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2017/11/16 15:34
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  • Hi, the data that was sent to me was incorrect. Can you kindly rectify it and resend it.

▪ Hi, the data that was sent to me was incorrect. Can you kindly rectify it and resend it. sent is passed tense for send. incorrect is wrong. rectify is correct what was incorrect. This sentence is saying that the data was wrong and that they must correct it and send it back.
▪ Hi, the data that was sent to me was incorrect. Can you kindly rectify it and resend it. (送って頂いたデータが間違っていました。修正して再送していただけますか?) sentは、send(送る)の過去形です。 incorrectは、間違っているという意味です。 rectifyは、間違っているものを正すという意味です。 こちらの文は、「そのデータが間違っていて、彼らがそれを修正して、再送しなければならない」ということを言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The data that you sent me in the email was the wrong size, please resend it with the correct size data.

1. The data that you sent me in the email was the wrong size, please resend it with the correct size data. This statement is telling the person that the data sent was incorrect and you would like them to send the correct thing. The word "resend" means to send again.
1. The data that you sent me in the email was the wrong size, please resend it with the correct size data. (送信いただいたデータのサイズが間違っています。正しいサイズで再送してください) この表現はデータのサイズが間違って送られているので、正しいサイズのデータで送りなおしてください、と言う意味になります。 この "resend"とは再送と言う意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Im sorry but the data needs to be sent in (this size) and it was sent (size) could you please resend it in the approriate size? Thanks

This expression is telling the other person that the data size is incorrect. What is important about phrasing it like this is that you are telling them the size they sent the file, and the correct size in which they should send the data. They may not have noticed which size they sent the original file.
これはデータのサイズが間違っていると伝える表現です。 この表現を言い表すのに大事な事は送られてきたデータのサイズと送られるべき正しいデータのサイズをきちんと伝える事です。 もしかしたらどのサイズのファイルでデータを送ったか気が付いていないかもしれません。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Would you please resend the information bearing in mind the size constraints?

Constraint - a limitation or restriction, restriction, limitation, curb, check, restraint, control, curtailment, damper, rein; hindrance, impediment, hampering, obstruction, handicap "Time constraints make it impossible to do everything." "The availability of water is the main constraint on food production." To bear in mind - to bear in mind. or to keep something in mind. If you tell someone to bear something in mind or to keep something in mind, you are reminding or warning them about something important which they should remember.
Constraint - 制御、制限など "Time constraints make it impossible to do everything." (時間制限があると全てを終わらせる事は不可能です) "The availability of water is the main constraint on food production." (水の利用は食物生産の大き制限です) To bear in mind - 心に留めておく、覚えておく 誰かに"bear something in mind"又は"keep something in mind"と言ったらそれは重要な事なのでそれを覚えておいてください、念頭に置いておいてください、と言う意味になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The file is too small/too large. Can you send it again, this time smaller/larger?

  • Can you shrink it/make it bigger, please? It isn't the right size.

To shrink something- this means to make it smaller by any means To make (something bigger)- this means to grow something by some amount. A. Why is your shirt so small? Did you get the wrong size. B. No man, I accidentally shrunk it in the dryer. A. Too bad! Next time pay attention to your clothes when you're drying them. B. Well, duh. Thanks for the sage advice, but you're too late.
To shrink something -これは何かの大きさを小さくする縮小させるという意味です。 To make something bigger - これは何かの量を増やす、大きくするという言いになります。 A. Why is your shirt so small? Did you get the wrong size. (君のシャツなんでそんなに小さいの?間違ったサイズを買ったの?) B. No man, I accidentally shrunk it in the dryer. (いいや、実は乾燥機で縮んじゃったんだよ) A. Too bad! Next time pay attention to your clothes when you're drying them. (それはお気の毒!次回乾燥機を使う時は気を付けなきゃね) B. Well, duh. Thanks for the sage advice, but you're too late. (まあね。賢明なアドバイスありがとう。でも、ちょっと手遅れかな)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Please resend as originally requested...

  • The data that arrived is not to my specifications....Please resend as originally requested...

"Please resend as originally requested:"...would cover the point to be made here! We sometimes need our specifications to be exact ...and in this case you need to be sure that your "original reques"t is being honored. "The data that arrived is not to my specifications....Please resend as originally requested. "
"Please resend as originally requested:"(最初にお願いしたように再送して下さい)はここで言うべきことをカバーしています。 仕様を正確にする必要がある時もあります。この場合では、最初にお願いしたことをきちんとするように確認する必要があります。 例文 "The data that arrived is not to my specifications....Please resend as originally requested. " 到着したそのデータは私の仕様ではありません。最初にお願いしたように再送して下さい
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The data wasn't in the right format.

  • The data wasn't formatted correctly.

  • The data was incorrectly formatted.

This is a tricky question. Without knowming more about the data, the best way to talk about data is to use the word "format". Format is a bit of a generalized term that can be used to describe the shape, size or orientation of something. In this case, data. All three of these sentences use the word format with a negative tone. They will express to your partner that there was a problem with the data.
これは手ごわい質問ですね。 そのデータについて今分かる限りでは、"format" という言葉を使うのがベストです。 "format" は少し一般化された言葉で、物事(ここでは「データ」)の形やサイズ、適性を表します。 三つの例文はどれも "format" を否定的なトーンで使っています。これらはデータに問題があったことを表します。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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