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2017/12/04 10:40
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  • The stones gradually loosen up with warmth the parts of your body that you can't loosen up by massaging them.

  • The parts of your body that you can't loosen up with your hands can be gradually relaxed by the hot stones.

ほぐす = loosen, relax じんわり = gradually, slowly
Tim Young 主催
  • A hot stone massage/treatment works by warming and loosening the areas I can not do with my hands.

  • When your muscles can not be loosened by hand, a hot stone can be used to relax the muscle.

"A hot stone massage/treatment works by warming and loosening the areas I can not do with my hands. " "Massage" can also be called "treatment" This explains that sometimes you can not loosen the muscles with your hands so you use a hot/warm stone to help loosen the muscle. "When your muscles cannot be loosened by hand, a hot stone can be used to relax the muscle. " This explains to the person that when the muscle cannot be loosened or relaxed by a massage then you can use a hot stone to help achieve this.
"A hot stone massage/treatment works by warming and loosening the areas I can not do with my hands. " (ホットストーンマッサージは自分の手ではできない部分を温めたりほぐしたりします) "Massage"(マッサージ)は"treatment"とも呼ばれます。 これは自分の手ではほぐせない部分の筋肉をを ホットストーンを使う事によってほぐすことを手伝う、と言う説明になります。 "When your muscles cannot be loosened by hand, a hot stone can be used to relax the muscle. " (自分でほぐせない筋肉をホットストーンを使う事によって筋肉をリラックスさせることが出来ます) これはホットストーンを使う事によって自分ではほぐせない筋肉をリラックス、ほぐすことが出来るという事を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The hot stones help loosen tight muscles that the hands are unable to.

  • The hot stones are more effective in loosening tight muscles than hands are.

You can explain to your client that the heat from the stones are what makes the treatment more effective than just using your hands. I hope this helps.
お客様にその石の熱はただ手を使うよりもマッサージの効果があることを説明することが出来ます。 お役に立てれば幸いです
Kirst English teacher
  • Hot stones relax the body in places where hand treatment cannot

  • Hot stones loosen up parts of the body where you can't use hand treatment

You can imagine that in certain places such as armpits and the groin area, it seems virtually impossible to manipulate muscle and sinew and soft tissue of the body by massage or pressure. in such cases the application of hot stones may be a useful therapy.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The heat from the stone penetrates deeply into your body to relax areas that cannot be reached by human touch

  • Heat is quickly transferred through the cells faster and deeper to relax parts massage cannot reach.

The heat from the stone penetrates deeply into your body to relax areas that cannot be reached by human touch. This sentence tells the customers that the stone treatment is more effective than hand massage as the heat travels deeper into your body to loosen tissue/muscle in your body. The key word is 'penetrate' which means to gain access to something that is often difficult to reach. "Heat is quickly transferred through the cells faster and deeper to relax parts massage cannot reach." This sentence tells the client why the hot stones are more effective than human massage. it is because the heat travels faster and further.
"The heat from the stone penetrates deeply into your body to relax areas that cannot be reached by human touch." 「石の熱は体の奥深くまで伝わり、人間の手が届かない所をほぐしてくれる」 ストーントリートメントがハンドマッサージよりも効果的だと伝える文です。 ストーントリートメントは熱が体のより深くまで届き、組織、筋肉をほぐしてくれる、と言っています。 キーワードは "penetrate" です、「(しばしば届きにくい所に)届く」という意味があります。 "Heat is quickly transferred through the cells faster and deeper to relax parts massage cannot reach." 「熱が細胞を通じて早く深く伝わり、マッサージでは届かない所をほぐしてくれる」 ホットストーンがなぜハンドマッサージよりも効果的なのかを説明する文です。 「それは熱がより早く、深く伝わるからだ」と伝えています。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Hot stone treatment helps to loosen up deep muscles.

  • Hot stone massages loosen areas that cannot be massaged by hand.

Hot stone treatment helps to loosen up deep muscles. Hot stone massages loosen areas that cannot be massaged by hand. These phrases explain this situation.
Hot stone treatment helps to loosen up deep muscles.(ホットストーン・トリートメントは、筋肉の深部をほぐします) Hot stone massages loosen areas that cannot be massaged by hand. (ホットストーン・マッサージは手ではマッサージできない所をほぐします) 上記のフレーズでこの状況を説明できます。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • The hot stone treatment helps to loosen muscles that I cannot with my hands.

If you "loosen" something, you make it less tight and we use this to talk about removing tension from muscles. You can use either "cannot" or "can't" since they mean the same thing. I hope that this helps. :)
"loosen" は「緩める」という意味です。「筋肉をほぐす」と言うときにも使われます。 "cannot" と "can't" どちらも使うことができます。これらは同じ意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Hot stone treatments are used to warm up the parts of the body that cannot be loosened by hand

  • Hot stone treatments are ideal to loosen knots on your back where hand massage cannot.

When you want to explain that hot stone treatments are used to warm up parts of the body where you can't loosen by hand; then you may express this in the following ways: -Hot stone treatments are used to warm up the parts of the body that cannot be loosened by hand -Hot stone treatments are ideal to loosen knots on your back where hand massage cannot.
「ホットストーンのトリートメントは、手ではほぐせないところをじんわりと温める」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -Hot stone treatments is used to warm up the parts of the body that cannot be loosened by hand (ホットストーンのトリートメントは、手ではほぐせないところをじんわりと温めます) -Hot stone treatments are ideal to loosen knots on your back where hand massage cannot. (ホットストーンのトリートメントは、手ではほぐせない背中の凝りをほぐすのに理想的です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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