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2017/11/10 20:28
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  • distracted driving

「脇見運転」とは運転中の携帯・飲食・化粧(身だしなみを整える)など運転に注意を払っていないで運転する全般のことを指し、英訳例の distracted driving が運転中の不注意な行動=脇見運転を意味します。 脇見運転をしているドライバーは distracted driver(s) と呼ばれています。 お役にたてば幸いです☆
  • distracted driving

distracted driving →ながら運転、脇見運転 "distracted driving" は別のこと(電話をする、食べるなど)をしながら運転することを言います。 日本語の「ながら運転」に近いと思います。 例) Distracted driving is as dangerous as drunk driving. 〔Huffington Post-Jan 6, 2015〕 →脇見運転は飲酒運転と同じくらい危険です。 Don't drive distracted 〔Bucks County Courier Times-Apr 24, 2017〕 →脇見運転しない ☆drive distracted=脇見運転する、ながら運転する Don't drink and drive. 〔Bucks County Courier Times-Apr 24, 2017〕 →飲んだら乗るな 参考になるといいです ありがとうございました。
  • The driver isn't paying attention to the road.

  • The driver doesn't have his eyes on the road.

Instead of saying looking straight, you can say: "pay attention to the road" - this means put all of your focus into driving and looking out for signs and warnings on the road "keep your eyes on the road" - this means look only at the road, not your phone, not looking down, not looking at the passenger seat... only in front of you and through the car mirrors
"looking straight"と言う代わりに、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 "pay attention to the road" (道にちゃんと注意を払う) -これは道にある交通標識などをきちんと見て運転に全ての集中力を注ぐ、というような意味になります。 "keep your eyes on the road" (きちんと道路を見る) - これはスマホや助手席などへわき見をしないで目の前と車のミラーと道路を見る、と言う意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • He was driving dangerously.

  • He should concentrate when he is driving.

*He was driving dangerously. This means that the way he was driving could lead to an accident or endanger other people's lives. This includes drinking and driving, talking on the phone while driving etc. *He should concentrate when he is driving. To concentrate means to focus on something.
*He was driving dangerously.  これは事故につながったり、他人の命にかかわるような運転をしていたという意味です。例えば、飲酒運転や、運転中に電話をしていたということです。 *He should concentrate when he is driving. concentrateは、集中するという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Careless

  • Negligent

▪ Careless not giving sufficient attention ▪ Negligent failing to take proper care over something Example sentences a. My friend is a very careless driver, and that is dangerous. b. My uncle almost caused an accident because of his negligent driving.
▪ Careless 十分に注意していない ▪ Negligent 何かに対して、ちゃんと気を遣っていない 例文 a. My friend is a very careless driver, and that is dangerous. (私の友人は、とても不注意なドライバーで、危険です。) b. My uncle almost caused an accident because of his negligent driving. (わたしの叔父は、不注意な運転のせいで事故を起こしそうだった。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Not paying attention when driving

  • Distracted driving

If you are not paying attention to something you can also say you are 'distracted' so you could simply say the person driving was 'distracted' so you would say 'distracted driving' you can also say 'not paying attention when driving'
not paying attention'(注意を払わないこと)は、'distracted'(気を散らされた)とも言えます。 運転手が 'distracted'(気を散らされている)わけなので、'distracted driving'(ながら運転)と言えます。 また、'not paying attention when driving'(不注意運転)とも言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • distracted driver

  • distracted driving

What you see provided above are words we use to describe someone who is not paying attention when they are driving. Below are a few examples to give you a better idea on how to use these words. Amy- Please be careful! Bernadette-Sorry, I'm a distracted driver. Howard- So, your learning how to drive? What is something you learned? Penny- That distracted driving is dangerous and I need to pay attention.
上記は、運転中に注意を払わない人を表すフレーズです。 以下、これらの使用例です。 Amy- Please be careful! Bernadette- Sorry, I'm a distracted driver. (エイミー:気をつけて!) (バーナデット:すみません、脇見運転していました。) Howard- So, your learning how to drive? What is something you learned? Penny- That distracted driving is dangerous and I need to pay attention. (ハワード:運転を習っているんですか。何を習いましたか。) (ペニー:脇見運転が危険で、注意を払わないといけないということです。)
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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