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2017/11/18 22:19
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  • I want to continue working as much as I can and still making my child 1st priority.

  • Raising my child is 1st priority but I also still want to work as much as possible.

▪ I want to continue working as much as I can and still making my child 1st priority. Priority= more important than anything else This sentence indicates that your child is 1st priority and you also want to work as much as you can. ▪ Raising my child is 1st priority but I also still want to work as much as possible. This is telling the person how important it is for you to raise your child properly but also want to work much as possible.
▪ I want to continue working as much as I can and still making my child 1st priority. (私はできるだけ働きつつ、子供を最優先にし続けたいです。) Priority(優先)= 他のものより大切なこと こちらの文は、あなたの子供が最優先で、できるだけ働きたいということを示しています。 ▪ Raising my child is 1st priority but I also still want to work as much as possible. (子育てが最優先ですが、可能な限り働きたいです。) こちらの文は、ちゃんと子育てすることがどれだけ大切かということと、できるだけ働きたいということを伝えています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Although I am working, my child comes first

  • I am a mother/father first then an employee

  • I do have a job but parenting is my top priority

Although I am working, my child comes first- When we say something comes first it is referring to the order of priority. I am a mother/father first then an employee- This statement means, parenting comes first (top priority) followed by your job. I do have a job but parenting is my top priority
Although I am working, my child comes first (私は仕事をしていますが、私の子供が最優先です。) ~come first(~が優先)というと、優先の順位を意味しています。 I am a mother/father first then an employee (私は第一に母/父で、その次に従業員です。) こちらの文は、育児が優先(最優先)で、次が仕事だという意味です。 I do have a job but parenting is my top priority (私は仕事がありますが、育児が最優先です。)
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I want to combine raising my child with my career

  • I don't believe raising a child and also having a career is incompatible

If you combine two things it means that you mix them or do them together or put some elements of each together. "Henry has combined a successful sports career with his avid interest in journalism." If two things are incompatible it means that they do not coexist well together or may encounter problems if placed together in any situation. The idea that raising children and also working full-time are incompatible activities is not shared by everyone.
combine two thingsというのは、何かを一緒にすること、混ぜることを意味します。 "Henry has combined a successful sports career with his avid interest in journalism." ヘンリーは、素晴らしいスポーツのキャリアとジャーナリズムにも熱烈な興味をもっている。 incompatible とは、何かを両立することができない、難しい状況を言います。子育てとフルタイムで働くという考えは、すべての人がするものではありません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Although I'm a working woman, I am a mother first.

  • Although I'm a working woman, my child is my number one priority.

  • Although I'm a working professional, I take my child rearing duties very seriously.

I am a mother first. - first or "first and foremost", you can use this to emphasize those things that come first a priority- this is something that you put above and beyond all your other responsibilities or duties.
"I am a mother first" (母としてを優先します) - "first"や "first and foremost"を使ってそれを一番に優先する事を強調することが出来ます。 "a priority"(優先) - これは他の物よりも一番に優先する事と言う意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Raising my child is my first priority, but I would like to keep working if I can.

Raising my child' simply means 'bringing up my child' or 'looking after my child'. 'My first priority' means that you care about this more than anything else. 'I would like to keep working if I can' is a nice way of saying that you are going to try and keep working alongside bringing up your child.
Raising my child' は 'Bringing up my child'(子育てをする)あるいは 'Looking after my child'(子どもの面倒を見る)という意味です。 'My first priority' は「最優先の事柄」という意味です。 'I would like to keep working if I can'(できれば仕事を続けたい)は、子育てをしながら仕事を続けるつもりであることを伝える良い言い方です。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Although I work raising my child is my number one priority.

  • Although I work I never put raising my child on the back burner.

The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that although you are working raising your child is your first priority. In the second sentence you will see the term put something on the back burner. This means something is not a priority. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、仕事はしているけど子育てが最優先であると伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には、"put something on the back burner" という表現が使われています。これは「後回しにする」という意味です。この表現は家族や親しい友人と話すときなどインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • "I want to continue working but still make my child my number one priority in life"

  • "I want to be able to work, but I will always have raising my child as my first priority in life"

  • "I do want to continue my job but parenting is my top priority"

If you wanted to explain that you have a child and work, but raising your child is your top priority in life, you could say any of the following: "I want to continue working but still make my child my number one priority in life", "I want to be able to work, but I will always have raising my child as my first priority in life" or "I do want to continue my job but parenting is my top priority".
仕事はしているけど子育てが最優先であると説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "I want to continue working but still make my child my number one priority in life"(仕事を続けながら、子育てを最優先したいです) "I want to be able to work, but I will always have raising my child as my first priority in life" (仕事はしたいですが、子育てを最優先します) "I do want to continue my job but parenting is my top priority" (仕事は続けたいですが、子育てが最優先です)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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