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「本名の〇〇は英語圏の方には発音しにくいと聞きました。 あだ名がないので、本名にちなんだ呼びやすいあだ名をつけてください。」 と言いたいです。 新しいクラスで自己紹介する感じのシチュエーションでお願いします!
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2017/11/06 12:47
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  • My real name is difficult to pronounce for people who speak English. I don't have any nickname. Please give me a nickname.

My real name is difficult to pronounce for people who speak English. real name : 本名 pronounce : 発音する people who speak English : 英語を話す人たち I don't have any nickname. Please give me a nickname. nickname : ニックネーム I don't have any nickname. : ニックネームを持っていない Please give me a nickname. : ニックネームをつけて もし、本名を上記に加えたいときは My real name, 〇〇〇, is difficult to pronounce for people who speak English. 〇〇〇のところに加えるといいでしょう。
Tomomi T 英語講師
  • My name is difficult to pronounce, you could give me a nickname.

  • Can you please think of a nickname for me, my name is hard to pronounce in English

"My name is difficult to pronounce, you could give me a nickname." This is stating to the person that you are talking to that they might find it hard to say. You are then suggesting to the person that they could give you a name that is easier for them to say and remember. "Can you please think of a nickname for me, my name is hard to pronounce in English." This is asking the person that you are talking to to give you a name that they can easily say. It also provides then with a reason as to why you are asking for a nickname.
"My name is difficult to pronounce, you could give me a nickname." (私の名前は発音しにくいんです。ニックネームを付けてくれてもいいですよ) - ここでは、まず相手に自分の名前が発音しにくいかもしれないと伝えています。それから、言いやすくて覚えやすい名前を付けてくれてもいいと提案しています。 "Can you please think of a nickname for me, my name is hard to pronounce in English." (私にニックネームを付けてもらえますか。私の名前は英語では発音しにくいんです) - ここでは、言いやすい名前を付けて欲しいとお願いしています。また、ニックネームを付けて欲しい理由も伝えています。
Sophiee DMM英会話講師
  • If my name is too tricky to pronounce maybe you could think of something similar that is easier to pronounce?

  • You can call me something else as I know my name is hard to pronounce for English speakers.

When something is 'tricky' it means that it may be slightly difficult. In the context of a name, something 'similar' might begin with the same letter or syllable. The word 'tricky' can be used in many contexts, not only pronunciations. For example - "The lid of this jar is tricky to get off."
「tricky」は「やりにくい、扱いにくい」という意味です。 「similar」は「似ている」という意味です。名前についてだと、例えば同じ文字や音節で始まるものになるかもしれません。 「tricky」は発音に限らずさまざまな文脈で使えます。 例えば: "The lid of this jar is tricky to get off." (この瓶のふた開けにくい)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please give me a nickname because I heard that it's hard for native English speakers to pronounce my name

  • I'd like you to give me a nickname because a lot of native English speakers find it hard to say my name

When you want to ask someone to give you a nickname because native English speakers usually find yours difficult to say, then you can say it in the following ways: -Could you please give me a nickname because I heard that it's hard for native English speakers to pronounce my name? -I'd like you to give me a nickname because a lot of native English speakers find it hard to say my name?
英語のネイティブにとって発音しにくい名前なので、あだ名を付けて欲しいとお願いしたいなら、以下のように言えるでしょう: -Could you please give me a nickname because I heard that it's hard for native English speakers to pronounce my name? (英語のネイティヴスピーカーには私の名前は発音しにくいみたいなので、あだ名をくれますか?) -I'd like you to give me a nickname because a lot of native English speakers find it hard to say my name? (英語のネイティヴスピーカーには私の名前は発音しにくいみたいなので、あだ名をくれますか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My name is hard to pronounce, please give me a nickname instead

  • Could you please give me a nickname as my name is difficult to pronounce

To 'pronounce' something is to say it out loud or spoken. A nickname is a name we given someone that can be shorter or easier for people to say So you could say 'My name is hard to pronounce, please give me a nickname instead!'
pronounce' は「声に出して言う」という意味です。'nickname'は、人が言いやすいように短くしたり、簡単にした名前のことです。 ですから、以下のように言えます。 'My name is hard to pronounce, please give me a nickname instead!'(私の名前は言いにくいので、代わりにあだ名をつけて下さい)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could you suggest a nickname for me please as my real name is difficult to pronounce?

Well, you can just ask a friend or native ENglish speaker. As a tip, iof you just take the first syllable of your first name, you will be duplicating what is often done in the UK. Eg. Toshiko would become 'Tosh'.
これは、友人かネイティブスピーカーに尋ねるといいでしょう。アドバイスとしては、名前の最初の1音節を取るといいでしょう。英国ではしばしば行われています。 例えば、「Toshiko」は「Tosh」になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you provide a sur name

  • What is a good nick name

What would be a good nickname? How can I simplify my name?
What would be a good nickname? How can I simplify my name? (あだ名をつけてくれますか?)
Joe Joe DMM英会話講師
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