An all time low - An all-time high, low, best, etc. is the highest, lowest, best, etc. level that has ever been:
"After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low."
To loathe - feel intense dislike or disgust for.
"She loathed him on sight"
An all time low (史上最低)- all-time high、 low、 best等は、それぞれ、史上最高、史上最低、史上最高という意味です。
"After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low."
"She loathed him on sight"
A. Do you know that celebrity?
B. Yes, of course, everyone knows her -- she is notorious and known for all the bad reasons.
A. I know, here in Japan, the public despises her.
A. Do you know that celebrity?
B. Yes, of course, everyone knows her -- she is notorious and known for all the bad reasons.
A. I know, here in Japan, the public despises her.
To express very strongly how hated she is, you could say that she is “the most hated”.
If you do not mean it as strongly, you could say that “nobody likes her”.
嫌われていることを強く表すなら、“the most hated”(最も嫌われている)が使えます。
そこまで強く思っていないのなら、“nobody likes her”(彼女を好きな人は誰もいない)と言えます。
Native speakers will say like this: “She is despised by Japanese residents”.
There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used.
Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation:
A: I can't stand the new Japanese politician.
B: Yes, everyone in Japan hates her.
“She is despised by Japanese residents”
A: I can't stand the new Japanese politician.(あの新しい日本の政治家は大嫌いです)
B: Yes, everyone in Japan hates her.(ええ、日本人は皆あの人のことが嫌いです)
The three sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that a particular person is the most hated person in Japan. In the second sentence you will see the word despise and in the third sentence you will see the word loathe. Both of these words mean hate. These words are appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
She is probably the most hated person in the whole country.
"She is probably the most hated person in the whole country." is a way to tell someone that the person you are talking about is very much disliked by almost everyone in Japan at the moment. The word "despise" means hated intensely and used in a very strong way.
"She is probably the most hated person in the whole country."(彼女は多分今日本で一番嫌われている人です)
She's the most hated person in Japan at the moment
She is hated by the Japanese/Japanese people
To say that someone is not very popular or hated by the Japanese then you could simply say 'She is hated by the Japanese/Japanese people'
If you want to explain thats she is hated at this time then you could add 'right now' or 'at the moment' meaning at this present time
日本人に人気がない・嫌われている人というときは、”She is hated by the Japanese"または"She is hated by the Japanese people"(彼女は日本人に嫌われている)と言います。
「今現在」嫌われていることを強調したい際は、”Right now"または”At the moment"など、現時点を示すフレーズを付け加えると良いでしょう。