世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/18 23:29
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  • My nephew is getting taller and taller every time I see him!

  • My nephew is growing like a weed!

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that your nephew is growing very quickly. In the second sentence you will see the term grow like a weed. That means something is growing very fast. This term is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、姪がぐんぐん成長していると伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の文では「grow like a weed」というフレーズに気づくでしょう。これは「非常に早く成長している」という意味です。この表現は、親しい友人や家族と話す時など、インフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • You grow more and more every time I see you!

  • You are growing like a weed!

  • Sooner or later, you will outgrow me!!

These are all ways to express your shock at the growth of someone! You can use all of them for any person (male or female) of any age!
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • My nephew has been shooting up this past year!

  • My nephew had a growing spurt these last 12 months

To shoot up = to grow rapidly, to sprout from a seed into a plant very quickly, a growing spurt. How are your two sons, Annabelle?" "Very well, thanks. John has just started university in Wales and Henry has really shot up recently!" Growing spurt - a period of time during which an animal or person grows (especially in terms of height) very quickly. "Everyone in the class had a growing spurt last term except for Sue who remained the shortest pupil in the school.!
To shoot up =急に成長する、とても短時間で種子から植物になる、成長期 例文 How are your two sons, Annabelle?" アナベラ、2人の息子さんはどうしている? "Very well, thanks. John has just started university in Wales and Henry has really shot up recently!" とても元気よ。ジョンはウェールズで大学に入学したばかりで、ヘンリーは最近本当に背が伸びたのよ。 Growing spurt - 動物や人が(特に身長が)急速に成長すること 例文 "Everyone in the class had a growing spurt last term except for Sue who remained the shortest pupil in the school.! スーを除いて、クラス全員が先学期は皆背がとても伸びた。スーは学校で一番背が低いままだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am surprised by her growth spurt.

  • I'm surprised by how tall she's gotten.

  • Oh my, has she grown!

Usually, young kids and male teenagers have something called a "growth spurt," which means a rapid change in height. You can also use the phrase "Oh my!" to express surprise without saying that you are surprised
普通、小さい子供や、10代の男の子は、身長が急速に変わる"growth spurt"(成長スパート)と呼ばれるものがあるといわれています。 また、"Oh my!"(おや、まぁ!)と言えば、surprised(驚いた)と言わなくても、 驚いていることが表現できます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My nephew is only in 2nd grade now and he is growing tall so fast.

  • My nephew that is in 2nd grade is growing taller by the day.

  • Every time I see my nephew he is much taller than what he was the last time.

▪ My nephew is only in 2nd grade now and he is growing tall so fast. This sentence is indicating that the 2nd grade nephew is growing taller so quick. ▪ My nephew that is in 2nd grade is growing taller by the day. By saying "growing taller by the day" is clearly indicating that he is growing very quick or fast. ▪ Every time I see my nephew he is much taller than what he was the last time. This sentence is saying that he grows so tall so fast that every time you see him he is so much taller than the last time.
▪ My nephew is only in 2nd grade now and he is growing tall so fast. (私の甥はまだ2年生であるにもかかわらずとても速く背が伸びています) この文は2年生の甥がとても速く背が伸びていることを示しています。 ▪ My nephew that is in 2nd grade is growing taller by the day. (私の2年生の甥は日に日に背が伸びています) "Growing taller by the day"と言うことで彼がとても速く成長している明確に示しています。 ▪ Every time I see my nephew he is much taller than what he was the last time. (私の甥は見るたびに前回よりももっと背が高くなっています) この文は彼が会うたびに背が高くなっていると言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! he has grown so tall.

  • He will be taller than me soon!

  • Where is he going with that height?

1. Wow! he has grown so tall. Wow! is an expression of surprise, so this statement expresses surprise at how tall he has grown. 2. He will be taller than me soon! This is an expression to emphasise how fast he is growing. 3. Where is he going with that height? This is a rhetorical question ( a rhetorical question is question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.)
例文 1. Wow! he has grown so tall. わぁ~、彼は本当に背が伸びたね。 Wow! は驚きの表現ですから、この表現は、彼の身長がとても高くなったことへの驚きを表現しています。 例文 2. He will be taller than me soon! 彼はすぐに私より背が高くなるね。 彼の成長がとても早いことを強調する表現です。 例文 3. Where is he going with that height? そんなに背が高くなって彼はどうなるの? これは修辞疑問文です。(修辞疑問文は、答えを得るより、劇的な効果を生み出したり、強調するためにする質問です。)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I am surprised how much he/she has grown since i saw him/her

  • My Nephew has got so tall this past year

  • My nephew grows taller and taller evry time i see him

All of these sentences describe exactly what you want to say, by saying since i last saw him/her you are not giving a time in what they have grown in, 'this past year' describes the amount of time in when When you say every time i see him is more of an informal way of saying this
上記例文は3つとも貴方が伝えたいことを表しています。 ”…since I last saw him"(最後に彼に会ってから)と言えば、具体的な時間に触れずに伝えることが出来ます。 ”…this past year”は「この年、今年」という意味です。 ”…every time I see him"は「彼に会う度に」という意味で、どちらかと言えばカジュアルな表現です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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