世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/20 09:30
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  • Are you free to hang out today?

  • Would you like to hang out today?

  • Are you available to hang out today?

Are you free to hangout today? This is asking whether the person is available to hang out. Would you like to hangout today? Asking them more directly whether they would like to hang out. Are you available to hangout today?
Are you free to hangout today? (今日は遊ぶ暇ある?) こちらの文は、相手が遊ぶことができるか尋ねる表現です。 Would you like to hangout today? (今日遊びたい?) こちらの文は、遊びたいかどうか、もっと直接的に尋ねている表現です。 Are you available to hangout today? (今日は遊べる?)
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Hey, you have time to chill with me today?

  • Hey, do you wan't to hang out today?

>▪ Hey, you have time to chill with me today? >"chill" is an informal way of saying hang out and relax. This is asking him/her in an informal way to hang out today. >▪ Hey, do you want to hang out today? >This is asking directly if he/she wants to hang out with you today. .................................... Other sentences: a. You wanna go chill with me at the beach today? ----- informal and casual way. b. Do you have free time to hang out with me later today? ----- formal way.
>▪ Hey, you have time to chill with me today? (やあ、今日私と一緒にゆっくりする時間はある?) >"Chill"は遊んでリラックスするという砕けた方法です。これは彼または彼女に遊ぼうと砕けた方法で誘っています。 >▪ Hey, do you want to hang out today? (やあ、今日一緒に遊ばない?) >これは彼または彼女がその日あなたと遊びたいかどうかを直接訪ねています。 .................................... その他の文: a. You wanna go chill with me at the beach today? (今日私と一緒にビーチでリラックスしに行かない?) ----- 砕けた、カジュアルな方法です。 b. Do you have free time to hang out with me later today? (今日後で私と一緒に遊ぶ時間はある?) ----- 形式的な方法です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Are you available to hang out today?

  • Do you want to get together today?

  • What are you up to today? Do you want to hang out?

1. Are you available to hang out today? あなたは今日遊ぶことができますか? The expression " hang out" means to spend time with someone as a friend. If you want to ask someone to hang out you can ask them this question. What you are asking is if the person wants to spend time with you as a friend. 2. Do you want us to get together today? 今日私たちが一緒になってもらいたいですか? The expression "get together" is another way of saying "hanging out" 3. What are you up to today? Do you want to hang out? 今日は何ですか?出かけませんか? You can also start by asking someone "What are you up to today?" this means "what are your plans for today"
1. Are you available to hang out today? (あなたは今日遊ぶことができますか?) "Hang out"という表現は友人として誰かと時間を過ごすという意味です。誰かを遊びに誘いたい時にはこの質問をすることができます。その人が友人としてあなたと時間を過ごしたいかを尋ねています。 2. Do you want us to get together today? (今日私に会いたいですか?) "Get together"(集まる)という表現は"hanging out"と言うためのもう一つの方法です。 3. What are you up to today? Do you want to hang out? (今日は何をする予定ですか?遊びませんか?) "What are you up to today?"と尋ねることで会話を始めることもできます。これは"what are your plans for today"(あなたの今日の予定は何ですか?)という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Are you free today?

  • Want to hang out today?

  • Want to kick back? / Wanna kick it with me?

Want to kick back? / Wanna kick it with me? - This is like a slang way of saying "Do you want to hang out. The "kick back" parts means to relax, kick your lounger chair back and just relax. i.e. Just kick back and relax. No worries! I'm having a kick back at my house later. Wanna come? She asked me to kick it, so I met up with her later at our favorite jazz joint.
Want to kick back? / Wanna kick it with me? (一緒にリラックスしない?) -これはスラングで "Do you want to hang out?" (一緒にゆっくり過ごさない?) と言う意味です。 この"kick back"とはリラックスするという意味ですが、ラウンジチェアで"kick back"(足を揚げて)ただゆっくりリラックスするという意味もあります。 例文: "Just kick back and relax. No worries!" (ただゆっくりリラックスして。心配ないよ!) "I'm having a kick back at my house later. Wanna come?" (家でゆっくり過ごすんだけど、こない?) "She asked me to kick it, so I met up with her later at our favorite jazz joint." (彼女にゆっくり過ごさないか誘われたから、この後、彼女と待ち合わせをしてお気に入りのジャズジョイントに行くんだ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to hang out today?

  • Are you available to chill today?

*Would you like to hang out today? For example: You: "Would you like to hang out today?" Friend: "Yes sure. What time?" *Are available to chill today? This means you would like to know if they have the time to chill with you.
*Would you like to hang out today? (今日一緒にゆっくりすごさない?) 例: You: "Would you like to hang out today?"  (あなた:今日一緒にゆっくり過ごさない?) Friend: "Yes sure. What time?"  (友達:いいよ、何時?) *Are available to chill today?  (今日一緒にゆっくり過ごす時間ある?) これは、"chill with you"(あなたとゆっくり過ごす)時間があるかどうか尋ねる表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to meet up later?

  • Shall we do something today?

  • Fancy getting together?

It can be boring at home alone, or you may just have a need for some adult conversation or company. Perhaps you would like to go out for a romantic meal or stay at home and watch a film with someone? Friends are there for us when we need them and hopefully one of them will have a free timetable for the day. "Would you like to meet up later?" "Sure! My place or yours?"
家に一人でいるのは退屈だったり、時には誰か大人の人と会話をしたい時もありますよね。 おそらく、あなたは誰かとロマンチックな食事に出かけたり、ただ家で映画を観たいのでは? 必要な時に友達はいますよね、そして、一人くらいは一日のどこかでフリーな時間がありますよね。 【例】 "Would you like to meet up later?" (後で会わない?) "Sure! My place or yours?" (もちろん!私の場所、あなたの場所?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you want to get together today?

  • Would you like to hang out with me today?

  • Would you like to spend some time together today?

These sentences can all be used to ask someone if they would like to see you so that you can spend some quality time together. Hope this helps!
三例とも、一緒に会って遊ばないかと誘うときに使えます。 参考になるといいです!
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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