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"If you finished your work, please make sure your desk is clean and if you moved the desk, please put it back were it was." I want this in more simple words for my poster!
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2017/11/24 21:50
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  • Please leave your desk as you found it.

  • Please leave your desk clean and tidy.

Please leave your desk as you found it. - This is a simple way to say please clean your desk. "As you found it" means in the original condition or just as you got it in the first place. This is my top choice because it also implies that you need to put your desk back to the location it was originally in-- so it encompasses everything you want to say.
"Please leave your desk as you found it." (机を元の通りに戻してください) -これは、机を片付けてください、という簡単な言い方です。 "As you found it" とは元の状態、と言う意味になります。 これは元あった状態に綺麗に戻してくださいという事で、あなたの言いたいことすべて含まれているので、私がおすすめする最良の選択になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Please leave your desk as you found it!

  • You moved the desk - put it back! Your desk is untidy - clear it up!

The easiest way - and a very common way of saying something like this is just to ask people to leave the item in the same condition as it was found. "Please leave your desk as you found it!" A more direct and instructional comments would be: "You moved the desk - put it back! Your desk is untidy - clear it up!"
The easiest way - このようなことを言う最も一般的な言い方で、 人々に物を見つけた時と同じ状態にしておいて欲しいと頼んでいます。 例文 "Please leave your desk as you found it!" 机を最初と同じようにしておいて。 もっと直接的で教育的な言い方は 例文 "You moved the desk - put it back! Your desk is untidy - clear it up!" 机を動かしたでしょう。元に戻して。机が汚いよ。きれいにして。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Always ensure that you keep your desk clean and always return it to its rightful place.

Please ensure that you keep your desk clean and always return the desk where you found it. Ensure means make sure . Therefore you want the people to make sure that they always keep the desk clean. You also want them to return the desk where there found it.
例文 Please ensure that you keep your desk clean and always return the desk where you found it. 机をきれいにしていつも机を元の位置に戻すように して下さい。 Ensureは確実にするということです。ですからいつも机をきれいにして おいて欲しいとうことです。 又机を元の位置に戻しておいて欲しいと思っています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Clean around your desk and put it in the correct place.

  • Make sure to clean up your desk and move it back into place.

When giving a command it must be clear and to the point such as when you want the desk tidied up and moved into its correct location: "Clean around your desk and put it in the correct place."
命令をする場合(例えば、机を片付けて元の場所に戻してほしいときなどは)、はっきりと的確に伝えなければなりません: "Clean around your desk and put it in the correct place." (使い終わったら元に戻して。)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • When you're done using the desk, please leave it clean and where you found it.

  • Please clean your desk after using it and put it back where you found it.

  • Clean your desk and put it back in its spot.

When you want to explain that people should clean the desk once they are done with them, then place them where they found them; you can say it in the following ways: -When you're done using the desk, please leave it clean and where you found it. -Please clean your desk after using it and put it back where you found it. -Clean your desk and put it back in its spot.
使い終わったら机をきれいにして元の場所に戻すように伝えたいなら、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例文】 -When you're done using the desk, please leave it clean and where you found it. [訳]机を使い終わったら、キレイにして元の場所に戻してください -Please clean your desk after using it and put it back where you found it. [訳]使い終わった机はキレイにして、元の場所に戻してください -Clean your desk and put it back in its spot. [訳]机をキレイにして元の場所に戻してください
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Please leave your desk clean & tidy

  • Please leave your desk as you found it!

To leave something is to walk away from it so to say 'please leave your desk clean and tidy' means when you finish work and walk away please make sure your desk is tidy In British there is a saying to 'leave something as you found it' this simply means to make sure it is the same as when you started
「leave(動詞)」は「~を離れる」という意味です。 「Please leave your desk clean and tidy」は「仕事を終えて離れる時は、机が整理整頓されていることを確認してください」という意味です。 イギリス英語には「leave something as you found it」という言い回しがあります。これは「始めたときと同じ状態にしておく」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please leave your desk as you found it.

  • Please don't move your desk

  • Please put your desk back to its previous position

Native speakers will say like this: “Please leave your desk as you found it.”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: If you finished your work, please leave your desk as you found it. B: Okay, no problem.
ネイティブスピーカーは以下のように言うでしょう: “Please leave your desk as you found it.” (机は元の通りに戻してださい) 他にもいろいろな言い方がありますが、これが最も正確で、よく使われます。 会話例です: A: If you finished your work, please leave your desk as you found it. (仕事が終わったら、机は元通りにしてください) B: Okay, no problem. (はい、わかりました)
Ned DMM英会話講師
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