世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/06 17:32
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  • Would you mind doing that as soon as possible please?

  • Probably best to do that sooner rather than later!

  • Make sure you do it quickly please, buddy!

It may be a task that needs to be done quickly, immediately or maybe the next day. You need to impress that idea on your friend! Well, if you know this person well, you may judge how firm a message is required! You can say it very clearly: "Would you mind doing that as soon as possible please?" but probably, more casually you may say: "Probably best to do that sooner rather than later!" or, more firmly: "Make sure you do it quickly please, buddy!"
その仕事は、早く、即座に 又は翌日にする必要がある のでしょう。 友人にこのことをきちんと 分かってもらう必要があります。 もしその人をよく知って いるのであれば、 どのくらいメッセージを 強く言えば良いか分かるでしょう。 以下のようにはっきりと 言うことができます。 例文 "Would you mind doing that as soon as possible please?" できるだけそれを早くやって 頂けますか? でももっとカジュアルに言うなら、 "Probably best to do that sooner rather than later!" それをするのが遅くなるよりは 早い方が一番良いんだけど。 又はもっとはっきりと言うので あれば "Make sure you do it quickly please, buddy!" それを確実に早くやってよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you do this for me as soon as you can, please?

  • Would you mind doing this for me as soon as you can get around it, please?

  • Hey friend, I'll appreciate it if you did this for me as soon as you can.

"Could you do this for me as soon as you can, please?" - using the word "please" adds a gentle and friendly touch when asking for a favor. It makes asking for a favor feel like less of a command or a demand. Using "as soon as you can", lets someone know that you acknowledge that they might be busy as well but also that there is urgency to the matter you have requested. "Would you mind doing this for me as soon as you can get around it, please?" - To "get around" to doing something means to find the time to do something. In this sentence you are asking your friend that if they don't mind, that as soon as they find the time to complete the task, they'll do it for you. "Hey friend, I'll appreciate it if you did this for me as soon as you can. " - You are telling your friend that you'll be thankful if he/she did what you asked as soon as he/she is able to do so.
例文 "Could you do this for me as soon as you can, please?" 出来るだけ早くこれをやって頂けますか? "please" という語を使うことで お願いする時柔らかく親しみやすい 雰囲気を出すことができます。 そうすることで、お願いをすることを 命令や要求のように感じさせなくなります。 "as soon as you can"を使うことで、 忙しいかもしれないが、頼んだ件が 緊急を要するということを相手に 伝えます。 例文 "Would you mind doing this for me as soon as you can get around it, please?" - 時間が出来次第なるべく早く この件を処理して頂けませんか? To "get around" to doing something は物事をする 時間を見つけるということです。 この文では、もし良ければ、その件にとりかかる 時間が見つかり次第この件をして欲しいと 友人に頼んでいます。 例文 "Hey friend, I'll appreciate it if you did this for me as soon as you can. " - やあ、出来るだけ早くこの件を処理して もらいたいんだけど。 できるかぎり早く頼んだことをしてもらえれば ありがたいということを友人に伝えています。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please do this for me as soon as possible?

  • Can you do this for me asap?

  • Would you be able to do this for me at the earliest possible?

Example sentence: I have to meet my Mum for lunch today but I promise to see you in the hospital as soon as I possibly can. or I am running a bit late and I missed my train. I'll be there asap. I hope you are not annoyed with me. or I have a guest at home right now. I will meet you at the earliest possible. I will text you before leaving. As soon as possible (asap) = as quickly as I possibly can
例文 I have to meet my Mum for lunch today but I promise to see you in the hospital as soon as I possibly can. 今日昼食を食べるために母に 会わないといけないのだけど、 出来るだけ早く病院にあなたの 御見舞に行く約束をしている。 I am running a bit late and I missed my train. I'll be there asap. I hope you are not annoyed with me. 少しゆっくり走っていたら 電車を乗り過ごした。 なるべく早くそこに行くよ。 あなたがイライラしなければ 良いのだけど。 I have a guest at home right now. すぐに家で来客がある。 I will meet you at the earliest possible. 出来るだけ早くあなたに会います。 I will text you before leaving. 出る前にメールします。 As soon as possible (asap) = 出来るだけ早く
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • As soon as possible!

  • ASAP!

  • As soon as you can!

「なる早」の砕けた感じをそのまま使いたいなら文章ではなくフレーズでいいと思います。 *As soon as possible!=ASAP=可能な限り早く! *As soon as you can!=出来る限り早く! *ASAPは「A S A P」とアルファベット読みでも「エイサップ」などと言ったりもします。 文章にするなら、"Could you do this as soon as possible?"
  • As soon as possible!

  • Could you do this as soon as you can?

1) As soon as possible. *as soon as possible:出来る限り早くという意味です。許容範囲内で出来る限りにという意味合いもあります。本当に急いでいる時にこれのみで使う事も出来ます。2) Could you do this as soon as you can?「出来るだけ早くお願い」と丁寧にお願いする時に使います。
  • I would appreciate it very much if you could do this for me as soon as possible.

  • Please do this for me as soon as possible.

Since you are asking a friend to do something for you as soon as possible, its always good to ask him/her politely and not in a commanding way. Using the expression 'would appreciate it very much if you could' will always produce positive results. The alternative is just to use the adverb 'please' which expresses extreme politeness. So, you may say: I would appreciate it very much if you could do this for me as soon as possible. or Please do this for me as soon as possible.
あなたが友達に、できるだけ早く何かをすることを頼んでいるので、常に、命令口調ではなく、彼/彼女に丁寧に頼んだ方がいいでしょう。 would appreciate it very much if you could という言い方は常に肯定的な結果を生み出します。 別の言い方は、副詞「please」を使うことで、とても丁寧になります。以下のように言えます: I would appreciate it very much if you could do this for me as soon as possible. Please do this for me as soon as possible. (これをできるだけ早くしていただけませんか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I need your help ASAP.

  • Not to rush you, but I need this done as soon as possible.

  • I'm crunched for time. Can you help me out?

"ASAP" is an acronym for as soon as possible. Adding this expression is a casual way of saying something needs to be done quickly. If we add the comment "not to rush you" it makes our request more polite but then you still express that the task needs to be done soon. Saying "I'm crunched for time" tells your friend that your time is running out and that you're somewhat desperate and need assistance to complete your project or task.
"ASAP" はas soon as possibleの頭字語です。この表現を付け加えることで、何かを早くする必要があることを伝えるカジュアルな表現になります。.  "not to rush you"ということで、お願いをより丁寧にしますが、それでもその課題を早く片付けてしまう必要があることを表現します。 "I'm crunched for time"とは、時間がなくなってきていて、あなたのプロジェクトや課題を完成させるのに絶望的で助けが必要であることを意味します。
Monicah DMM英会話講師
  • As soon as possible

  • As soon as you can

Using these phrases can convey to the person you're speaking to that it needs to be done quickly, whatever it may be. It also implies that you're not taking their time for granted. Respect is shown in a casual way.
これらのフレーズを使うことによって、話している相手に、それがどんなことであっても急速に行われなければならないことを伝えることが出来ます。 また、それに費やされる時間を当然のものと見なさず、相手に対する敬意もさりげなく払うことが出来ます。
Yash DMM英会話講師
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