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2017/11/05 00:38
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  • political marriage

  • sham marriage

  • marriage of convenience

political marriage: marriage to help political prospects

sham marriage: a marriage where one or both people know that the reasons for being married are for false purposes

marriage of convenience: a marriage that is arranged for practical, political or financial reasons

political marriage:

sham marriage:

marriage of convenience:

Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • sham marriage

  • fake marriage

A sham marriage or fake marriage is a marriage of convenience entered into with the intent of deceiving public officials or society about its purpose. The word sham means The definition of a sham is something or someone that is false or has a disguise.
An example of a sham is a fake diamond being advertised as a real one.

A sham marriageまたはfake marriageは公的機関や社会を目的のために欺く意図で行われる結婚のことです。


Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Marriage of Convenience

  • Marriage of state

  • Political Marriage

"Marriage of Convenience"

This expression encompasses many types of marriages. For example, any marriage that is conceived with the ultimate goal of gaining something out of the normal such as citizenship, political power, wealth and many others. So when you use this expression it can be a bit vague and people may not know exactly which you are referring to.

A marriage of State/Political Marriage

Is a more direct expression if you really want to the person you are talking to know with precise detail. The expression of political marriage is more common nowadays than a marriage of state. The marriage of State was used mostly in the medieval times when prince and princess or kings and queens would wed in order to keep power and wealth within the family which is what in today's world is a political marriage.

"Marriage of Convenience"(政略結婚)


A marriage of State/Political Marriage(政略結婚)

これはより直接的な言い方です。正確に詳細を伝えたいときに使えます。今日では "political marriage" の方が "marriage of state" という表現よりも一般的です。"marriage of state" は主に中世の時代に、王子と王女が権力や富を維持する目的で結婚することについて使われました。これは今日の "political marriage" です。

Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • A marriage of convenience

  • A contrived marriage

  • An orchestrated marriage

A marriage of convenience is a marriage which takes place for reasons other than that of relationship, family, or love. Instead, such a marriage is for personal gain or some other sort of strategic purpose, such as political marriage. An orcestrated marriage is similar - for political reasons, or, it is quite common in some cultures for the families to orchestrate a marriage between their offspring for reasons of status or financial incentive.
"I really do not want to marry that horrible man, but my family have contrived the marriage between us and I must do what they say!"
To contrive = create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice, bring about, engineer, cause to happen, manufacture, orchestrate, stage-manage.
"His political opponents contrived a parliamentary crisis."

A marriage of convenience は、お付き合い、家族、または愛以外の理由で行われる結婚を指します。

An orchestrated marriageは、上記と同様 政治結婚の意味としても使われますが、

例1:"I really do not want to marry that horrible man, but my family have contrived the marriage between us and I must do what they say!"

To contrive = スキルや策略を使い意図的に物や状況を作り出すこと、企む、引き起こす、生み出す、編み出す、舞台管理。

例2:"His political opponents contrived a parliamentary crisis."

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Marriage of convenience

  • Sham marriage

  • Fake marriage

A marriage of convenience is when two people get married for other reasons and not because they love or have feelings for each other this can be for political reasons or needing to get a passport/citizenship of a country this is also called a 'sham or fake marriage' meaning that it is not true or for true reasons like love

marriage of convenience' は、二人の人が愛しているという以外の理由で結婚することをいいます。これは政治的な理由のこともあればパスポートや市民権を得るのが目的ということもあります。

また、これは 'sham/fake marriage' とも呼ばれます。愛などが理由でない偽装の結婚という意味です。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • A marriage of convenience.

  • A political marriage.

  • Sham marriage

If you get married for political reasons it is usually called a Marriage of convenience.

This means that the marriage is for reasons such as politics, money, visa/citizenship instead of love.

A sham is something that is fake/ not real.

政治的な理由で結婚するなら、それは普通 "Marriage of convenience" と呼ばれます。


"Sham" は「偽りの」「本物でない」の意味です。

Niabh DMM英語講師
  • The princess wed the foreign prince in a marriage of state.

  • He knew she could help him to gain influence, so theirs was a marriage of convenience.

  • The ceremony could best be described as a political marriage.

When a politically powerful or royal person from one country marries someone from another country with the same power and influence (or royalty), it is called a marriage of state because it unites two power blocs into one. However, a marriage of convenience may not always be political in nature. Political marriage is simply another way to say, "marriage of state." Both of these fit under the category of a marriage of convenience, which is a marriage for mutual benefit rather than for love.

ある国の王家の人や政治的有力者が別の国のどうようの権力や影響力(あるいは地位)を持つ人と結婚することは "marriage of state" と呼ばれます。二つの勢力圏を統合するものだからです。

一方、"marriage of convenience" は必ずしも政治的なものとは限りません。

"political marriage" はシンプルに "marriage of state" の別の言い方です。これらはどちらも "marriage of convenience" のカテゴリーに入ります。

"marriage of convenience" は愛でなくお互いの利益のために結婚することをいいます。

Amy H English teacher
  • Political marriage

  • Orchestrated marriage

"Political marriage" "Orchestrated marriage"
'political marriage' and 'Orchestrated marriage' are marriages out of convenience or personal gain.

"Political marriage"(政略結婚)と "Orchestrated marriage"(政略結婚)

'Political marriage' と 'Orchestrated marriage' は、便宜上の結婚や、自己の利益のために、当人たちの意向を無視してさせる結婚をいいます。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
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