世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/19 16:14
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  • No, you are (compliment).

  • No, it's all thanks to you. You're so great!

You can tell them that they deserve the compliment by reversing the compliment. "No, you are (compliment)." A. You are so pretty. B. No, you are so pretty. A. Well, you have a great personality. B. Aww, shucks! No, you do! A. Can you just take my compliment! B. No, it's all thanks to you. You're so great!
逆に褒めることによって相手の方が褒められるに値することを伝えることが出来ます。 "No, you are (褒め言葉)." (いいえ、あなたの方こそ(褒め言葉)です) A. You are so pretty.  (あなたはとっても可愛わ) B. No, you are so pretty.  (いいえ、あなたの方こそ可愛わよ) A. Well, you have a great personality.  (ええ、あなたは素晴らしい性格の持ち主よ) B. Aww, shucks! No, you do!  (えぇ、あなたがよ!) A. Can you just take my compliment!  (素直に私の褒め言葉う受け取れないの) B. No, it's all thanks to you. You're so great!  (いいえ、全部あなたのおかげ。あなたは素晴らしいわ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • "No, I need to thank you!"

  • Thanks. I really look up to you. That means alot

  • Thank you. That means alot coming from you.

By using this phrasing, you are also complementing the person who complemented you. “No, I need to thank you” Will come after someone has thanked you from helping them. “Thanks. I really look up to you. That means a lot” This is telling the other person that their complement they gave you is special and you look at them as a mentor/role model. “Thank you. This means a lot coming from you” This is acknowledging the complement from the other person and you are letting them know you value their opinion.
このフレーズを使う事によって、あなたを褒めている人をあなたもまた褒めることが出来ます。 “No, I need to thank you” (いいえ、私の方こそありがとうございます) これは誰かがあなたにお礼を言った後に言いうことができます。 “Thanks. I really look up to you. That means a lot” (ありがとう。あなたを尊敬しています。光栄です) これは相手の事をとても尊敬しているので褒めてもらってとてもうれしいという意味になります。 “Thank you. This means a lot coming from you” (ありがとうございます。褒めて頂いて光栄です) これは相手が褒めてくれたことに感謝し、その意見があなたにとってとても意味のあるものです、と言う意味になります。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I have the utmost respect for John

  • I really respect John (for his wonderfully positive personality)

It is very rare in English to say to someone directly that you respect them so, when using the word 'respect' it would usually be when speaking about someone or some people who are not present in the conversation. Of course there may be some tense moments in life when someone is disrespectful to another person and may then find themselves unwillingly having to assert that they do, in fact, respect the offended person! If you do talk about respecting someone then it would seem logical to explain why yopu respect them at the same time.
誰かに直接尊敬していると伝えるのは英語では非常にまれです。respectを使うのはたいていその会話の中に参加していない人のことを話しているときです。 もちろん、誰かが人に対して失礼な行動をとり、気分を害された人にrespectしないと!と言わないといけない場面はあるかもしれません。もし誰かをrespectすることについて話すなら、同時にどうしてrespectするのか説明するのが論理的のように思います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I respect you too.

  • Like wise, I respect you also.

If someone you highly respect has shown great respect for you and has verbally said so, its imperative that you should reciprocate by saying that you respect him/her too. For some people, it may be hard to do so because of thinking that they will be lowering themselves. The thought of lowering themselves arises because of erroneously thinking that respect is given only to those who deserve it. So, if someone you greatly respect says to you that he/she respects you, you may reciprocate and say: I respect you too. or Like wise, I respect you also.
自分がすごく尊敬する人が、自分を尊敬し、言葉でそれを伝えてくれたら、自分も相手を尊敬していることを伝えるべきです。 人によっては、自分を尊敬してくれる人に、自分も相手を尊敬していることを伝えることは、自分の価値を下げることになるので難しいと感じる人もいます。価値がある人だけが尊敬されるという間違った考えによるものです。もし、自分の尊敬する人が、自分のことを尊敬してくれると言ってくれたら、以下のように返事をするといいでしょう。  I respect you too. 私もあなたを尊敬しています。   Like wise, I respect you also. 同じように、私もあなたを尊敬しています。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Thanks, but really its you!

  • Thanks, but really you are more (compliment).

In the case that someone complimented you on your clothing, you could say: Thanks, but I like your outfit more. In the case that someone says they really respect you, you can say: Thank you very much, but I think you are more deserving of respect than I am.
誰かがあなたを衣服のことで褒めてくれたら、以下のように言えるでしょう: Thanks, but I like your outfit more. (ありがとう。だけどあなたの服ももっと好きです。) 誰かがあなたのことを本当に尊敬すると言ったら、あなたは以下のように言えるでしょう: Thank you very much, but I think you are more deserving of respect than I am. (ありがとう。だけどあなたの方がもっと尊敬に値します。) 
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, but I think you are the one that should be complemented.

  • I feel honoured that someone like you would compliment me.

You can simply say "thank you, but I think you are the one that should be complimented". This means that you appreciate the compliment, but you think the person giving it to you deserves it more because of your respect for him or her. Another way to express this is by saying "I feel honoured that someone like you would compliment me." This shows that you have a lot of respect for this person and feel very special to receive such kind words from him or her.
シンプルに: "Thank you, but I think you are the one that should be complimented". と言えます。これは「褒められてうれしいけど、あなたの方が褒められるべきだと思う(それだけ相手を尊敬している)」という意味です。 別の言い方として: "I feel honoured that someone like you would compliment me." (あなたのような方に褒めていただいて光栄です) これは、相手(=you)をすごく尊敬していること、またその人から優しい言葉をかけられて、格別な気分であることを表します。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • I have the utmost respect for you.

  • I respect you a great deal.

  • I greatly respect you.

I have the utmost respect for you/him/them/her. I respect you a great deal. I greatly respect you. I have so much respect for you. I have a great deal of respect for you.
I have the utmost respect for you/him/them/her. (あなた/彼/彼ら/彼女のことを最も尊敬します。) I respect you a great deal. I greatly respect you. I have so much respect for you. I have a great deal of respect for you. (あなたのことを大いに尊敬します。)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I hold you in great esteem.

  • I regard you very highly.

  • I have a great deal of respect for you.

To express that you have a great deal of respect for someone you may say the following; ''I hold you in great esteem.'' A very formal and polite way to express that you have a great deal of respect and admiration for someone. ''I regard you very highly.'' To regard means to think. Saying that you regard someone highly expresses that you think very highly of them. One may also just simply state the following; I have a great deal of respect for you.
あなたが誰かのことを多いに尊敬することを表現するには、以下の表現があります: I hold you in great esteem. あなたが誰かを非常に尊敬していることを表現する極めて公式で丁重な言い方は、以下の表現があります。 I regard you very highly. 「To regard」とは考えることを意味します。誰かを「regard highly」するということは、あなたが彼らをとても高く考えるということを表現します。以下のように単純にいうこともできます: I have a great deal of respect for you.
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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