have not touched my homework yet! I haven't started any work yet-この表現は様々なことについて言及するのに使う事ができます。 例えば: "I haven't touched my dinner! I am just not hungry" (お腹が空いていないので、夕食はまだ一口も食べていない) 別の言葉でprocrastinate(先延ばしにする)という単語があります。 これは、意図的に何かをすることを避けて後回しにするという意味です。 仕事や宿題をしなくてはいけないのに、ずるずる先延ばしにして、ついテレビを見てしまう...という状況ですね!
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I haven't started doing my homework yet.

  • I haven't started eating my food yet.

  • I haven't started watching the movie yet.

*I haven't started my homework,yet. Yet means something that is expected to happen. For example "Have you finished the report yet?" If you have done doing something you can structure your sentences like the following. You need to choose the correct verb. -I haven't started eating my food yet. (eating is the verb) -I haven't started watching the movie yet.(watching is the verb)
*I haven't started my homework,yet. Yet は、やるべきことや起こるべきことがまだ起こっていない事を表します。 例えば、"Have you finished the report yet?" (まだレポートを完成していないの?) やるべきことをまだ始めていない表現は次のようになります。 その時に適切な動詞を選択する必要があります。 -I haven't started eating my food yet. (eating が動詞) (まだ、食べ始めていません) -I haven't started watching the movie yet.(watching が動詞) (まだ映画を見始めていません)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't touched my homework all weekend.

  • I have not yet begun to do my homework.

"I haven't even touched my homework yet." - In this sentence, the verb 'touch' means more than just handling your homework task. It refers to starting your task and completing it. "I have not yet begun to do my homework" - In this sentence, "have not yet" means that there is an activity or task, which has not started yet. This sentence means the you want to do your homework but have not started doing it yet.
例文 "I haven't even touched my homework yet." まだ宿題に手も付けていない この文章で 'touch' という動詞は、単に宿題をするということ以上のことを意味しています。宿題を始めて、終わらせるということです。 例文 "I have not yet begun to do my homework" まだ宿題を始めていない。 この文章では"have not yet" は活動や仕事があるが、まだ始めていないということです。この文章は、宿題をしたいが、まだやり始めていないということです。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't touched my homework at all.

  • I haven't even looked at my homework today.

  • I haven't even opened my homework book today.

You can say "touched" or "looked at," or "opened" for a book. A. Have you started the essay yet? B. No, I haven't even looked at the assignment yet. A. Me neither, the book we're supposed to read is just sitting on my desk unopened.
"touched" "looked at," 本には "opened" も使えます。 (英文) A. Have you started the essay yet? B. No, I haven't even looked at the assignment yet. A. Me neither, the book we're supposed to read is just sitting on my desk unopened (訳) A. エッセイはじめた? B. いいえ。まだ課題も見ていない。 A. 私も。読まないといけない本が机の上にある。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't even started it yet

  • I haven't even looked at it yet

  • I haven't touched my homework yet

If you want to explain that you havent started your homework yet then you could use the sentences above 'I haven't even started it yet', 'I haven't even looked at it yet' these mean the same thing that you have not done any of it yet you could also use the work 'touched'
宿題をまだ始めていないと言いたいとき、上の文を使うことができます。 I haven't even started it yet. I haven't even looked at it yet. (まだ始めていません。) これらは同じ意味です。どちらも、まだ何もしていないことを表します。また「touched」を使うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have not touched

  • I have not started it

  • I have not began

You can use several ways to mean I have not touched it. Such as, No Mr Manager I have not touched the reports. No Mr Manager, I haven't begun the reports. No Mr Manger I have not started the reports/started it. Or No Mom I haven't touched my homework No Mom I haven't started my homework/started it.
まだ手を付けていないことを表す言い方はいくつかあります。 例えば: No Mr Manager I have not touched the reports. No Mr Manager, I haven't begun the reports. No Mr Manger I have not started the reports/started it. (いいえ、マネージャー、リポートにまだ手をつけていません。) または No Mom I haven't touched my homework. No Mom I haven't started my homework/started it. (いいえ、お母さん、宿題にまだ手をつけていません。)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
  • I have not touched my homework at all

  • I have not even looked at (my homework).

  • I have not done any studying today

When you want to explain that you have not "touched"/done something yet; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I have not touched my homework at all -I have not even looked at (my homework). -I have not done any studying today
何かについてまだ手を付けていないと言いたいなら、以下の表現が使えます: I have not touched my homework at all [訳]まだまったく宿題に手をつけていません。 I have not even looked at (my homework). [訳](宿題)を見てもいません。 I have not done any studying today [訳]今日はまだまったく勉強していません。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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