▪ Can you warm my food in the microwave for about 5 minutes.
This is asking the person to warm up your food and also requesting that it must be warm ed in the microwave for 5 minutes.
▪ Will you be able to warm up my food please?
" to be able" is to have the opportunity to do something.
This is asking the person if he can warm up your food if have the time or "microwave" to warm it up.
▪ Can you warm my food in the microwave for about 5 minutes.
▪ Will you be able to warm up my food please?
( 私の食べ物を温めることはできますか?)
この" to be able"とは何かをすることが可能と言う意味です。
A. I'd like the bagel with cream cheese.
B. Ok, coming right up!
A. Thank you! Also, can you warm it up a bit?
B. Of course, I'll put it in the microwave for you.
A. Thank you very much.
B. You're mighty welcome!
A. I'd like the bagel with cream cheese.
B. Ok, coming right up!
A. Thank you! Also, can you warm it up a bit?
B. Of course, I'll put it in the microwave for you.
A. Thank you very much.
B. You're mighty welcome!
Could you please warm my food up?- A simple way and polite way of asking whether your
food can be warmed through.
Can you warm up my food please?
Please can you warm my food?
Could you please warm my food up?
Can you warm up my food please?
Please can you warm my food?
The usual method of warming something up quickly in a convenience store or anywhere is to put the item to be warmed into a microwave for a brief period of time. You can use the verb: to mic (to microwave
"Please would you mic that plate of spaghetti as it's gone cold.?"
コンビニエンスストアなどで素早く何かを温める通常の方法は、暖めたい物を短時間マイクロ波に通すことです。 to mic (to microwave)という動詞を使うことができます。
"Please would you mic that plate of spaghetti as it's gone cold.?"(冷めてしまったのでスパゲッティのプレートを暖めていただけますか?)
*Can you warm up my burrito please.
You: I would like to order a burrito please.
Waiter: Okay your order will be ready in 5 minutes
You:Can you warm it up please.
Waiter: Yes, sure.
*Can you warm up my burrito please.
You: I would like to order a burrito please.
Waiter: Okay your order will be ready in 5 minutes
You:Can you warm it up please.
Waiter: Yes, sure.
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
All these would be great examples to say that you want your food heated/warmed up
By adding 'please' you are asking in a nice polite way
So 'Could you please warm/heat my food up?'
'Could you please warm/heat my food up?'
Do you have a warmer or a microwave to place my food in please?
By asking if there is an appliance to warm up your food, you are making room for the shop keeper to tell you whether this can be done or not.
Is it possible to have my burrito served warm please?
This is a polite way of asking whether your burrito can be given to you when it has been warmed. It comes across far better than demanding it is warmed up, as not every store has the option of providing warm food.
Is there any chance this can be heated please?
This is an informal yet respectful way of finding out whether your food can be given to you after it has been heated up. Adding please to the end of each request is a well mannered way of asking and is more likely to make the person want to warm the food up for you.
Do you have a warmer or a microwave to place my food in please?
Is it possible to have my burrito served warm please?
Is there any chance this can be heated please?
When you want to ask a convenience store assistant to warm up your food; you may ask in the following ways:
-Can you please warm this up for me?
-Would you mind warming my food up for me?
-Please warm up my food
-Can you please warm this up for me?
-Would you mind warming my food up for me?
-Please warm up my food
・Please warm this up.
・Can you put it in the microwave?
warm up で「温める」という意味の英語表現です。
・「Can you please warm it up?」
<例文>Can you please warm it up? It's a little cold. / Of course.