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2017/11/04 14:09
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  • Today was a full day of learning English.

  • Today was a full day of work.

Today was a full day of ---> you did something the whole day. Today was a full day of learning English. Today was a full day of work. Today was a full day of art creation. Today was a full day of teaching English. Today was a full day of shopping.
例文 Today was a full day of 今日は~で一杯だった 一日中そのことばかりを していたということです。 例文 Today was a full day of learning English. 今日は英語ばかり学んでいた。 Today was a full day of work. 今日は仕事三昧だった。 Today was a full day of art creation. 今日は芸術の創作ばかりしていた。 Today was a full day of teaching English. 今日は英語を教えてばかりいた。 Today was a full day of shopping. 今日は買い物三昧だった。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Today was filled with ~

  • Today was a full day of ~

The phrase 'filled with' and 'a full day of' refers to something that you spent most of your day doing. Example: "Today was filled with activity." "Today was a full day of housework."
filled with' と 'a full dayは、一日の大半を することに費やしたことを表しています。 例文 "Today was filled with activity." 今日はアクティビティで一杯だった。 "Today was a full day of housework." 今日は家事ばかりしていた。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • My day has been nonstop English!

  • I've done nothing but study English all day!

You may be doing something you enjoy or something that you hate. If you do a lot of anything and you wish to explain that, you may use the word 'nonstop' or the phrase '..nothing but..' "I've done nothing but wait in the hospital all day." Nonstop as an adjective: "We had two days of almost non-stop rain"' Nonstop as an adverb: ""Stephen had been working non-stop"
楽しいことか、したくないことをしているのかもしれませんね。同じようなことばかりをしていて、そのことを説明したいのであれば、'nonstop'という語か又は '..nothing but..'というフレーズを使うことが出来ます。 例文 "I've done nothing but wait in the hospital all day." 一日中病院でただひたすら待ち続けた。 Nonstopは形容詞です。 例文 "We had two days of almost non-stop rain"' 2日間ほぼひっきりなしに雨が降っていた。 Nonstopは副詞です。 例文 ""Stephen had been working non-stop" ステファンはひっきりなしに働き続けた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today was full on! I spent the whole learning English!

  • Today was art filled

  • I spent all day studying English

There are various ways to describe the day's activities. For example, Today was filled with creativity and expression. Today was very busy! I studied English all day. My day was filled with lots of study. I had a cram-packed (Very full!) day, I spent 6 hours learning English. I have been on the go all day (doing things without stopping for a rest) Today was manic (very busy) I was studying all day.
その日にあったことを説明する方法がいくつかあります。 例文 Today was filled with creativity and expression. 今日は創造力と表現で一杯だった。 Today was very busy! I studied English all day. 今日はとても忙しかった。一日中英語を勉強した。 My day was filled with lots of study. 今日は勉強をたくさんした。 I had a cram-packed (Very full!) day, I spent 6 hours learning English. 今日はとても忙しかった。6時間英語を勉強したよ。 I have been on the go all day (doing things without stopping for a rest) 一日中動き回っていたよ。(休むことなく何かをする) Today was manic (very busy) I was studying all day. 今日は大忙しだった。一日中勉強していた。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I had a pretty full day today. I went to many art museums.

  • Today was a day full of English learning

  • I spent the day going to different art museums.

When you want to explain that you spent your day going to museums or learning English, then you can use the following phrases: -I had a pretty full day today. I went to many art museums. -Today was a day full of English learning -I spent the day going to different art museums.
例えば、美術館巡りや英語の勉強など、一つのことをして一日を過ごしたことを表す言い方です。 例文 -I had a pretty full day today. I went to many art museums. (今日は忙しかったです。美術館にたくさん行きました) -Today was a day full of English learning (今日は一日中英語の勉強をしていました) -I spent the day going to different art museums. (色々な美術館に行って一日を過ごしました)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Today was a full day of_______

  • Today was a day of non-stop __________

If you want to say that you done something all day then you could say 'Today was a full day of English'; meaning all you did was learn English all day. Non-stop means you did something so much you didn't have time to stop ( you did it all day)
何かを一日中したと言いたいなら、以下のように表せます。 'Today was a full day of English' (一日中英語を勉強しました。) 「non-stop」は、休むことなく何かをした(一日中した)ことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I visited so many museums toady, it was a day packed with masterpieces

  • I binge watched the Walking Dead today

  • It was full on sport today

If you wish to explain that you have made the most of something, it is appropriate to use “packed full of”, “full on” or “filled with”, such as “I went to the gym and my day was packed full of exercise/ full on exercise/ filled with exercise”. However, if you wish to express that you have done a lot of something but perhaps to excess, you may want to use the word “binge” for example, I binged on watching back to back episodes of my favourite TV show.
何かをたくさんしたことを表したいなら、“packed full of”や“full on”、“filled with”が使えます。例えば: “I went to the gym and my day was packed full of exercise/ full on exercise/ filled with exercise”. (ジムに行って、エクササイズ一色の日でした) また、何かをやり過ぎた場合には、“binge”が使えます。例えば: I binged on watching back to back episodes of my favourite TV show. (好きな番組のエピソードを連続して何話も見ました)
Suzi DMM英語講師
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